Reflection of the Pertaining to school Management What it is pertaining to school management? It is a dimension, an performance approach, a way and not an end in itself exactly, a time that the final objective of the management is the learning accomplishes and significant. Definition: freedom to learn and to teach, respecting the plurality of models and methods. Interaction: if it does not have interaction, does not have interpersonal relationship. Interaction is the situation where the behavior of a person influences in the behavior of another one. Bilateral and reciprocal. Empatia: it is the capacity of somebody to place themselves in the place of the other, to perceive its problems, difficulties and joys.

It is also a canal opened for the communication. Flexibility: it is the capacity to accept the point of view of the others, to adapt ace changes, to modify or to modify its proper plans of work. It has an objective intention for use of these definitions, that forms the tripod of the basement of the management of people and propitiates solutions of interpersonal conflicts. We know that the function of educational manager is dived in an ocean of burocracias where a well high percentage of managers does not search to develop abilities for practises of management of people. It can if it used arguments of the daily pertaining to school to display the responsibility level that must be assumed by the educational managers. Seeing that the school today to come across itself with a new well different reality of some decades behind. The use of new technologies, intervention politics, the inversion of values, the fall of the pertaining to school autonomy, and the necessity of constant intellectual update of the professionals of the education, is crucial points that the manager must search to develop abilities and abilities to construct strategies to lead in coherent and harmonic way with its team.

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The Managers

Protection: the workstation must contribute for well-being of the employees and provide to protection against possible retaliaes or persecutions. Assistance: the organization must answer to the necessities special of each employee giving to them assistance for in such a way. It disciplines and conflict: the organization must have clear rules to deal with disciplines and the conflict.

2,4 Evaluation of performance As can be folloied the performance of the professionals during its permanence in the team? With that frequency will be evaluated formal? That criteria will be used in the performance evaluation (fulfilment of objectives, satisfaction of beneficiary the using public/, contribution of the professional to the results of the organization in the period)? What instrument will be used in the evaluation of performance of the professionals? To who the responsibility of its application will fit? The evaluation procedures will allow to the evaluation of the controlling for its team and the auto-evaluation? Many companies believe that are enough to fill the evaluation, it tabulate the results and ready: the process of Management for Abilities is implanted, but it is not well thus. The process must be dealt with much attention, since to create expectation in the people and not to show resulted practical later, will only lead to the lack of credibility in the performance evaluation and consequently, a climate of diffidence in the process. When we create expectation in the people they wait that resulted they are presented. That plain of development they are tracings, and more than what this, that feedback on its work is given daily. Connect with other leaders such as Andi Potamkin here. The area of Human resources must take front in this process and prepare workshops to create the internal culture of the performance evaluation. To leave well clearly for the managers who stop evaluating the people, we have before to create this habit.

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The nurse still if occupies in the exercise of the administrative functions, come back toward the tecnoburocracia, making the management of the units of internment with the logic of the scientific management, emphasizing the mechanical control of atividades5. When considering that the care is the mark and the nucleus of the process of work in Nursing, one understands that the managemental activities of the nurse must have as purpose the quality of the care of Enfermagem3. Leaving of this estimated the questioning appeared: How the administration in Nursing is if configuring in the assistencial work and the daily one of the nurse? The team of Nursing inside assumes role of prominence of the hospital institutions, a time that constitutes the percentile greater of the personnel by means of the nurses, technician and assistant. In this way of the professional nurse it is demanded knowledge, abilities and that it has adjusted attitudes to play its role objectifying resulted positivos6. The professional formation of the nurse supports the care as main focus, on the other hand the practical context of work directs in them for the questions of bureaucratic managing, that is, the accomplishment of activities that are pautadas in norms and routines preestabelecidas7.

But, in general way, one expects that the nurses are apt to the assistenciais activities and to be leader managers and in the team of sade8. All these above-mentioned factors had motivated in them to search and to deepen on the relation administration and management versus the assistance. The work is presented as a possibility of quarrel and reflection concerning the subject and to rethink ours practical professional who sends in them to an only objective: to take care of the customer of integral form reaching the results with efficiency. This work had as objective to analyze the dimension of the process of work of the nurse to identify and to understand the possibilities of convergence between managing and taking care of.

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Conion media introduces Anveo family sold upgrades for the ERP system Microsoft Dynamics NAV by Conion media under the brand of Anveo. With Microsoft Dynamics NAV, small and medium-sized enterprises can reproduce a variety of business processes directly with the standard ERP solution. Microsoft Dynamics NAV is really powerful by the flexible expandability of the product: tailored to individual solutions tailored to create the decisive competitive advantage through highly efficient workflow compared to simple standard software of the competition. With the newly introduced Anveo family Conion media pools often required adjustments to their customers as a product to this as a basic system to fit needs of their customers faster and more cost effective to the. The advantage of this is obvious: experiences from existing solutions are transferred to new customers, development costs can be reduced through existing programming while retaining the flexibility for individual process design available. In the first roll-out the Anveo product family includes the following extensions: General Anveo task planner reliable business process management Anveo Media Server Managing of images, videos and documents customer and partner connections Anveo EDI Connect electronic connections to business partners Anveo business shop business to business of high end class warehouse logistics Anveo carrier connect connected to shipping software Anveo item control goods output control via scanner Anveo pick by voice Sprachbasierte paperless warehouse processes developed over the conion media GmbH Conion media headquartered in Hamburg software for business processes. We specialize on solutions in the areas of financial management (financial accounting/financial accounting, asset accounting, controlling) supply chain management SCM (purchasing, sales), CRM, logistics (warehouse logistics) for retail and wholesale trade, as well as production processes. With direct connection to Dynamics NAV 2009 (formerly Navision), we develop and operate shops B2B or B2C shop systems. As additions to We offer solutions with MDE devices (handhelds) and pick by voice storage processes. More information: contact: Nils Pacholok

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I feel very hurt because it is called on to me to load yet: when there is to take it to the doctor, when etc. is put ill, if there is to accompany it to make purchases, What could do so that my sister collaborates? Yolanda Malaga (Spain) Dear Yolanda: Before nothing, we wanted proponerte that you explored a question with all the possible objectivity: you are totally safe that your sister is not attending your mother? Pinsalo, because it is possible that she covers other needs: not accompanying your mother, nor spending nights in candle to take care of it, she is Perhaps the one in charge to be near her when the things go or (a form to accompany the one that you do not do or perhaps despise). If, whatsoever, to you it continues seeming that your sister does not give anything him, we propose to you that you begin plantearte the situation of another way. Why not to give to your mother the attention that you, individually, can and want to give him, enjoying that contact and being peacefully your principles? He thinks that to help your mother represents an opportunity to improve your relation Your mother is alive and close, only this already is a gift, why to transform it into an ungrateful effort? Aprovchalo and, if anybody of your family does not do it thus, is in its right plenary session, in any case it tries to let him know that an opportunity is being lost that can not be repeated. The Equipment of PsicoAyuda If you have some CONSULTATION on the subject KITCHEN MAID HERE original Author and source of the article.

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Every citizen has right to the discuss the managers of the health so that the previous principles are fulfilled. Medications supplied for the SUS. The SUS with the projects and intention to provide health to all Brazilian population, supplies of favour medicines diverse treatments, the treatment of psorase if it includes in this project, the Health department established mechanisms that allow continue it update of the National Medicamentos Relation Essenciais , that it serves of instrument for elaboration of the state and municipal lists, for the orientation of the medical lapsing, for the aiming of the productions pharmaceutical and for the scientific and technological development, helping in the pharmaceutical assistance and distribution of medicines for the SUS. The medicine list supplied for the SUS is very great, similar to supply the necessities of the population, the medicines used in the treatment of psoriasis. Mechanism of action of some medicines Cyclosporin: Figure 10: Molecurar form of the Cyclosporin Source: . y can contribute to your knowledge. The Cyclosporin that is a used medicine in the prevention the rejection of transplantados agencies, in the treatment of psorase only was approved by the FDA in 1998, after resulted gotten in the treatment of the artrite reumatide and the illness of Crohn. With the advances in the briefing of the mechanism etiopatognicos of psorase, mainly after the beginning of the use of the cyclosporin, the imunolgicas alterations of the illness had started to be studied. Thus, the cellular hiperproliferao, that was accepted as cause of the illness, passed ase understood as consequence of the inflammatory process, mediated for cells T, acts inhibiting linfcitos T auxiliary (CD4) activated, hindering the production of IL-2 and others..

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However, in this plan, little was modified referring to the adopted segregacional structure for the old Polidrelli plan. Developed with the intention to solve some points deficient of the structure of the city, amongst the points of change considered by this plan the denomination of ambient areas can be cited, however it did not have delimitations in topographical terms. According to Duarte (2006), one of the main boarded points for the document argued the question of the macrozoning of the city. It was institutionalized there from three great zones for the city: of basic adensamento, the adensvel and of ambient protection. In this plan also the city did not exist the maximum answer sheet for all. Except for in case of special zones, as of tourist, historical, social or ambient interest. After some quarrels, initiated some years before, are in 2007, that Native it receives the new revision from the managing plan.

Valley to point out that this is after instituted the publication of the institute of the city. In accordance with SEMURB this law materialize and generates instruments so that the municipal governing and managers can intervine of fact in the handling processes, occupation and use of the ground municipal. Through this, the Managing Plan is reaffirmed as main half to manage the growth and physical order of the cities. Agrarian regularization enters the main definitions of the new plan is distinguished it and the ambient question. The relative questions to the macrozoning, control of answer sheet and ambient protection had been also redefined. 3. Native CONCLUSION, in its more than 400 years of existence comes passing for an intense process of urban modification, mainly and with more vigor since the beginning of the passed century, for intense desires of magnifying and embelezamento of the city. However, with its magnifying, the city is seen needed plans that really aim at its estruturao and organization of efficient form, for a community that starts to present social differentiations and of urban estruturamento, on to the sectors tourist and economic.

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Internet business are having great boom and expansion in the Spanish-speaking market, while in the anglophone market works for much longer, are more consolidated and also advancing day by day. We find then that increasingly more are those who are approaching and with a curious look try to discover what it is. Certainly a person who has seen there are interesting and viable proposals, different possibilities in the network, will remain with their eyes open, attentive and observing everything that contains some information in this regard. Within the Internet, there are all kinds of people, shops, companies, organizations, etc. Etc., trying to sell everything.

There are those who know sales and those who do not. They are those who maintain certain conduct and saved the rules of ethics in their proposals, but unfortunately they are also those who do the opposite and only interested in selling any product or service regardless of whether or not the customer is satisfied. Many appealing proposals very striking and evocative offering wonders, advantages incredible, unbeatable proposals, formulas magicas of wealth, in short, solve you the life within a few days. I’m not saying that this is not possible, because in reality I have not tried all the magical proposals that appear to talk with ownership on the outcome of the same. People who have real proposals valid and worthy of much confidence and consideration are there.

But in this article what I intend to stress is something else…What they do not say. In fact, some if they say it, but they are very few. What you should say is that persons of great success in the network, has been these conquests on the basis of work, sacrifice, dedication, persistence and personal effort, and all this within a framework of specific time frame which is then called a trajectory. People are excited, vos te ilusionas with these stories, but then when they see that it is really, realize that need to invest money and be willing to work hard, to receive setbacks and missteps, to try and test,…are they discouraged, you desilusionas.

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