
David Peat

The work of David Bohm is something unprecedented in history and somehow marks the integration of science and spirituality within a holistic vision of the world. Responds David Peat, in contemporary physics is in the phase of penetrating deeper. Quantum mechanics is not the last word. Why give them authority to spiritual experience or mysticism based on quantum mechanics is a huge risk, even if, on the other hand the spirituality is also a science, as Krishna, said the religious mind is a mind just like the scientist; Open, question. It concludes that Krishna and he came to the conclusion that the spiritual mind are, finally a single and that mind must be fully open to the research question, which requires lots of energy, much effort and the freedom necessary to ask the correct question. Summary notes that don’t want, therefore, a new science, but a new scientist whose mind is completely open, having the passion, love and energy for continue to pose questions, and currently comes to the same thing: the existence of a spiritual and scientific mind. The present essay continuing the dialogue which presented the need to investigate the development of holistic education (E.H.) In Japan and Mexico. Wondering what are the main features of both historical and current of this education in both countries. Dr. Gallegos says that each country related to their local reality and then acquires very special nuances that come from the own culture in each of the regions with their own elements and Atsuhiko than in this historical context, says that it is very new, and at the same time very old in Japan despite the fact that education has a historical burden holistic with a perspective of natural in the upbringing of children is fragment in 1980 to the 90 However informal education in Japan is very holistic, but in another sense has moved away formal education which has lost the balance.

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If you are a seller and your main concern are the customers. You have probably read and heard more than one million ideas about how to build relationships, retain customers, create a list of potential customers, and inspire the loyalty of a customer. But the question difficult is, how can I convert prospects into customers?There are a lot of people there were who see their ads, think about them, and perhaps say: I should are waiting to be convinced to do something in this regard. Is there anything you can do to make them move! 1. Improve your ofertNadie let pass the offer that is too good to resist. Think about it would how often your customers want your product, but that always wants something and a little more? That leaves you with a long list of almost sales that have the potential of becoming actual sales and profits. It sweetens the deal. Beam that the offer is so good that they can not resist.

Now, in any way I suggest you lower prices to sweeten the deal. You can just as easily load it bonds to increase the perceived value without cutting their profits. Bonds motivate sales, perhaps even more than lower price.Don’t let that they vallan. Yes they come into the store, soon tell them that they have a limited date. Maybe will have to wait for your competitors while they grab your offer, but well that’s wrong! 2. Follow-up how you would like to increase its sales by more than 50 percent? Yes, sounds good! There is really a very simple tactic that tracking can be applied.It is likely that your prospective customers are not likely to buy your product the first time they see it or hear about him. Perhaps going to be the third or fourth, but they have to know you in the third or fourth time before they actually become a customer. Do you have a tracking system in place? Simply contact the customer almost every month with a new offer, or give them more information about the product that you are showing you more interest.

You don’t have to be a complicated process. Kept in contact with your customers, there is going to be a long road to the construction of that confidence is the key to finding customers for life. Internet sellers expect a high number of customers who visit their sites, then click away. You can not continue without some type of contact information. A great way to gather the information you need is to offer a free eBook or informative document that consumers find or want them. Once they have given the information to send them an email of product, you have what you need to keep in touch and works to convert them into loyal customers. Customize as much as possible. If you can get the first name of your customer very well! Messages send them personal messages showing good relationship, best is that send them all time offers.

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How recognizes a love memories stored images, kisses and words that we treasure soul living always in present are itself not only the experiences of our reasons exist when I doubt if I love when I do not know nor want me to lie when in my silence I call them and they jump and come to me convince Me of the truth of what I can not abolish a woman that He loves each of his experiences because it has taken over me I remember her a caress his velvety rubbing on my skin the first time that sitting on me with all learned tenderness, I kissed her in a moment of fulfillment, peace your mind left open and I walked in their sublime thoughts that really, I fell I felt it and I sawcry many times, not of pain, sadness or grief she struggled with force by my love and especially that first kiss sealed in a delivery sublime endless were moments that are only printed when the soul that dictates what makes them to be able to redeem any concrete, absurd questions that memories cling always when you item where they exist distances when searching for an answer when knowing what we know one to taste, ask the name of the woman who one wants to that one adores, which one ame. Samuel Akinin Levy Como recognizes a love memories stored images, kisses and words that we treasure soul living always in present are itself not only the experiences of our reasons exist when I doubt if I love when I do not know nor want me to lie when in my silence I call them and they jump and come to me convince Me of the truth of what I can not abolish a woman that love with each of their experiences already has taken over me I remember her a caress his velvety rubbing on my skin the first time that sitting on me with all learned tenderness, I kissed her in a moment of fulfillment, peace your mind left open and I walked in their sublime thoughts that really, I fell in love I felt it and I saw, crying many times, not of pain, sadness or grief she struggled with force by my love and especially that first kiss sealed in a sublime delivery, without end They were moments that are only printed when the soul that dictates what makes them to be able to redeem any concrete questions, absurd that the memories always cling when she fears where there are distances when searching for an answer when knowing what we know one to taste, ask the name of the woman who one wants to that one adores, who one loves..

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