The previous sentence, I really hope that people take it in mind to ask for the intercession of the Virgin of Juquila at all times in which feel they need help. Thereafter be submitted a bit of information about the Virgin of Juquila. HISTORY brief history of Santa Catarina Juquila community, was founded in the year 1272. more.

According to ancient texts, the first inhabitants came from the region of the mixteca, who settled on the banks of a river which gave them appropriate conditions for a good development beginning to populate what today is Juquila. In 1725 by your tourist religious importance was given the category of municipality and political district. According to anecdotes of grandparents and several histories Juquila was a jurisdiction of vassalage of Tututepec, in 1526. With the arrival of Fray Jordan de Santa Catalina, even village name Amialtepec, who occupied the services of a humble peasant, whom he educated religiously during your stay. When it was time for that Fray Jordan return to their place of origin and had to pay him gifted to the humble peasant in reward an image of the Immaculate Conception (which was carved in Spain), warning him that I had to venerate it as he had been taught, the image was placed in the hut of the humble peasant, they say that one day the hut caught fire and reduced to ashespresenting the image only slight Burns subsequently happened various miracles of whom learned the surrounding peoples and it was as inhabitants of Juquila were organized to transfer the image to your community.

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Destinations that you can visit should, before they disappear from the map London/Berlin, January 22, 2009 the Earth has to offer many exceptional destinations such as historic buildings, mysterious wetlands or extraordinary inland waters for tourists and world travelers. The only question is: for how long? Global warming, environmental disasters and destruction by humans threaten many holiday paradises and cultural monuments. Travellers should use therefore have the chance to visit these extraordinary places before they completely disappear from the map. unveils five endangered destinations. 1 dead sea, Jordan the image of bathers that relaxed driving on the surface of the water of the dead sea, and read a newspaper, is world renowned.

The most unusual Lake in the world is between the Kingdom of Jordan, the Western neighbour of Israel and the Palestinian territories. About 410 meters below sea level, he is ten salty with a salt content of about 30% as the Mediterranean Sea. The existence of this natural wonder is threatened, because every year the level of the dead sea to about a meter decreases. If this process is not stopped, large parts of the Lake will soon be a salt desert. Hotel tip from the experts: the Golden Tulip Grand Palace Hotel in Amman, about an hour’s drive from the dead sea is located. \”2. the Everglades, Florida, United States, Pumas, crocodiles, pelicans and turtles: the marshes of the Everglades in Florida, also often called River of grass\” is known, is famous for its great biodiversity. The draining of the swamp area and the increasing environmental pollution has a direct impact on the flora and fauna. The strong fall of moist habitats has resulted in that since the beginning of the 20th century until today already 95 percent of the total stock of wader have disappeared. Since the destructive effects of Hurricane Andrew, the area at risk is classified and therefore on the red list of endangered world heritage sites.

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