The Swabian family business grows despite strong competitive pressures domestically and abroad Waldenbuch / Cologne, January 28, 2011. On the occasion of starting on Sunday in Cologne International sweets and biscuits fair (ISM) the Alfred Ritter GmbH & co. KG for the year 2010 tells a growth in sales of some 24 million euros (+ 8.4%) to a total of around EUR 298 million (2009: 274 million). The Swabian family business could increase its value share of the German market of tablet chocolate to 18.1 percent. 100 g segment, the market share (value) is even at 23.2 per cent (2009: 22.2 per cent) (GRP / AC Nielsen).

Our home market is and will remain Germany! At our local sales by 3.8 percent, we see that our quality strategy is taking effect. Hyundai has much experience in this field. We will also in the future on growth through quality and invest exclusively in the best ingredients”, says Alfred t. Ritter, co-owner and Chief Executive Officer of the Alfred Ritter GmbH & co. KG. Double-digit growth rates in the International business international business recorded a growth rate of 19 percent of the chocolate manufacturers when compared to the previous year. The percentage of total sales now at 31 per cent (2009: 28 per cent). Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Robert Kiyosaki by clicking through. While the regions evolve differently: as the companies operating in over 90 countries in important foreign markets such as Italy (+ 16 percent), Russia and the United States could gain more market share.

The Eastern European sales development remains a challenge despite an increase. The potential there is not exhausted, many Knights entered sports just the range of supermarkets. We are very satisfied with the sales in 2010. However, difficulties big US increased commodity prices. Alone, the price of cocoa, the main ingredient of our chocolate, rose from January 2009 until today around 20 percent”, says Olaf Wilcke, international business Director and responsible as a member of the Executive Board for the export. According to Knight, the explosion of in commodity prices is attributable not only to low crops or bottlenecks in cultivation, but also on speculation on commodity exchanges. Ritter Sport therefore welcomes the initiative, food speculators to proceed against the Federal Government within the 20 major industrial and emerging-market countries. Because of the rise in prices don’t arrive among producers on the spot usually. The third year in a row we write black numbers. Even if our revenue is low, it makes me proud as an entrepreneur. 2011 will be exciting for the market as a whole. We are well positioned with our range and will expand this”, so Knight.

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To write artculos and to send them to directories are one tctica tried like one of the strategies that better work to promote themselves and to have visits in your own Web in Internet. Although it does not have to be the unica strategy to promote itself in the businesses online. Nevertheless, it is an excellent step to obtain many visits that become potential clients. Adems exists a good probability that your competition this not using this strategy, for which podras to use it to remove advantage. Writing your own artculos requires of time and effort and is exactly by that raz n that great mayora does not use it, but really you want to remove to benefit from this strategy debers to frequently use it until obtaining posicionarte in first pgina of the finders to obtain ms visits. With the following 6 reasons verclear s by que is very recommendable to use the marketing of artculos: 1. Expert in your field: You do the presale. People enchant to him to buy and mainly to buy to him to the best ones.

The writing and comercializaci effective n of your artculos you ayudarn to posicionarte like the expert in your field. 2. Money does not cost: To publish artculo is free, although it is necessary to spend to time and effort. 3. Trfico of multiples sources: If your artculos are good, immediately, others webmasters querrn to make informaci extensive n that you offer.

Numerous webmaster they look for content good to publish it in its own Webs, being maintain communications of your own artculo. That generates ms visits to your Web. 4. It improves the positioning: The motors of busqueda live on the quality content. For that reason, he is interesting to write new and interesting content. 5. It prevents with informaci n: The user looks for informaci n before making the purchase of any thing. For that reason the artculos with good informaci n can serve like source so that others make decisions to give to a passage towards some acci n. For example, the purchase or contrataci n of algun service or product. 6. Confidence and Credibility: Dndote to know like an expert in your field by means of artculos that reveal your knowledge in the subject you generate vnculo with your readers which positions to you and are taking confidence on your advice. The experts of Marketing use these tecnicas because the marketing of artculos, simply works. Vivimos in a epoca where informaci n is the power. All we know something in which others estaran interested in knowing. It shares your knowledge using the directories of articles and attracts visits your Web. Now touches to you.

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The Planet Earth day to day suffers of hecatombs that originate their environment against, all this product of the interests of many companies, especially transnational that attempt against their environment to a social cost, often irreparable, more when the waters are contaminated, the atmosphere, is affected the climate, devastates lands, eliminates animal species. In all this there is a determining roll of the green trade or environmental trade, that cannot be neglected by anybody, more by the same governments, who must be the guarantors of the noncontamination of the country that is called on to them to govern. The World-wide Commission on Atmosphere and Viable Development (Brundtland Commission, 1897) has defined the viable consumption like ” the use of goods and services that respond to basic needs of the present and provide one better quality of life, at the same time, diminishes the use of natural resources, material toxics and emissions of wastes and polluting agents throughout the service life, in such a way that they are not put in risk the future needs of generaciones”. Badillo side, on the relevance, importance of this subject contributes to us, that the Green Marketing research is only one of the tools that can contribute to the sustainable development which still we are in time to obtain. It depends on us like consumers, and the companies like producers, to obtain that these initiatives are integrated successful to our daily life. By all means this is possible if we received information that educates to us about the benefits that we will obtain as society when having a sustainable progress and the consequences of not taking brings back to consciousness and to continue ignoring the urgency of solutions before this problem. The fact, that is added the society constantly evolves. The changes must, among others factors, to the fast growth of their population, the inevitable consequences of the globalisation, to the adoption of the technology like part of the daily life and to the appearance of new tendencies.. .

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This idea quickly was spread for the four cantos of the world. The idea of each country to identify itself with proper symbols that differentiate them of its neighbors or enemies is something that, currently, seems normal and natural. However, this idea is historically a typical movement of modernity. The work of the modern States throughout century XIX and beginning of century XX was to create, to recriar or to invent traditions and symbols to identify and to mark each country and nationality. As already we said, the proposals conservatives of century XIX had been brought up to date to form the ideological and philosophical base of regimes European fascists. Thus, of century XX, still astonished in face of the horrors of the World War I and the serious economic crisis generated in the period postwar period, detached parcels of the population had at the beginning found in this iderio> conservative the alternative explanations and ways to the serious social crisis and politics. Another factor that placed in alert the forces politics conservatives was the growth of international the communist movement, over all, from the Russian Revolution.

The distrust of a World-wide Revolution was another important factor wide used by the parties of the radical right to angariar support of the religious sectors entrepreneurs and for the cause conservative. The ghosts of 1789 and 1917 if had added to build new representatives of the eminent danger of the proletarian revolution. Another important event that would leave deep marks in the European picture of that moment was the Crisis of 1929. The Great allied Economic Depression to the reaction conservative, the new nationalisms and the anti-communist propaganda propitiated the ideal scene for the sprouting of the known parties as fascists, who had as base a strong contrary feeling to the ideas and Liberal and Communist proposals. In some countries, especially in the Europe, the notion appeared of that only regimes that they privileged a system based on military reinforcement and in the centralization of the State and that they were directed by a charismatic leader they would be capable to solve the problems economic and to bar the ascension of the communist propaganda. The iderio conservative arrived its apogee when countries as Germany, Italy, Portugal, Crocia, Hungria and Spain had finished adhering to these proposals.

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Customers determine places the next onOffice training units in the onOffice Software GmbH made your training again customer-friendly. As the existing service onOffice, customer wishes in the Centre of the planning of promotions and offers are available. For this reason, an online survey designed the onOffice training team at the customer and can show prospective customers wishes, ideas and suggestions for the onOffice training seminars. The Wunschschulungsort stands in the foreground of the survey. Users of the online real estate software have venues to call the possibility, in which one of the monthly offered onOffice training should take place. Using the survey would we vote the next training places and dates to the needs of our customers and training units there take place can be found, where our customers want it”, Stefan Mantl explains the concept of the survey. The evaluation of the two-week online survey is based on the training plan in the second half of 2011. May be due to the Result held the next trainings in the Switzerland and Austria..

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