In this case, may be achieved by the greatest number of banner impressions and therefore the transitions to the advertiser's site. As an example, the statistics for banner advertising on our site MasterOK Construction! ( Banners here are shown on every page that gives a fairly high number of hits. For example, in May 2008. each of the banners had been shown 45tys. times. During this time, for example, the banner of building tenders had 410 hits.

3. How many times ads will be shown? Instead, attendance is better advertising platform to ask how many times your banner will be displayed during the selected time period. Visual banner will affect the audience for its shows. But for text ads, more used indicators such as the number of clicks from this ad to the advertiser's site. Cost per thousand impressions, or cost per click – this is the second model of transactions between advertiser and the owner of an advertising platform (the first – time payment when the money collected for a period of time). 4. Where on the page will be posted ads? Better when the banner or advertisement located in that part of the site which is immediately visible on the computer screen to view which does not need to rotate the screen. However, if a text ad (banner) shall be placed in a news box or next to an article and at the same time its subject matter is relevant to the theme articles, such advertising could be even more effective.

5. How many more ads are on the site? What matters is the total number of banners (advertisements) on the page. If they are online a lot, then less probability that it will see your ad and remember the visitor. Stand out in this case will the banner size. As for the ads, then you can stand with an attractive ad text, as well as through the appropriate placement of ads in text of the page. 6. Site visitors are the target audience? Depending on the answer to this question is selected industrial site or a news portal "for all", or specific section on this site. The audience was a regional portal for the most part, as a rule, the people of this region. It is necessary to consider when planning an advertising campaign focused on the region. Some advertising sites can provide a geographical and temporal targeting – is when a banner is shown only to visitors from a specific city, and only at certain times. In conclusion follows. C special instruments advertiser can see conversion statistics on the banner (or link) that were placed on selected advertising platform. These data can be very noticeable. For example, placing a pair of just a banner on a prominent regional portals, we found that nearly 20 thousand rubles were all on our web site visitors … 60. For visitors to the portal MasterOK! advertising statistics made public (if advertiser vozrazhat against it). You can see it on this page:

Posted in News

Last year, before the season of mass purchases of gifts for Christmas, all American retailers had more concerns than the anticipation. By the end of the year, however, the excitement gave way to cautious optimism. Back in 2008 year amid the burst in the U.S. mortgage and banking crisis, Christmas sales have gone into a deep dive, as consumers took a course on the regime of austerity. The situation persisted throughout 2009. Consumers in no hurry to spend money even in a season to prepare children for school, and he is generally regarded as a "dress rehearsal" of Christmas. So on the eve of the most important for any trader last two months of the year all without except for retail trade came to a standstill in nervous anticipation. On the crucial shot at the end of the year may account for at least half of its annual revenue.

No wonder Black Friday following the Thanksgiving and opening the top Christmas shopping season, got its name. And not because of the fact that on this day in flooded stores buyers is continuously working with his elbows (which, however, is really going on), but because it is in this day due to a sharp rise in sales losses retailer, traditionally denoted by red, becoming black, ie become profitable. In late 2009, consumers still remain true to the traditions. And although the overall level of spending on all categories of retail goods is far from pre-recession heights and are likely to remain so at least throughout 2010, it clearly shows that consumers feel quite confident – enough to To open the wallets and spend money on gifts. Jewelers last season gave the first signs of hope. Exhibition Company Centurion Jewelry Show in late November, conducted a survey among traders jewelry of high quality.

69.4% respondents reported that their sales (including Black Friday) exceeded the same period last year. At 34.7%, sales grew by more than 10%, 14.3% – 6-10%, with 20.4% of the increase was from 1 to 5 percent. Decline from the 2008 season year, noted 20.4% of respondents, while 10.2% of the results were no different from last year. In the presence or absence of success from a particular goldsmith played a great role of his attitude to the situation. Efforts of those who have shown ingenuity or went into new markets, has been rewarded. For example, a store for the first time decided to hold a promotional campaign, advertising the bracelet of beads Chamilia, and as a result of women's feet, crossing his threshold markedly increased, as well As sales volumes during the campaign. Another jeweler adverted sale cheap remains in the range "ridiculous" price of $ 9.99 to $ 139.99. Attracted by these buyers are not only sold out all the remnants, but purchased many products more expensive range.

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