The use of ozone in the national economy as a means of sterilization and disinfection, offers significant advantages over other methods of sanitation facilities. Control cabinets ozonator dosed distribution of ozone on isolated room manufacturing facilities. The use of ozone in the national economy as a means of sterilization and disinfection, offers significant advantages over other methods of sanitation premises. Control cabinets ozonator dosed distribution of ozone on isolated room manufacturing facilities. In the premises eliminated extraneous odors, occurs disinfection of production equipment, raw materials and finished products, the destruction of various pests and insects. Ozonation of the premises and shops automatically during off-hours. At a given time of day timer control box includes an ozone generator.

After exiting the generator operating mode, with the start of feeding ozone include switchgear. Distribution of ozone on the premises performed consistently in a strictly defined by the operator time. To ensure the security staff of the enterprise, before the gas supply in ozoniruemoe room on his entrance lights up the banner: "Gaz. not Login '. Indoor lights also svetorechevoy banner: 'Gaz.

go away 'and hear the same speech a warning message. The duration of ozonation of each room depends on its size and also introduces operator in the memory of the processor. After completion of ozonation first room automatically switches the gas supply to the next, and the first space remains in aging. Dwell time for all premises is also being introduced in the processor memory and then counted automatically. At the completion of the exposure time control cabinet includes a ventilation system to ventilate the room for a specified time, after which extinguished warning banners. The room is sterile and ready for a new working day. Thus there is alternate ozonation of all premises. At the end of ozonation control cabinets automatically turn off the ozonator and go into standby mode until the next cycle. Timer is set in the control cabinet can be programmed include ozonation, at any time, day and month of the year for the period from one minute to two hours. For one cycle of ozonation is subjected to twelve rooms. When using more powerful and therefore expensive ozone generators, perhaps a parallel ozonation space ventures. Ozone – an extremely active and poisonous gas. Therefore, all the details of the pipeline, switching valves, various seals and fittings are used only of materials resistant to ozone.

Screw compressors are now used increasingly for a variety of enterprises. Until recently had been largely reciprocating compressors, but today, despite the obvious advantages of both, leaders Many companies are choosing screw compressors as the most successful version. Why is it so easy screw compressors? First and foremost it should be noted that the decision to replace the reciprocating compressors at the plant on screw compressors leads to a rather costly, since a change of compressor equipment requires more labor and funding. Prices of screw compressors is slightly higher than traditional piston but the cost of installing equipment piston equalize costs as screw compressors do not require a special foundation. Screw compressors can also save on energy costs.

On production the same volume of compressed air from a piston compressor takes much more energy. In addition, screw compressors consume very little oil, while oil consumption with piston compressors quite large. Another plus of such compressors is that it allows you to make the air cleaner. It is also very convenient that the screw compressor does not need a special room (for piston enterprises always created by compressor stations, as they make a lot of noise). Being quite small, screw compressors are conveniently placed in the shops, which requires the air supply. And of course today is highly valued automation in all areas of life. It is also a big plus screw compressors – their mode of operation can be set for a certain period of time, and the compressor will function normally without the need for support. Great disadvantage of reciprocating compressors was that their cooling is with water, for which the enterprises set pipe. Over time, tubes wear out, the gaps lead to leakage, pipe system also needs to support, while the screw compressors require exclusively in air cooling. In general we can say that the replacement of piston compressors for screw compressors is justified today – it's really improves working conditions, to save and to guarantee the successful operation of compressors for a long time.

Template Installation chtonovogo According to some data, 16 people were injured in a road accident involving a bus on the highway Rublevo Assumption. Of these, 15 delivered in urban hospitals teams "first aid". One victim required assistance was provided on site. The accident happened around 8:00 on Monday at the 26th kilometer of the route, near the village of "Gorki-10". According to preliminary information, the driver of a small bus "Bohdan", performing a route number 121, not lost control, causing the bus left the road and overturned on its side, ITAR-TASS.

Meanwhile, reports "Interfax", there was a frontal collision of buses and cars, followed by the bus driver was unable to keep the car on the highway. The bus went off the road into a ditch and overturned. The bus driver stamps "Bogdan" owned by a private company "Transavtoliv", fled the scene. In place work accident the traffic police, traffic movement in this area is difficult. Over the past two weeks in Russia, there have been several major accidents involving passenger buses. – Because the night July 20, near Novosibirsk shuttle bus "Mercedes" pulled off the road into a ditch and overturned.

As a result, killing eight passengers, more than 30 people were injured. – July 24, in the Rostov region was faced with a scheduled maslovoz bus, 21 people were killed, eight were in the hospital. – 25 July in Moscow, a truck drove into the stands at the bus stop on the Ring Road bus injured 13 people. – July 27, Russian General Prosecutor's Office requested the regional public prosecutors to verification in the field of road safety. "The participation of the tragedy with numerous casualties on the roads of the country have shown the need for concerted action of all authorities and local government, regulatory and supervisory authorities to ensure road safety ", – stressed in the department.

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Candice Olson – one of the leading professional interior designers in North America. Her style – is the creativity and practicality, it does not spare the time to work in complex design projects. In her work shows her whole personality – bright, lively and incisive mind with light irony and irreverence. Candice attended the University of Calgary in Canada, where she earned a bachelor's degree while traveling and playing volleyball in a women's National Team of Canada. After graduating from university, Candice continued her studies at the School of Interior Design at the University of Ryerson; after graduating talent Candice was immediately noticed some of the leading design companies in North America. In 1994, having received the necessary experience and strengthen their skills and professionalism, Candice began own design practice.

In 2002, after numerous and highly successful appearances television in various tv shows as an expert, Candice decided to try his hand as a television presenter in the new project, entitled Divine Design. Divine Design with Candice Olson debuted simultaneously in the U.S. on hgtv and in Canada, W Network and the network immediately became leading television shows in both cable networks and in the U.S. Divine Design with Candice Olson broadcast 10 times a week! With outstanding ratings, critical acclaim and broad audience, Candice Olson continues to be one of the most talented professionals in the field Interior Design Canada, whose opinion and listened to numerous media related to it with great confidence the audience

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Through the use of screw blocks of the best European Manufacturer GHH-RAND (Germany), these compressors have a high efficiency (92%) and a high level (up to 40 000 h), which can significantly reduce the cost of obtaining compressed air. Two-stage system oil-separation ensures the oil content in the air up to 3 mg/m3. Use quick-detachable oil filter and separator reduces downtime during maintenance. The state of the air filter is controlled with a pollution sensor information output to the console upravleniya.Kompressornaya station with electric motor 5.5 … 15 kW, equipped with a receiver at 300 or 500 liters, dryer refrigerant from the dew point temperature 3 C and the block filter provides a clean dry air. In all series of screw compressors are installed VC Russified microprocessor control panel, which provides: air regulator: the load, the idle, the temporary shutdown, adjustment of pressure in the network control and maintenance of a working oil temperature, thermal protection, control of operating time at different modes of operation of the compressor; release of information about the technical services; protection against failure phases pi melting voltage, misuse and alternation of their asymmetry, automatic shutdown of compressor during emergency situations, a two-level protection against unauthorized access to the parameters of the compressor, storing information about the operating conditions and compressor outages in nonvolatile memory. Compressors Series VC does not require foundations, compact and have low noise levels, allowing you to abandon the central compressor and install compressors on-site consumption of compressed air.

Up to 70% energy consumed by the compressor, used for oil cooling air, which can be reused for heating. Compressors with an electric capacity of 110 … 160 kW are equipped with frequency converters, which allows you to accurately track the fluctuations in air flow by changing the rotational speed of the drive motor, and to minimize power consumption by eliminating idling. Designed for enterprise remote microprocessor MPU-4 allows us to manage 2.4 screw compressors, adjusting their required number and order of inclusion, and provides automatic control of air pressure in the pneumatic system. Screw compressors are used at pressures up to 1.5 MPa. At a pressure of 2.5 …

4.0 MPa and the required air volume is greater than 2 m3/min most effectively apply the following scheme: a series of screw compressor compresses the air to VC 1.0 … 1.3 MPa booster piston compressor (booster) – up to 2.5 … 4.0 MPa. JSC "Remez" delivers complete compressor system capacity of 2 m3/min and pressure of 2.5, 3.5 and 4.0 MPa, which include cleaning systems and air drying of oils, moisture and impurities. All equipment manufactured by JSC "Remez", certified by the CE standards and State Standard of Russia. Source: Company 'ILC' – high pressure compressors, air compressors, piston compressors installation, the price of compressors and compressor equipment

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The word "cement" comes from the German "zement" or Latin "caementum", which means gravel, broken stone. Cement has been known since ancient times. . The first variety of cement were gypsum and lime. The Egyptians and Greeks in the construction structures used cement. Some of the buildings of those times still remain, indicating a tremendous strength of cement and its timeless.

Dry cement – a mixture of loose, non-organic powdery substances. In contact with water, forms a mass of dry cement for construction. This mass quickly hardens and turns into stone. Cement – one of the main building materials. With the use of cement build houses of brick, concrete, foam blocks. Our cement Moscow just that. It is known that in ancient Rome, was also used cement.

These were the mortar with the addition of crushed volcanic rock. In Kievan Rus to the 17 th century in the mortar was added ceramic brick. This brick attached solutions ability to solidify and the resulting mixture was used the same cement Moscow. In 1825, cement was invented in the form in which it exists now. Cement – a material that bringeth construction on a new level of quality. Construction companies and factories for the production of cement is still conducting research and development material of higher quality. With the help of scientists cement is cheaper, greener and more durable. Using the latest scientific achievements in chemistry and construction, cement powder from primitive ancient turns into a high-tech mix, affordable and indispensable in the life of modern cities.

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