In many companies is the competence management in the tasks and activities of the personnel departments. Now, an integrated competence management binds certainly several temporal resources, which in many places the danger of a neglect of the operative business of the day. Use a suitable software solution can help this. The Web-based human resources manager the innovative human resource management software by BITE offers comprehensive support in all areas of personnel management including the competency management. Thus, for example, the skills, abilities and skills of the employees transparent recognised qualification management in the module and managed. With the help of the integrated qualification matrix the business-side set reviews, as well as the actual reviews of employee competencies on the basis of the school staff are shown or matched. In addition, the functionality of the distribution of skills sets”open any prevailing competence bottlenecks in the company. The improvement derived therefrom are respectively corrective actions with the training management module”detailed coordinated, collected, managed and controlled.
Through the figure of the complete personal development process are funded on the one hand the corrective actions implemented structured and on the other hand, a robust cost-benefit controlling generated. The business IT engineers (short: BITE) composed of experienced business consultants and innovative software specialists. As a consulting company, the business IT engineers supporting companies of any size and industry for years. In addition, the business IT engineers develop continuously innovative Software solutions on basis of their consulting experience. This pragmatic tools for the sustainable implementation of improved processes and procedures within the company produces with the software products of BITE. With the personnel manager, the business IT engineers have developed a fully Web-based human resource management software, which offers both functionality and stability. We have made our our work our passion: business IT engineers – speed up your business! BITE GmbH Vera Sayle line marketing Schiller Street 18 89077 Ulm phone: + 49 (0) 731 / 15979249