A happy man is he who during the day, for his work, and at night, your tiredness, has no time to think in their things. r as a relevant resource throughout. Gary Cooper the reward for work well done is the opportunity to make management more well-done job Jonas Edward Salk General considerations at the present time, it must be more attentive in pro that its human resources duly distributed in all those functions which must play according to their specialties are satisfied in their work. Functions must be backed with a precise description of all what they demand in order to avoid conflicts, and give way to achievements that will ensure a good productivity, provided, you count with proper ergonomics, as well as a participatory management leadership to ensure the possibility of workers bring expertise without restrictions, motivated in such a way that to give passage to its creativity, innovation, potential which allows achievements that benefit all. Should management ensure, that the tasks carried out, reached that they lead to the achievement of the stated objectives, be them of the deserved recognition, taking into account performance, productivity. Realizing promotions based on results, not on the basis of friendship, sympathy.

In a forum on the subject conducted by the graduate program of the speciality of management of the quality and productivity of Faces of the University of Carabobo, participant Arianna Molina says, the job satisfaction can be determined by the type of activities carried out: (i.e., that the work is the opportunity to showcase the skills and to offer a certain degree of challenge for the existence of the interest). That employees are well rewarded through their wages and salaries commensurate with the expectations of each obviously. That the working conditions are suitable, non-hazardous or uncomfortable which makes better their performance. In addition employees seek within the work that his immediate boss is friendly and understandable and to hear them when necessary.

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It always chooses your weights knowing that the repetition number eleven is prohibited and that you are entering the land of the skinny ones. ' If you really wish to gain fast muscle pon your mind to work in way of heavy rise. In each and every one of the series and exercises. Mantn the heavy weights and never you do more than 10 repetitions. It realises each exercise knowing that you you are going to venture in new territory and undertaking a war against your skinny genetics. I recommend to you that you make these training with a companion so that you can eliminate any problem of security, you do not relax the rate and pressures your limits in each centimeter of the way. 2. It reduces Your Time of Training It works more in less time and thus you will increase your ability to work.

The work talks about the serial number, repetitions and weight in your training. Who has better physical training conditions? Somebody that can make 4 series of press of bank with 84 kilos with 30 seconds of rest or somebody that can make 4 series of press of bank with 84 kilos with 90 seconds of rest? The one that can make the same amount of work in less time. Fortune tellers who is most muscular? The one that has one more a greater capacity of work. The next time that you enter the gymnasium, tries to finish your present training in less time. Taking shorter rests. It happens more quickly of exercise to exercise. That it does not surprise to you to feel that you are outside form! This he is one of the easiest advice that you can take to increase your muscular densidad and to take your physical training conditions until a new level. Preprate for humillarte and to leave your zone of comfort.

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Holders of labour of Spain and Romania meet to study how to implement the plan. Nor will affect workers on their own or to those who are already in Spain. The work permit requirement to Romanians who want to come to Spain will not affect self-employed workers, or those who are already in the country, nor to those who are unemployed and earn the unemployment subsidy. Leaders from both countries have met on Thursday to study how to implement the Spanish decision to revive the moratorium on Romanian workers that was lifted in January 2009 to allow the free movement of workers. Thus, the Spanish Minister Valeriano Gomez has arisen that the evolution of the Spanish economy and the strong growth of the Romanian community established in Spain – that has happened in five years from 200,000 to 860,000 people–has made it necessary to try to regulate the volume and intensity of the entry of Romanians. 30% Of Romanians in Spain are unemployed According to Gomez, 30 percent of Romanian workers being held in Spain are in a situation of unemployment and the arrival of more people looking for work would only worsen the situation.

Both Gomez and his counterpart Sebastian Lazaroiu have repeatedly stressed the fact that Romanians who currently are paid unemployment in Spain have collaborated for years with his work to Social Security. Even in these times of crisis, there are nearly 300,000 Romanians who traded every month, every day, and we are grateful and we recognize that function, has highlighted the Spanish Minister, who pointed out that the Romanians are the first group of foreigners by number of contributors to Social Security. Gomez has also calculated that the requirement of work permit for Romanian workers self-employed will remain a few years, although it has insured that the decision will be reviewed annually in the light of the evolution of the Spanish labour market and waiting for employment to take new impulse in Spain. In addition, he has stressed that for work permit to a Romanian who has an employment contract in Spain will be granted regardless of the national employment situation.

Your business and a great team! How it develops a great team at the interior of a company? As a business owner you must be aware that an excellent team does not develop overnight overnight. Note that you will take time to achieve this train it and adapt it to your business objectives. At the time of hire looking for people with an entrepreneurial spirit, it analyzes their capacity for empathy and researches the perception they have of your business. These points are important to discover if your team members are interested in turning your business and if they feel motivated and open to learn. The ideal equipment cannot be obtained the first time! You do not generate false expectations, a large team is not built from one day to the morning. Over time the capacity of your team will answer you questions decisive in the management of your company, for example, if estacapacitado to do the work you’re doing.

He hires someone who perform the job better than you! Don’t worry if at the beginning the members team cannot do the job better than you, this work will consist of training and in the development of robust systems that allow a good management in all areas of the business. It offers to your personal tools for success yconvierte your business into a prosperous Enterprise! This is the time of print force and much commitment to your business. Mind that this is just beginning! Greetings, Edgar Buenaventura. Original author and source of the article.

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“There is a power of choice – what we do today with our time, information and habits reflects our future,” Did you swim in a sea or ocean? You can not forget these beautiful sensations of energy and revitalization after bathing in the sea minerals. Can you restore these feelings at your spa? Purchase mineral salts, dissolve a desired (?) Quantity in hot water and relax as if you were swimming in a sea? No information to be found? You may ask: what is a desired amount, a cup, two cups, 1 kg (2.2 pounds) or more? My answer: “You must add at least 1 kg (2.2 pounds) per toilet.” Allow to specify why. The salinity (salt concentration) of sea water is at least 3%. This means that 3 kg (6.6 pounds) of minerals should be added to a bath to simulate the sea baths. The fundamental principle is to disperse botanical bath in water matrix. Then, these products plants may be available for formula salt absorption.But normal skin does not provide these benefits because of the low rate of skin absorption of minerals, dissolving the mechanism and salinity of the body. The mechanism of dissolution of minerals in regular water is the following: salt crystals dissociate many ions and these ions are covered by water molecules. These hydrated ions in water have a lower energy level and activity for proper absorption and assimilation by the skin.

I’ve been looking and studying for many years a large number of clinical studies of efficacy of treatment of minerals. The results differ, the efficiency is different, the methods are different, different types of salt. However, a common figure found is that scientists use for therapeutic treatment with at least 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of regular mineral salts. The minimum number of 1 (one) kg originates from the fact that our body salinity (healthy blood plasma) is approximately 0.9% (equivalent of 900 grams of salt or two pounds per bath). Thus, at least 1 kg (2.2 pounds) of salt is usually needed to support the absorption of minerals and proper assimilation through the skin to nourish and mineralization the skin and body with a deficiency of macro and micro-elements.

And professionals in the water therapy knows this figure. More often medical spas, clinics and health centers can be used for therapeutic purposes, 2 kg (4.4 lbs) 4 kg (8.8 pounds) or more bath salts! To relax, balance and the welfare of others for a smaller amount of minerals which can be used. But you must understand that the main effect of 250-500 grams (one to two cups of regular salt) per bath is rather a stimulating effect on the skin of a real nutritional impact. So the only recommendation of regular mineral bath salt can be: “The more salt the better.” The more salts are added the best?. Nothing can be changed? More salts are added the best? Hard bathroom? No new ideas? This dogma of age may be questioned and new approaches, scientific ideas and technology have been found to create a new generation of Smart bath products for bath!

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Outsourcing of many services developed by companies emerge as a possibility for cost savings by facilitating the adjustment of the template to the current needs of service that has the market. This is valid because there are many companies who can not control their costs in relation to the benefits that can be generated if considered, are put in place administrative actions that truly benefit functions such as marketing, distribution, everything that generates service. You should take into account the progress of computer science, all those means that can help reduce costs. It is valid as someone points out that companies can not remain anchored in a culture focused on cost, but must go for innovation, but not only that which relates to R & D and technology has a higher calling, but also through the creation of open spaces to encourage creativity in the business environment.

In Venezuela, this is very critical the absence of a management visionary, strategist, innovative fully identify what must be an effective operation. This is due to the lack of integration and use of management with respect to modern tools and what the new paradigm demand, the result, the failure of many companies, especially SMEs, which have integrated the management to the reality of the current scenarios and have the knowledge required to address them, the results would be different. Indeed, when a crisis occurs, management should promote the necessary actions to address them and create changes that lead to stabilize the situation and ensure that the company can operate without fear.

In this regard we are reminded Jose Aguilar, author de’Crecer after a crisis and managing partner of the consulting Mind Value: The change is successful when rigorously designed and executed with realism, but it may fail, but takes into account reactions perfectly predictable, all affected interest groups, “The evidence of a new business paradigm, definitely business, its management must give way to new actions, plans, strategies, innovations that generate results that encourage them in their management, can not continue to function, serving with the knowledge and modern management tools, effective management topics, proactive, positive results guarantors. It should consider what the experts on this comment, that innovation, leadership commitment and sustainability are the formulas to be repeated and mark the success of the business recovery. Is required as Nuria said Saez, a member of InCrescendo, project consultancy specializing in organizational transformation and change, leaders who are alienated by a new paradigm, in which old values such as individualism no longer serve, In line with this new trend, Araceli expressed Mendieta, coach and team executive, who believes that, although some models were successful in the past, it is necessary “to be more permeable” to when adopting new systems that work in the new scenario forged by the international crisis. In particular, it is necessary for management to identify the characteristics that the current business scenarios presented and give way to innovation, the use of administrative tools according to what is needed to address and if necessary generate transformations, changes positive results will follow.

As is also important as discussed management experts able to communicate all the management policies that will carry out the company to enable its staff to understand and implement. “Employees are the main customers of the company and is something that should not be overlooked especially now, and that negative decisions require more explanation and some companies are losing the forms.” To the extent that organizational culture is fully understood by all staff, commitment, responsibility to give benefits to companies in their objectives.

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Each of these entities mentioned have and play an interesting role, although it seems unlikely. All of them are correlated with traffic and the solution to the problem of road accidents in our country that will explain in detail in due course. However, I will refer to some of singular importance, as is the Central Electoral Board to give an idea. Wells Fargo may help you with your research. We wonder, what does this institution in transition? Well, quite simply, the Central Electoral Board is issuing the identity document or identity card for citizens. And this is the document that gives rise to the issuance of driver’s licenses. If the card is vulnerable have a license too vulnerable in the hands of a possible dangerous driver.

So we must establish appropriate control mechanisms making use of the new technology and electronic government to share information so that both documents become infallible and reliable. The Presidential Office of Information Technology and Communication and the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications are linked to the concept raised. And through these, you can set an iterative communication line for reports of anomalies on public roads with the public and create an active mailbox of suggestions. In the case of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there is a link with the Directorate General of Land Transit to allow the movement of foreigners in our land by legally authorized and certified under an established procedure. In this country there is no more likely to document forgery and that this certificate. Both the Red Cross and the Medical College are part of the process of obtaining a driver’s license, for certainly provide many weaknesses and outdated, especially the medical examination or the Vista.

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Today, and for quite some time, most multinational companies do market research, in order to learn more about their consumers or to launch a new product. Deputy Finance Minister does not necessarily agree. If a company does not conduct a market research would be like a skydiver jumping without a parachute. One of the more traditional methods of doing this kind of survey research is to dare, in which the consumer or user answers some questions related to the product. Previously, in many cases at present surveys were done in person and the interviewer had to search among many people who would like to do the survey and in return receive a gift that in many cases could be a small sum of money. Today with the advancement of technology these surveys can dare to answer the same consumer Internet and can volunteer to answer a survey when the fence company to do some market research.

Here are several programs in which one can join and receive notification when a survey this one available to answer it and get some money for taking the time to answer. You get surveys according to the profile that we have written, say if you play tennis, it is unlikely to receive surveys related golf products. One of the advantages of this system is that you can answer several surveys of different companies and in the comfort of your home. One thing that I want to emphasize is that definitely can not live in the practice, but if we could get a few extra dollars that would certainly help our personal finances.

This approach should serve to better guide the short and medium term, from a view of knowledge in the medium and long term in line with business changes that are occurring in the market, society and technology. a We emphasized that the knowledge management can be framed at a time when the number occurring in relation to changing circumstances management practices. The different streams of management business, which Gurus, Business Schools and Consultants, are proposing, are shaping a road full of principles on which companies establish benchmarks to determine and develop their strategies. The practices that are proposed are neither entirely new, nor pose immediate solutions for enterprises, are rather general issues or principles that there is little to discuss beyond the academic level.

But the thing is whether structural reforms can focus on business management based on the knowledge or innovative vision is for Knowledge Management. The answer given time, but it seems that these concepts have a very direct translation and short-term, major econometric parameters with which firms make decisions, and therefore its impact at least in the short term will be low and in any case very slow. This change of mentality which follows the need to transform a particular company and is also a guarantee of success in change, is always needed, whether to pursue a process redesign plan, or a quality program, or any other project of transformation. This transformation process may be hampered by the same factors inhibitors of any changes, but enhanced and amplified by changes in personal positions, that the value of learning and knowledge in its entirety can represent models against historical consolidated views more functional and hierarchical of our organizations. .

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Desire to use for the treatment of climatic conditions of the area resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters demanded a detailed investigation. At the same time revealed how important are the climatic factors for formation and treatment of mineral water springs. Proceeding from these problems since 1920 and is currently in the Climate Division of the Institute of balneology and physiotherapy are systematic and targeted surveillance climatic features of the region, particularly in the areas of generation and supply sources. Established a wide network of meteorological and bio-climatic stations. For the study of solar radiation and atmospheric phenomena Electricity organized special actinometric station in Kislovodsk.

Over the past 90 years the station has accumulated large amount of factual material. In 1939, during a complex expedition of the ussr in addition created still operational meteorological network of mountain settlements. The research results not only characterize the climatic features, but also contribute to the development of theoretical propositions about the origin of sources of mineral waters and the most favorable treatment of their life. Observations geophysical stations for the first time a direct debit dependence sources of meteorological conditions in area of the formation of mineral waters, thus practically become possible to predict the rate of sources to monitor their treatment. One of the results of climate scientists and hydrogeologists was in 1948 a decision Government to hold a large plantation in Kabardian and plateau. 13,000 hectares of forest have been planted as a result of discharge sources and their chemical composition has stabilized. The other side of research – medical assessment of the climatic factors resorts – also has theoretical and practical importance.

Among these studies, occupy a special place of the "Types of weather resorts cms and their implications for climate-and sanatorium treatment, "" radiant energy of the sun in Kislovodsk – the results of 25-year observation. Studied in detail features of ultraviolet radiation in different zones of the area of cms. Developed dosimetric characteristic solnesnoy radiation. A study of atmospheric electricity discovered daily, and head move ionized air condition in Kislovodsk, in its dependence on the change of air masses and other features. These studies have allowed to give sound recommendations to prevent reactions in patients and to develop methods and optimal conditions for climatic treatment procedures for various types of weather and to develop model projects for the construction of summer and winter aerosolyariev.

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