
The Band

We want to take some of those beads, here more closely scrutinized. Well-being, the title song. It would be how to explain him recite what is necessary to bring a plane to fly. It flies, This is important and the song meets everything that you would expect from the SEERn – and that is a good thing. The two singers Astrid and sassy running in the song to vocal heights. Mid-tempo is the title, with the characteristics of a ballad, from the first harmony immediately as a SEER title visible. Great guitar sound! Are you “s? A story of how she can affect anyone.

The random encounter with the past. Old love does not rust – that would be trite to say, but one may think articles on stained sheets then the most common page jumps happened with the ex-partner. See more detailed opinions by reading what Robert Kiyosaki offers on the topic.. But no matter: The song also tells of the life of the musicians. On the highway at home, the sofa in the hotel room serves as a living room substitute. SOAP and shampoo are small-portioned breakfast is rarely more in the family circle, on the buffet. It’s not like at home. A travelling people are dramatic. To read more click here: Robert Kiyosaki.

Always on trips, the band as a replacement for the family… WIA Wossa. The SEER, and their relationship to water. With?Wild “s Wossa” launched the career of the band through and water accompanies the SEER on every CD cover and in an almost spiritual way for more than 10 years. This delicate knitted ballad continues the tradition. He kimmt nit hoam. No, this song is contrary to the album title, but in a way that is extremely under the skin. Sabine “Sassy” Holzinger sings extremely emotional. It’s a song about that, from the orbit of troubled love, a way to sing the pain of the soul. A song from the real world. Hay. This song is like jumping into the, as it is called.

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