The summer takes leave according to finish publishing the Services Public of Use with 61,083 people to the tail of unemployment, or what is the same, a 9.3% more of Spaniards without work with respect to the previous year. One lasts reality that mundoFranquiciaconsulting, recognized the consulting Spanish (HTTP./, is convinced that it can become through the self-employment possibilities that facilitate the 823 tax exemptions that there are registered in Spain. the tax exemption appears as a suitable formula to happen of unemployment to self-employment and thus to leave ahead. Thus, under this formula the unemployed one can abrir an own business, with a much smaller risk to it did if it of independent form. Thus, the unemployed one usually goes to the capitalization of unemployment through unique payment, stresses Pablo Gutirrez Porcuna, its partner-director. From this form the number of unemployed registered in the Offices of the Services Public of Use of our country would descend from very remarkable way.

Like proof of it mundoFranquiciaconsulting points the 222,660 people who in 2009 found a job thanks to this model of business (what she supposes 12% of the use of the retail trade). For the chains franchisors, the profile of the unemployed one is very interesting, since they count on professional experience that it will help him to manage its unit successfully, all this accompanying with the motivation of the new franchise-holder to manage its own business. In addition the average investment to the tax exemption to which an unemployed one goes usually does not surpass the 75,000 Euros 90,000 Euros. To the closing of the passed exercise, the total investment that they disbursed to realise openings of establishments the 823 standards that compose the Spanish system of franchise was of 4,696, 2 million Euros, which supposes an average investment of 76,112 Euros by opening. The sectors that more investments carried out were, by this order: the /restauraci hotel trade n, with 1,771, 9 million Euros; preparation/fashion, with 311.4 million; feeding, with 230.3 million, and hairdressing salon/cosmetic beauty/, with 224.4 million inverted Euros, finalizes Pablo Gutirrez Porcuna, partner-director of mundoFranquiciaconsulting. Note for the journalists For more information, to cover the seminaries, management of interviews or shipment of graphical material you do not doubt in contacting with our Cabinet of Press. Crowned Nuria Mirian Lopez tel 91 657 42 81/667 022 566

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The minimum wage increased now in 2012, passed of R$545,00 real for R$622,00 real, the new minimum wage gave a jump of 14.13% almost following the inflation, thus also safe from unemployment following the tide renews its values. Minimum wage 2012 starts to be the floor of the safe unemployment while the wage ceiling of aid unemployment starts to be of R$1164,00 almost real. To calculate insurance unemployment to know the accurate value of the safe unemployment we go to follow the rules stipulated for the Ministry of the Work and Job & ndash; MTE to verify how much it is the safe unemployment in the practical one. For the real worker who earns a wage of R$800,00 for I calculate it to month of the safe unemployment follows in this way: The worker if fits in the wage band of until R$1.026, 77 Reals, in this in case that we use the factor of multiplication 0,8, that is, 80% of the previous wage. Wage (R$800,00 x 0,8) the result will be R$640,00 real, this then will be the value received for the beneficiary, in the case of the account to have given a value of safe lesser unemployment that the new national minimum wage, the unemployed starts to receive the minimum national. In the cases of the workers with incomes of wage band understood between R$1026,77 and R$1711,45 the value of the parcels of the safe unemployment they are thus: Let us say that the monthly citizen has income of R$1500,00 real, first we go to deduct from the R$1026,77 wage real of this form (R$1500,00 & ndash; R$1026,77) resulting in R$473,23 (four hundred and twenty three Reals and twenty and three cents). After to make this contained multiplies the value for 0,5, that is 50%, being thus (R$473,23 x 0,5) resulting in R$236,62 real and add it this real R$821,41 value, the final result are thus (R$236,62 + R$821,41) the real addition of the R$1058,03, this are the paid amount for the safe unemployment to the worker. In cases where the former-employee receives above from R$1711,45 the value stipulated for Deep from Support the Worker & ndash; FAT is fixed in R$1163,76 real. Right Insurance Unemployment With these cited examples above it is well easy to know the value of safe unemployment, however, the worker must be takes care of to the criteria to request the safe unemployment, he is enough to consult insurance unemployment in the site of the ministry of the work, or still to look attendance ranks to know if he has right to the safe unemployment.