Economic Activity The economy is based on: Agriculture (cultivation of maize, beans, sorghum, oil palm, coffee, cocoa, papaya, banana, watermelon, melon and mango production in its many varieties) The extensive and intensive livestock farming included the large-scale export of cattle, which generates substantial revenue to the municipality, industry, processing of milk (cream cheese, mediacrema cheese, cheese snacks, cheese, cheese, cottage cheese and cream ) of which approximately 20 dairies have important Industry extraction of palm oil, industry, construction, industry, wood processing (sawmills) Fishery production off its coast, rivers, marshes and artificial ponds Trade, Service providers (mechanics, carpentry, upholstery, private schools, etc.).Of course, the growing number of qualified professionals also generate substantial income. Can be highlighted: Civil engineers, industrial electricians, computer systems, agronomists, Degree in business administration, law and informatics surgeons and animal scientists, professors, accountants, and biologists. There is a bank, two ATMs and various lending institutions