Then it is necessary that the company has surroundings of work by Internet by mobility anyone can accede to the information of the office from any point, and devices of communication to report by vestibules of voice or IVR, SMS or Internet the daily activity It can describe to some concrete action of Field Marketing to us developed by Aplus? We have started up a campaign of field marketing for Motor MINI-BMW Moncloa in order to present the mark MINI. Through the MINI campaign it has managed to connect with the public to present its last new features. In a so competitive sector, as the one of the automotion, without a doubt, field marketing appears like the most effective solution before the indifference. From conventional, direct, bold and little fresh a method the campaign of field MINI-BMW marketing has looked for the interaction with the public. For it was chosen to develop a campaign based on the presence of the mark in the street, to draw attention of the pedestrians in zones strategically chosen. A direct and aligned campaign with the values of the mark. It consisted of the distribution of promotional trays with coffees, of zones of great affluence of managers, industralists and executives. The MINI mark looked for the contact, from the invitation and the delivery of pommings (especially designed with the silhouette characteristic of a MINI ones), to draw attention on its mark. The process was simple, after giving good morning, anfitrionas of MINI prepared material to give, a coffee, pomming and a sticker. Original author and source of the article.

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Entry packages of the European Public Relations Group (EPRG) enable ICT companies starting in the Pan-European press relations at the fixed price of Koblenz, 09 September 2009 to choose from are two offers at a fixed price with a maturity of three months each. Addressees of the two communication packages are companies that want to take the step into new European markets and accompany this from the outset through appropriate communication measures. The base package (basic bundle) includes all components of communication, a customer needs to start in the press work. So it includes advice three press releases, company background and shipping to a company-specific developed press mailing list, the topic plan creation, inclusion in the EPRG PressRoom, as well as an evaluation of the publications (Clippingservice), for example, one day. This package is offered by the EPRG for a price of 5,900 euros per country.

Extended (enhanced bundle) includes additional telephone interviews with predetermined key titles and a one-day Editorial tour to relevant media and industry analysts. This extended offer is offered by the EPRG for a price of Euro 10,900 per country. The consultative component of the offer advantages for the customers helps prospective customers to get a clear view of the communicative possibilities of their company at European level. You gives insight into the factors of an efficient and successful cross-border communication and at the same time provides information about market conditions and competition in the European country. The extended offer also allows a company to meet important target media and editors across Europe personally and to establish first contacts.

The European Public Relations Group (EPRG) the EPRG was founded in 2005 by the RIBA business talk GmbH in Koblenz. The Group focuses on the Pan-European communications for companies in the information and telecommunications industry. The EPRG has continued to grow and currently in Germany, France, United Kingdom, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Representing the Czech Republic and Hungary. An overview of the members of the EPRG and its services can be found under. The EPRG PressRoom of EPRG PressRoom, part of both packages, is a digital tool for the intelligent and targeted distribution of press releases in the respective national language. He provides easy-to-use, but still fine search algorithms, newsletter and RSS functionality. Messages of EPRG customers appear in a press, which each has been created in the customer’s own design and can be integrated by the customer in his own home. Thus, he benefited from a current at any time press area, without having any own effort. At the same time, the visibility of corporate news in Europe via the network of the EPRG pressroom is ensured. About RIBA business talk GmbH, the RIBA business talk GmbH (RBT) is an owner-managed consultancy with a focus on Public Relations. Since its inception the company has consistently focused on the ICT market. All RBT consultants have over 10 up to 20 years of experience in the operational B2B business and profound knowledge of the market. For more information about the company and the current client list, see. Contact: Riba: BusinessTalk GmbH Aki Blum Metoki Besselich 56182 Urbar/Koblenz Tel: 0261/963757-0

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