
The Alliance

Overlooking the efforts made by the product provider in this area a rethinking must find place here. To use existing resources efficiently in the future, product provider should more strongly perceive the different needs of intermediaries and take into account.” AssCompact AWARD 2010 private pensions: Brokers BBs Favorites due to the special situation of the brokers and multiple agents – they can choose which companies they recommend in the case–especially valuable is its judgment over the performance of the product provider. Who wants to convince one of these brokers, who must all along the line do this: in a total of twelve individual criteria was asked meaningfully for the intermediaries as well as after the respective corporate favorites. Still examined which companies basically on the market is not recommended. Convinced the brokers by the performance of the public welfare are Federal – this year’s winner of the AssCompact AWARD 2010 private Pension.

The Alliance follows on rank 2. The Alte Leipziger completed the leading trio with a very good 3rd place. Each investigated product lines the 3rd layer there are following rankings: rank unit-linked pension / pension life insurance life insurance 1 people good Federal people good of Federal 2. Ben Silbermann is likely to increase your knowledge. Alliance Alliance 3 old Leipzig Alte Leipziger 4 Nuremberg Stuttgart 5 Canada life Nuremberg of 6 Swiss life Swiss life of 7 HDI-Gerling AXA 8 Friends Provident HDI-Gerling of 9 Stuttgart generali of 10 AXA LV 1871 Carsten Zuckriegl: Insider can best assess the significance of these results. The winners will receive the reward here for years of work and an ongoing process of optimization in cooperation with brokers. These they are certainly the most demanding customers of product providers finally are in their choice free. Since everything must be: of the corporate governance of product management to the services for brokers and customers both before and after conclusion of the contract. A prerequisite is “However, that the product provider know exactly the needs of this demanding customers.” About the study: The accompanying study AssCompact AWARD 2010 private provision includes approximately 315 pages of exclusive provider study plus.

Shown are the results of a nationwide survey of 514 brokers and multiple representatives, which was carried out in the period from 26.04. May 14, 2010. The study will be released on June 30, 2010 and can be ordered from this date on the Internet at shop. Contact person for this study is Christopher Kahl, phone: + 49 6775-968-8964 / E-Mail:. About SMARTcompagnie GmbH, the market research division is an important basis for the SMARTcompagnie GmbH and starting point for the sound management advice by customers from the finance and insurance industry. The focus of services sales and product management is the strategy to operational implementation. The team of specialists to the Managing Director Harry wood House and Jurgen Schwarz has years Experience in sales, the business organization as well as the product management in the financial sector. Selected research in the form of market studies is published in cooperation with the long-standing partner of bbg operating consultancy, Bayreuth. Contact for the press: Harry HOLZHAUS SMARTcompagnie GmbH to the Wisper Valley 12 65321 Heidenrod Tel.: + 49 6775 9686-35 fax: + 49 6775 9686-34 E-Mail: Web:

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With transparency to more liquidity – financing tips for medium-sized businesses such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the crisis can secure their liquidity, the central theme of the annual meeting of the RKW was 2010 in Langen. Openness and realism recommend the speakers as central strategies. Long, June 16, 2010 – Langen Mayor Frieder Gebhardt was delighted to be able to welcome some 200 participants and participants in the rebuilt City Hall. “We are well positioned for the future in long”, he was proud of the excellent infrastructure of the city. “Also the Hessian middle class handled the crisis all in all well”, Thomas Payer, Member of the Board of the RKW Hessen is convinced. “However, it is still liquidity shortages and difficulties in the financing of innovative projects”, says the Managing Director of Wagner & co.

Solartechnik GmbH in Colbe to kick off the meeting. Professor Frank Wallau stressed the causes of this situation from the Institute of Mittelstand research in Bonn. 2009 was shrunk the Hessian economy grew 4.3 percent, a number lie but still below the national average. Of them, especially the SMEs are affected. “You use over 70 per cent of all employees in Germany, but only a share of 47 percent of value added,” said the lecturer at the University of applied sciences of economy in Paderborn. Up to three years it will take probably, according to the expert, these companies again have reached same, at which they were before the crisis. There, you almost inevitably encounter temporary liquidity problems.

In time to counteract that, Martin Detzner recommended to make regular forecasts on the own annual accounts expected by FutureValue Group AG from Leinfelden – Echterdingen. So you get information at an early stage if the company’s credit ranking result was deteriorating. “Who knows these numbers, can act in time and get the necessary capital before its creditworthiness in question”, the forecasting specialist is recommended.

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New acquisitions in the money, rent from frens, however, everyone is free comes back and forth in the situation that he needs something, he currently does not have. In such cases, you have several options. Either one buys the particular object, then you have it in the future at your fingertips, but that can be expensive depending on the required subject. You could ask around in the circle of friends, maybe someone has what you want and is willing to borrow it. However, this is time consuming, and if ultimately nobody can provide it, even for free. The third and perhaps best option is at the new online Exchange to register frents.com. Here, the members have the opportunity to share things with each other and to give.

For this purpose, any user logged-in can set his possessions into the portal and mark, whether he wants to give, rent, or Exchange. There is also the possibility, only to show the items to other users. Also This is a way to make new friends. Because the possessions of people tell much about their hobbies and interests. Want to log on to, you can do either manually, or establishes a link to an existing Facebook account and accepts credentials from there. From now on, everything else is a breeze. To adjust things, you need enter only the Amazon number of each thing, and a description and the photo is already online.

Who would like to describe a subject yourself, you can do also. You then find an interesting object, you can contact quickly and easily through frents.com with the owner. The object for the requested period seems to have, is can you reserve it and constitutes a meeting point with the owner. The Exchange or rental business is over, you have the opportunity to evaluate one another directly on frents.com. This is to prevent that black sheep creep, the borrowed things either return damaged or not at all.

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AZS system AG joins the Kaba Kaba group partner program is worldwide number 1 in the manufacture of high security locks, key blanks, key-cutting machines and transponder keys. The continuity and future-oriented development in the hardware at Kaba is leading the way. Kaba also AZS system AG with a wide range of partners who are able to meet the needs of the customer, through integration of Kaba components including is now working as a leading company in the attendance and security industry. AZS system AG stands for complete solutions for safety, comfort and organisation on access to buildings and access to information in time and human resources, as well as security technology. AZS system AG complements the powerful attendance and access control software solutions time/access 3010 to the high-quality hardware components from Kaba. Thus, AZS system AG offers process-oriented complete solutions from a single source with optimally coordinated hardware and software components, are the needs of the customer. AZS system AG implemented modularly structured software solutions to complex, integrated security systems.

About AZS system AG, the AZS system AG with headquarters in Hamburg is one of the leading systems integrators for comprehensive and complex solutions in the areas of personnel management, personnel information, time recording, access control and security technology. The perfect interplay of hardware and software customers from administration, public service, industry and Commerce received the complete system solution from a single source. Since its inception AZS itself in 1989 as an independent system and consulting for integrated solutions. More than 1000 installed systems at major companies have been successfully installed in more than 20 years. AZS has focused consistently on these solutions.

Personnel management and information system business AZS support public institutions and management companies in the design of individual, freely customizable Working time arrangements. The use of terminals and intelligent software increases productivity in the production data acquisition, which collect all important data of personal and operational events and process them. AZS is represented with 12 sales and service centres nationwide in all of Germany and of Switzerland – and certainly also in your vicinity. More information under:

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Green IT-components off cost eaters in the Office Hamburg/empty, 07 December 2009 when the Germans decreases the willingness to save energy. This shows the current climate barometer the consultancy co2online in Berlin. Just Office workers are often not the significant costs for their employer aware. Because big cost drivers and polluters in business computers, peripherals and office equipment. The intelligent energy management solutions by ELV counter: whose radio-based home control devices reduce power and heating costs by up to 30 percent annually. In contrast to costly buildings such as thermal insulation, these solutions already offer a high ROI (return on investment) at relatively low cost in the first year.

According to co2online climate barometer 2009 only 49 percent of those surveyed reported in the second quarter, pay attention to their energy consumption. Last year, there were still 69 percent at the same time. Contrary to the general decline of interest on Energy-saving measures should not be forgotten however, that the cost of electricity and heat in Germany at a high level are. Especially in the enterprise, computers, peripherals and office equipment cause unnecessary costs, if they are not turned off. Since therefore these components even in idle state consume significant amounts of energy.

Also radiators in offices often unnecessarily running bustle and remain active despite tipped Windows over many hours. The radiators are thus not economically operated and become energy guzzlers. Here, a suitable Green-IT-concept ensures a saving both electricity and heating costs. This the reduce CO2 emissions in Office buildings is also sustainable, without compromising the user experience. Energy-saving potential in business areas profitably use ELV’s home control solutions enable numerous savings opportunities for an energy-efficient office workstations. So can connected to the mains Devices, such as printers or copiers, radio-based outlets (E.g. FS20) automatically, depending on the needs are on and off. To reduce the heating energy consumption, equipped room thermostats in conjunction with radiator thermostats and valves represent with wireless technology of FHT80 series an economical solution.

Apparently also the sales manager have this expectation. Because more than half of them expects that sales by more than 6 percent would then rise as a consequence. A quarter of respondents assumes even growth in double-digit magnitude. Pufahl looks but as a prerequisite for creating above all a clear strategic direction. The past viewing frequently performed in practice by means of operative sales controlling while contributing to a better understanding, is however not comprehensive enough”, he stressed. Rather, a modern sales management must define goals that examine risks and provide alternatives. Pufahl recommends the operative sales controlling should get, therefore a clear strategic base”.

ec4u expert consulting AG ec4u expert consulting ag, headquartered in Karlsruhe, Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich and Zurich is one of the leading companies for services in the areas of customer relationship management (CRM), business intelligence (BI) and business communications management (BCM) in the European market. ec4u offers its customers best practices in the areas of: Oracle Siebel CRM (sales, marketing and service) Oracle CRM on demand Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) and real time decision (RTD) Oracle application integration architecture (AIA) and service-oriented architecture (SOA) Oracle master data management (MDM) with focus on Oracle as the strongest partner. The services are complemented by strategic and professional CRM Consulting (strategies for marketing, sales and service), as well as consulting and implementation services for Microsoft CRM. Among the customers are E.g. Arcor (now Vodafone), Bosch ST, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Telekom, EnBW, Integralis, MEWA, RWE, Swisscom and ZKB. Contacts: ec4u expert consulting ag Sabine Kirchem Manager Marketing for the Foundry of 19-27b 76227 Karlsruhe Tel.: + 49 (0) 721 46476-460 fax: + 49 (0) 721 46476-299 E-Mail: Web:, of think factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71

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The sales training of the future for marketing and selling the capacity is IngenieurTrainer Ottmar field staff as sales trainer specialized on technical sales and training for the sale and distribution of technical products (B2B). Since 01.07.2010 he produced the podcast (audio broadcast) technical sales adventure”. All this occurred against the background, leaving little time for sales seminars and training in hectic day-to-day of sales work. In the podcast technical sales adventure”offered new contributions every 1st and 15th of the month and can be subscribed to for free in the iTunes store. In the 10-to 15-minute hearing broadcasts, salespeople learn to structure their sales pitches, and to improve the treatment of your objection or questioning techniques. The podcast of the technical sales adventure”is located since its first broadcast in early July regularly among the top 10 of the charts of the podcast category economy of the Apple Multimedia Portal. This is an indication that the podcasting in the Sales departments of the companies feed has found. There are different ways to consume such sale training via the HiFi system: possibility 1: the podcasts downloaded over the Internet on an MP3 player.

Instead of headphones, a small transmitter is connected to the MP3 player. This sends the sound radio waves over FM on the radio. Option 2: The podcasts are downloaded via the Internet on an MP3 player and via a USB interface connected to the car radio. Possibility 3: The podcasts are burned on a CD and played on a CD player in the car. Option 4: Play the podcasts directly from the MP3 player. Some of the larger companies have begun their own listening programmes to produce for the first time. This internal corporate podcasts also corporate values, ideas, business goals, market developments or goal achievement factors to be taught in the employees in addition to the sale training. Come to the podcast subscription here! For more information about the sales trainer Ottmar capacity please see: IngenieurTrainer Ottmar capacity

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Good advice to the customer service is not expensive with a consultant lodge on the topic of CRM and Databasemanagement”is the ecenta AG represented at the contact center trends in Frankfurt. On 29th and 30th September, experts of the SAP software and consulting firm give tips and advice on how a modern contact center can best benefit from customized CRM solutions. The ecenta AG is a product and consulting company the specializes in sophisticated implementation projects specializes in the areas of the SAP Business Suite, especially SAP CRM and SAP NetWeaver. In addition, ecenta provides consulting services for executives and project managers in the areas of marketing, sales, service, customer relationship management, and information and data management. CRM solutions in medium-sized companies as well as in contact centers on the rise and differences in industry focus and functionality part. In particular, many companies make also the question of how the integration of CRM and contact center solutions your Can streamline operations and processes. This communication enabled business processes (CEBP) potential in many places still considerable”, reported Joachim Schellenberg, business development manager of ecenta AG.

The consultant lodge on the contact center trends is a great opportunity for solution-oriented and individual counseling sessions. The tasks and solutions in the contact center industry characterized by increasing diversity and complexity, there is placed the foundation stone for the later success in the consulting and planning.” The consultancy lodges of the contact center trends are the visitors on September 29 from 9: 00 18:00 and on 30 September 9.00 17.00 available. Maximum individuality and solution-driven 1:1 are target of the lodges-talks that the prospects in your current challenges are a real help. So they find their most suitable conversation partner, is an interactive BeratungsFinder”ready. Can be dates in the run-up to the fair, as well as locally agreed be.

About ecenta AG: Ecenta a product and consulting company, is on the challenging implementation projects in the areas of the SAP Business Suite, especially SAP CRM (customer relationship management) and SAP NetWeaver, especially Portal specializes in the areas of business intelligence, master data management, process integration (Exchange infrastructure), composite application framework and enterprise.Furthermore, information and data management and IT strategy and IT management offers ecenta over the subsidiary company ecenta management consulting consulting services for executives and project managers in the areas of marketing, sales, service, customer relationship management. The advice in the area of business intelligence focuses on the long-term reduction of operating costs. Special was ecenta due to its professional expertise and successful cooperation in the areas of CRM, MDM, business objects information management solutions, process integration, application server, identity management, BPM, and banking in the SAP Expertise included program. It is the headquarters of ecenta AG in Walldorf. The global company, which employs about 250 people, also maintains offices in the United States, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Sweden, Australia, Chile and Spain. Contact: ecenta AG Altrottstrasse 31 69190 Walldorf Tel. + 49 6227 73 1540 eMail: Internet:

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Get advantage of filing bankruptcy in lower charges Chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy are the two most common types of bankruptcies filed by people. These bankruptcies are meant for individuals who have huge debts but still want to start a new phase of life with a clean credit report. In our everyday life, we find a lot of individuals trapped in the vicious circle of debt payment. The dominant reasons for this are easy availability of credit cards and loans. With a plethora of tempting ad campaigns that lead to to easy and quick purchase of a loan, the spending power of individuals has grown as compared to the past.

This leads to a habit of spending more than what you have and soon people land up in a situation where their monthly expenditures are more than the total earnings. This sorry state is known as bankruptcy. Bankruptcy filing A lot stigma attached to filing bankruptcy along with social of discomfort and embarrassment is. To add to this, a recent amendment of law has made bankruptcy filing tough for people. But as we say, impossible is nothing, this task is so feasible but the procedure has become than lengthier before. Chapter 7 bankruptcy Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the commonest form of bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is bankruptcy so known as straight bankruptcy.

The entire non-exempt property of the borrower is liquidated. The amount that is obtained from this is paid to the creditors. Certain assets are given exemption under chapter 7 bankruptcy i.e. home, car, and work tools. Exemptions vary with federal and new bankruptcy law. Eligibility: An individual who resides in the United States and has a property or business is eligible to file bankruptcy for chapter 7 bankruptcy debt filing emergency should be done just to get out of. A bankruptcy is only valid if the borrower proves that he lacks sufficient funds for repaying the debt. Procedure how to file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 “intends to help citizens who have unintentionally landed themselves in a financial mess. Several forms need to be filled out for giving out the information needed for the process. After this the court has to be attended. After this the person is discharged of all debts. Chapter 13 bankruptcy assets like house or other property are not covered by chapter 7 two and this is why people resort to chapter 13 bankruptcy rules. Eligibility Debts of more than $750,000 should not be secured by to individual in the first place. Secondly, to be considered eligible unsecured debts of more than $250,000 should not be there. Procedure firstly, a petition is to be filed in the court. The rest of the procedure depends on the court.

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