The strategies take the organization to this desired future. According to Coast (2007), formal speaking, the competitive strategy can be understood as the attitude applied for the company in favor of conquering the preference of the referring customer to the choice of determined product or service. Learn more on the subject from Linkedin. Bethlem (2009) corroborates with the thematic one when affirming that, when a company opts in being ' ' everything for todos' ' , it signs one certified of strategical mediocrity, a time that it proves that the organization does not have competitive advantage some. Coast (2007) also discourses that the process of choice of a strategy must contemplate the intention in conflict, that is, to answer the effective necessity. Later, it must be verified if the environment is favorable, if the qualification is enough, thus taking care of to the demand in question. Case in some of these analyzed aspects the reply is negative, mentions that it is possible to correct these gaps with qualification plans and exchange or desistance of the strategy. Between strategies of competitive advantage, the first one is of leadership in costs.
The strategies of competitive advantage of leadership in costs are in general simpler and are found in products or services commodities, a time that similar characteristics to the competitor contain. Related strategies can be implanted the low prices, personalized attendance and promply delivery of the products (RODRIGUES et al, 2009). It is important to stand out that related strategies at low prices must be supported by low costs, that, in turn, are applied with technological advances in maquinrio hand of productive workmanship and (BARNEY and HESTERLY, 2007). Bethlem (2009) makes an alert one to this competitive advantage, detaching the existence of related risks the competitors who imitate the process, change of technology, leadership of competitors in segments of the market, differentiation of the product of the competitors, and exhaustion of the leadership base.