myCONTRACT24 sweepstakes offers newly registered customers until July 31 the chance on an iPad 2 at the same time the consumer portal launches a new software version with advanced features. Hamburg, June 29, 2011. “Now myCONTRACT24 test and an iPad 2 win” is the motto of the new competition by myCONTRACT24. Until July 31 an iPad 2 with 16 GB will be among the first 500 registrations on + WiFi is giving away as well as 100 times a free 1-year membership. All raffle participants one will automatically receive 3 months free membership and you can know the independent consumer portal in all aspects of contract management. Parallel to the promotion, the innovative service portal launches an optimized version of the software, which offers advanced features to users. Letter of resignation are now directly available. With a cost overview about all continuing obligations, the user receives an overview of its contractual ties.

All types of contracts and the search function for contracts for example by airlines and Magazines allow for a differentiated use of the consumer portal with over 5,000 new keywords. You can also securely manage well user IDs. The independent service platform for professional contract management is aimed at all consumers who want to manage their contracts active and open. Existing contracts can manage online with myCONTRACT24 and automatically monitor, the user controls contracts and keep track of warranty periods and possible termination dates. Thousands euros can save yourself thanks to myCONTRACT24 in the year. The user maintains the fundamentals of its existing contracts in a corresponding input mask an and receives information about cancellation options, upcoming automatic contract renewals and warranty terms. myCONTRACT24 founder Stefan Holdt said: we are very pleased that we can offer a wide variety of optimized functions to our customers through software update.

Our goal is to enable professional contract management So differentiated, and customer-friendly as possible, so that each consumer can optimally use the service in regard to renewal, termination and savings.” MyCONTRACT24 myCONTRACT24 ( is an innovative Web-based portal for professional contract management. The consumer-oriented service aimed at households and small businesses that want to actively manage their contracts. With myCONTRACT24, users can monitor its existing contracts, control contracts and anonymously obtain price comparisons of the suppliers in the market of telecommunications to energy to insurance. is completely independent and represents only the interests of its customers. Use costs 10 EUR for EUR 1 retail and business customers in the month. Operator of the portal is the publicly traded AG with headquarters in Hamburg, which is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Press contact myCONTRACT24 CREAM COMMUNICATION Anne Bettina Jager new Wall 46 D-20354 Hamburg Tel: + 49 40 431 791 26 fax: + 49 40 431 791 27 E-Mail:

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Winners of the skills competition receive exciting prizes Championship in customer communication performed Mainz, legodo ag and computer week by University of applied sciences Karlsruhe, 5th of July 2011 – who knows to the social networks as a practitioner in the broad field of customer communication by the classic letter, now has the chance to win a professional Championship with his knowledge. Interesting prizes for the three winners. This competence contest is organised by the legodo ag, responsible for has the University of applied sciences Mainz. The first round is started and runs until July 10, 2011. Until then all interested parties sign up to directly start. Participation requires no special qualifications, but it is the practical knowledge to the fore. In total, four rounds are successfully denying, to penetrate in the finals of the best five. Per round, 12 questions to a freely selectable time must be answered within a several-day period.

These Rounds take place online, while a certain number of participants for the next round will qualify each. Only the finale takes place live in Munich. The winner of the finals receives an iPad2 as price, the runner-up Gets a Ferrari available on loan and should throttle him vigorously. The third of the skills competition get an iPod touch. Similar Championships were carried out according to an Expertainment concept of the think factory already on various topics such as IT service management, ECM/DMS, business intelligence, project management, application management, CRM and business process management, other topics are in preparation.

About legodo ag legodo developed software for relevant customer communication to the quick and easy production of written correspondence. C4 legodo with their solution, it is now possible in the right context at the right time for relevant customer communication to insert all the processes and data from existing systems. Clients include companies such as, for example, the German Telekom, Swisscom, RWE and Integralis. of think factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71

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NAVO consulting: In times of recession, the targeted company’s development is more important than ever! Feldkirchen, October 21, 2008’s financial crisis can be felt in almost all companies. But now to stick your head in the sand is to squander the long-term commitment of employees and thus the entire company. Who wants to succeed in the future in the competition, needs a long-term-oriented, viable concept for the development of the company and its employees. NAVO consulting, expert on sustainable change management, knows the challenges faced now by not only the companies in the financial sector: the burning topics are in times of crisis, cope with burn-out prevention and times stormy with strong teams. However, are the necessary skills for successful crisis management often not available now save is so long term corporate development fail, explains Jurgen Ress, managing partner by NAVO consulting. The news about the financial crisis are now almost apokalytischen.

All messages to the contrary is one sure: also in future is banks there! But in times of impending crisis, the red pen is often reflexively unsheathed. Budget business development, employee development, and executives development are on a minimum together truncated. It saw the company own future branch: only those who constantly in your own development invested in the form of time and money ensures competencies. Competencies that are essential to the achievement of the strategic objectives and strengthen their competitiveness. Investments in corporate development testifies thus strategic vision independently by effective short-term economic trends”, so Jurgen Ress. To run a business in times of crisis, leadership requires skills that not every Manager automatically brings. Just the ability to highly flexible to adjust to rapidly changing market conditions and at the same time to provide orientation, companies in crisis makes successful.

Authentic acting as a leader creates confidence. And it needs just in times of crisis very much, to take their paralysing effect emerging uncertainties in the company. Often in crisis response patterns are human understandable but rarely entrepreneurial functional. “” Neither sitting out “still blind” actionism lead to success. Stop, determine the location, under the given circumstances determine exchange rate new decisions and then game the Act, are the necessary steps. We are very satisfied in two respects: on the one hand, that our recent consulting projects were so effective, that our customers especially in difficult phases of further trust. Secondly, that we are increasingly requested in the current economic situation”, reports Nicole Truckenbrodt, managing partner of NAVO consulting. This shows that the traditional concept consulting of other consulting firms not is the appropriate instrument. We see every company with all its internal and external interactions and take over the implementation of agreed plans into practice so we create sustainable changes for the future.” About NAVO consulting: NAVO consulting is a systemic consulting. The Managing Director Nicole Truckenbrodt and Jurgen Ress lead an interdisciplinary team with over 12 experience in the advice and support of change processes and coherent projects. The focus also in coaching, team development, and innovative learning architectures. Customers executives and managers include GmbH & co. KG and UCB Schwarz Pharma AG both large companies and SMEs such as for example, Brugg rohrsysteme AG, Merck Finck Treuhand AG, E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH, Linde AG, Rohde & Schwarz For more information see contact: Brigitte Paul NAVO consulting, marketing / PR, phone 0049 8063 207 222,

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In the constitution of the same times the following instruments: asset, this understanding the goods, as well as rights and too much applications of resources used there, form to generate profits for the company by means of its activities. At as the moment, we perceive the liabilities, namely: we understand as being the origins of resources represented for the obligations it stops with third, resultant of events occurred that will demand asset for its liquidation. To the step that when used its proper resources and we have it is the positive difference enters the value of the Asset and the value of the Liabilities, we are ahead of what we call patrimony I eliminate. The patrimonial rocking of all company estimates some rules, here we protect in them in law 11,638, that thus it makes use: Art. 248. In rocking patrimonial of company, investments in coligadas on whose administration it has significant influence, or of that it more than participates with 20% (twenty percent) or the capital voter, in controlled and other societies that are part of one same group or are under common control will be evaluated by the method of patrimonial equivalence, in accordance with the following norms: …………………………………………………………….. ' ' (NR) Bibliographical references GITMAN, Lawrence J.

Principles of the Financial Administration. 7. ed. So Paulo. Harba publishing company. 2002. RIBEIRO, Osni Moura. Easy basic accounting.

23. ed. So Paulo. Publishing company Hail. 1999. GONALVES, Eugnio Celso, BAPTISTA, Antonio Eustquio. Easy basic accounting. 23. ed. So Paulo. Publishing company Hail. 1999. HIRASHIMA, T. and MARTINS, Eliseu. International harmonization of the Principles and Countable Norms. 12 Convention of Accountants of the State of S.Paulo, Saints, 1991. Access in 10 of September of 2009. Law N. 4,320/64 Law N. 6404/76 Law N. 8,218/91 Law N. 11,101/05 Law N. 11.638/07

One of the most difficult tasks that there is to stay focused in a single idea and why? Because so many activities in exist which we can clear the attention that becomes a true challenge the fact to manage to maintain or directed to us, for the majority of the people this does not have too much incidence, but that thus when they are in many activities consolidation of the ideas does not become difficult or simply it delays the more time del that normally we had foretold. The mental control implies to fight against the dispersion, is quite easy to fall in a great amount of impulses that are not tie and so we wished, then if we are not careful this is moving away to us little by little of what we wished. %3A373424981376551136186%2CVSRPtargetId%3A138008206%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Lev Leviev. So that an athlete becomes Olympic champion must train of constant way, its attention totally is directed in its discipline, that is the unique form to secure exceptional results. In the book the Secret of the Power of Metas de Andrew Corentt explains in very precise form the strategies to us that we must realise aim to maintain the approach and of that way to manage to internalise our ideas of change in a quite short time, when reading this book you will discover wonderful concepts for the suitable operation of a goal, will be able to materialize his dreams because she will know the requirements to cause that any idea works. When it is lost the then approach is in a circle that perhaps produces few results or no, so it is very important that you discover what is what it really wishes for his life, in the book the Secret of the Power of Metas settles down all a complete methodology in order that the people can prioritize and to discover what is what they wish with a fabulous precision, that will allow them to act in a wonderful concentration that will assure enormous satisfactory results to them. It is the moment for eliminating the chance in our life, that is to say to act on the basis of which it is appeared and to leave them circumstances they prevail to us, the success people have realised the opposed thing exactly, have created the circumstances in order that their desires work, you you must to make the same, otherwise will be exposed not undergo the freedom. Freedom is to live according to which we enjoyed, to eliminate all type of idealizadas influences that are against our own convictions and beliefs, this implies to have the strength sufficient to undertake a way del that we are sure that will give wonderful triumphs us. It remembers that whenever you are working then concentrate she sends a powerful message to his mind of his desire, cannot have confusion, but when it works especially in too many things of then simultaneous way this affects the results that are expected. You could make different activities as long as these are tie to a unique objective, also when an idea is consolidated is valid to begin with a new project, the greatness is a personal decision, does not allow that the negative influences affect what you as much yearn for in the deep thing of his heart.

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The international diamond jewellery brand LUMe controls its media-specific press and public relations from the own House since August of this year brand with high advertising investment Frankfurt, August 12, 2008 the international diamond jewellery brand LUMe controls its media-specific press and public relations from the own House since August of this year. This newly created Department is responsible for the areas of media, press and public relations. The publicity was previously the responsibility of the Cologne Plus PR Agency for public relations GmbH & co. KG. Our advertising campaign, we have generated more than 23 million contacts in the spring and thus among the largest advertisers in the jewelry industry, will be continued also in the fourth quarter of this year with similar width.

In the future even more efficient to build out the synergies of public and media relations, we have decided to build of an own Department”, as Zvonimir Letica, spokesman of the Executive Board of the LUMe Group AG. The Media Act is still the responsibility of campus media GmbH.

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