
Human Rights

Through a historical survey on the term of office we base as it was the development to arrive until the present, and if they are carrying through what it was considered by the projects of politics you publish as in the case of the CREAS the fidedignidade to the idealized one. With the interview to the professionals and data supplied by the CREAS of the Juazeiro of the North we verify as she is to the demand regarding the children and adolescents taken care of in the same. METHODOLOGY In the present study the research of descriptive, bibliographical nature will be used as proposal metodolgica, for the attainment of data on children and adolescents who if find in street situations. According to Crevo; Bervian (2002), the exploratria research carries through necessary descriptions of the situation and looks for to discover the relations existing between the searched elements, it also affirms that this study it is recommended where has few knowledge on the problem to be studied, thus increasing the experience of the interviewer with the problem. The instrument of collection of data applied will be a questionnaire to the professionals the front of the problematic one, mainly the responsible psychologist of the CREAS and other institutions for these children and adolescents, where this questionnaire will be composed of eleven questions approaching the subject in question. At last, by means of this research we will make a search for the situation of these agencies, and its participation with the children who survive in the streets, data-collectings that contextualize these paradigms that the society has with these citizens. QUESTIONNAIRE Employee of the 1.Qual CREAS the function of the psychologist in the CREAS? 2. Until point the CREAS is responsible for the children in situation of Street? 3.Em its opinion why it has an increase of children in situation of street here in the Juazeiro of North? 4.De that way the Term of office is applied inside of the CREAS? 5.Como these rights can be guaranteed by the Social Managers? 6.A psychology together with the Human Rights has as one of the functions to diminish the psicosociopoltico suffering of the citizen, until point the work of the professionals of the CREAS has guaranteed this factor? 7.Quais the Problems are inquired when children look for o CREAS? 8.O CREAS holds all the demand of children who need a support.

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The tree diagram goes of the general to specific, that is to say, leaves from a general problem ( trunk ) and continuous with subsequent levels or causes to it ( branches ). The causes become problems as well to which him causes are due to associate and so on until arriving to the maximum level from possible detail or primary causes. The action to solve each cause represents the average ones to reach the general goal, that is the solution of the problem. Methodology of Application the tree diagram is a tool of work in equipment, therefore before beginning, it is necessary to conform the work party (preferably interdisciplinary and with ample knowledge in the subject) and to assign a person in charge of the same, that will be in charge to direct the equipment through all the steps to apply the tool.

Step 1: To establish problem the equipment must initially determine the problem and write up it of form clear and specific to avoid the vagueness of the problem. In table 4 the correct and incorrect form can be appreciated to pose the problems. Table 4. Incorrect correct form of/posing problems INCORRECT FORM CORRECT FORM the patients must wait for long time to be taken care of the patients must whom to wait for 3 hours to be taken care of much unemployment Are 50% of the young people who leave the university do not obtain to work the shirts have faults the shirts are leaving without bellboys While but specific it is the problem but easy she will be to find the causes and effects. Step 2: To define the causes or effects of this problem In a subsequent level they register the cause that originates this problem. In order to identify this cause he is recommendable to use the question Why this problem happens. Not necessarily it must be a cause, can be multiple.

Step 3: To define the later levels Each cause becomes the effect to identify new causes, thus the equipment must continue identifying causes successive until it is arrived at the greater level of possible detail. Step 4: To weigh the importance of each branch To the causes of each problem, assigns a consideration to him in percentage (%) according to its importance. Step 5: To implant solutions solutions for each cause according to the priorities are implanted that arise from their consideration. To example way, in figure 13 a diagram of finished tree acquires knowledge. Benefits – It allows to obtain a joint vision of the study object. – It allows to identify means necessary to reach a goal or to solve a problem. – It allows to identify the primary and secondary causes of a problem and to assign priorities at the time of solving a problem. – It allows to understand the relation causes effect of the problems. – It allows to identify the objectives the goals of each task. Relation with other tools – Diagram of affinity. – Diagram of relation. – Diagram of cause effect. Requisite of norm ISO 9001:2000 related 5,3, 5.4.1, 8.2.1, 8.2.3, 8,3, 8.5.2, 8.5.3, original Author and source of the article.

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This method of transformation is constituted of an accelerator (also called cannon) that I impelled metallic micron-projectiles (particles) loading DNA for inside of unbroken cells, fabrics or vegetal agencies, that later are regenerated (BESPALHOK F., et al WAR; OLIVEIRA, 2000). Some models of accelerators exist, but the most used currently they use the gas helium compressed to generate the necessary force for the particle acceleration (SANFORD et al., 1991). It enters the used archetypes more we have ‘ ‘ Biolistic? PDS 1000/He’ ‘ of the BioRad company who uses high helium pressures. The used metallic particles more in the bombardeamento are of tungsten and the gold. (BESPALHOK F., et al WAR; OLIVEIRAS, 2000) the particles are prepared with the precipitation of the DNA.

The used method more for DNA precipitation uses CCl2 and espermidina associated with tungsten particles. The transformation for bombardeamento occurs under vacuum, to increase the efficiency of penetration of particles (SANFORD et al., 1991). By this method several had been transformed species such as soy and maize. The bombardeamento of particles also has been used for the transformation of cloroplastos and mitocndrias (BESPALHOK F., et al WAR; OLIVEIRA, 2000). Markers of election are necessary to increase the transgnicas production of cells and plants.

An election marker allows the preferential growth of the cells transformed into the presence of the selective agent, preventing the growth of the cells not transformed. Genes that confer resistance the antibiotics or herbicidas can be used as marking of election. (BESPALHOK F., et al WAR; OLIVEIRA, 2000). Genes of resistance the herbicidas also have been used as frequently marking of election. It enters most used, we have the gene BAR that confers resistance to the herbicida Basta (fosfonotricina active principle or PPT) (BESPALHOK F., et al WAR; OLIVEIRA, 2000). For each protocol of transformation, it is necessary to determine the dose of the adjusted selective agent for the used species and cellular type.

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