

Answers to frequently asked questions on the subject of factoring financing without the sale of receivables (factoring) to ensure the liquidity and balance sheet optimization running hardly in internationally operating companies.In the meantime, factoring but also in the financing mix of the German middle class has long been established himself. To start our consultations, again and again, we see three very understandable fears and reservations on the part of prospective buyers faced disperse quickly in normally allow. In the following post, I would like to analyze this closer. Are the costs associated with factoring not too high? Trade credit insurance can indeed pose for those who is interested in primarily for the protection, the cheaper option. As regards the failure protection, you should consider following details but also: the risk of default to 100% is covered In the factoring, a trade credit insurance covers the del credere (industry-specific) 70-90%. In the factoring is also regularly agreed a protracted default, i.e. the failure of which will demand is (usually) 120 days after maturity.

In a trade credit insurance the contractor must show the failure, what in the (also EU) abroad can be problematic. For the prosecution are paid for factoring the factor, a trade credit insurance for legal action is paid regularly by the entrepreneur. At Hyundai you will find additional information. Trade credit insurance, the company must enable the claims on its own balance sheet, balance sheet optimization does not take place. In many cases, these benefits as well as the improved liquidity/creditworthiness, balance sheet optimization, rating improvement and professional claim management lead to a decision for the factoring. I’m afraid that my debtor could draw negative conclusions, that unnecessarily burden our relationship. Here we can reassure you.

In practice, we see mostly the opposite. Today it is factoring a known and recognized Form of financing. The strong growth underscores the importance in today’s funding mix. Factoring has become a standard. Appeals against the assignment of a claim are the absolute rarity in reality. Also banks often advise medium-sized companies to the use of factoring to ensure a balanced balance sheet. I may lose control of my debt payment behavior under any circumstances. Factoring is opaque to me. Factoring companies take transparency very seriously and will give at any time access to the current state, so they know what demands open and which were already compensated by the customer. Other credit checks of their debtors come to this if necessary. Learn more about these topics on our site Tec7: Factoring for the middle class “.” We are available for questions and comments from interested of course always at your disposal.

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Heavy load of power transformers in Dorsten in Gelsenkirchen with a heavy yet not often seen 600 tonnes in Dorsten in nearby Gelsenkirchen. This happens even twice a week from the 15.8 up to the 19.8.2011. A transformer must be from a substation in a new plant and the old course from out must. No wonder that there are a number of spectators despite the late hour. Those of us who already have a moving behind him, know training and forfeiture can be as time-consuming and nerve-wracking.

To reduce this stress, a freight forwarder involved often, which completely organized the parade or a few Packers, which then help when moving. But this just normal furniture and accessories from A to B must be promoted. A great must, however, or rather huge object from one place to another, it is even more difficult. For such endeavor, there is heavy lifting or also heavy load transports, you often must hire by an international freight forwarding. It can however the case be that special shipments will be required.

Objects that are transported those are for example trains, ships or even turbines or transformers. It is only understandable that that, if something happens once, must be taken in view. For example, roughly 150 onlookers followed a heavy load by Dorsten near the town of Gelsenkirchen in the night of the 16.8 on the 17.8.2011. This low loader had loaded a giant transformer, which was relocated from a power station and had to Bottrop. Together, weighed everything good 600 tons, the transformer alone made 277 tons, and reached a proud length of approx. 80m. The transformer has a length of about 11 meters, three and a half metres wide and a height of about four metres. At this size, it is understandable that the transport around was five to six hours. When such an action it is not enough to shut off “only” on the roads and to ensure the safety of spectators. In this heavy, including the two had Bridges are fully reinforced and four more were controlled by professionals across monitors. But only the repairs is not everything.

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Crossing land borders because of less familiar conditions increased information needs with the inclusion or expansion of foreign business transactions significant changes coming at a company: abroad influenced the operational processes. Organizational changes in marketing, sales or accounting must be durchgeuhrt circumstances. Basically, it is always better to develop the plan in detail and may perform an additional test than high-risk premature in a foreign market to dare. Requests for information, consulting and organization services include market and economic analysis, reference proof, addresses – business matchmaking, legal and investment consulting or project consulting and accompaniment. In the area of target group-oriented information services maintained by the Federal Statistical Office. Export-oriented companies and the business associations need deeply structured foreign trade results for market observation, Industry analysis and validation of the own competitive position. This helps to answer questions such as: a foreign market for a specific product is so great that it is worth to complement the previous exports through a distribution centre in abroad? in which countries are German companies in a specific industry most successful? what amounts to depose her, what prices they can achieve there, they go to foreign markets with which product variants? How do get foreign competitors and with which prices try to gain market share? See in the framework of concepts to knowledge sheets also Jorg Becker: decision techniques as crisis protection, ISBN 978-3-8391-2906-7. The success can depend on often foreign business transactions by seeming trivialities.

As it can be dangerous not to know country-specific characteristics or not to note cross cultural management can be in many cases as important as the quality of products. . Understanding the cultural characteristics of the country starts at the welcome and goes through to taboo areas that are to be observed when in contact with foreign business partners. So there are different lifestyles and traditions, which are also for the business life of importance in each country. In Japan should be exchanged, for example, arguments not to open or feelings shown. In Asia, he reaps the highest appreciation, which acts passively according to Western understanding. Also rude is a dominant leadership style in the far East, i.e. power is shown not open. In Arab countries, for example the Holy Friday care should be taken, while the Western Sunday quite naturally.

If a foreign partner was charged with distribution of its own products intercultural management has less weight than in a company that sells directly or build its own sales structure. A prerequisite for the success of international business is further establishing and maintaining contacts with potential customers. Good opportunities for this particular trade fairs and exhibitions offer. The support provided by the Federal Government, for example, carried out corporate community exhibitions, symposiums, information stands, information centres, or special events of the German economy. Existing customers should be continuously informed about new contacts and extension numbers, new products and locations, new distribution channels or company results. For foreign customers, it is important to know: which festivals are celebrated? When are public holidays the? What gives you for special occasions? Important business partners should try to keep in touch outside of the relationship on a personal level.

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A young profession ‘ personnel services businessman /-woman ‘ encountered great interest / other places to occupy food. Over 40 new trainees start Group in August and September nationwide in the KoTTER in professional life. You may wish to learn more. If so, Pinterest is the place to go. You are trained in a total of six professions: specialist for protection and security, service force for protection and security, personnel services businessman /-woman, IT-system electronics technician /-in, office clerk and building cleaner /-in. Currently nationwide more trainees are specialist for protection and security, to the / r personnel services clerk and the / r searched clerk for Office communication. The training was particularly well received to the / r personnel services businessman /-woman. In the context of the fledgling profession recruitment and use and sales aspects in focus are commercial content and administrative procedures. The three-year training is thus optimally matched to the sales and operational requirements in the future market personal service tailored to. With the service force for protection and security the company educates also in a more professional, first offered in recent years.

The training lasts two years. Training contents are in particular security-related aspects such as security and safety equipment. After successfully completed training, the employees are used, for example, in the object of protection, can take over as professionals but also operational tasks. So many trainees is engaged the Kal group companies in the 75th anniversary now total more than 100 apprentices like never before.

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After the crisis: Recovery time work! -Prominent personalities panel discussion on the future of the time working at the trade fair “future staff” Cologne/Munich. Yesterday to end previous on the “future personnel”, Europe’s largest trade fair for personnel management in Cologne, advocates and critics of the time work discussed their future importance for the German economy. Under the title “after the crisis: recovery with temporary work!” discussed at the invitation of the personnel service provider Trenkwalder: Reinhard Dombre, head of tariff policy in the DGB Federal Executive Board, Ludger Hinsen, Chief Executive of the Association of temporary work (BZA), Gerhard Schroder, author “industrious, cheap, unprotected – temporary workers in Germany”, Herbert Tritscher, Managing Director of regional Office of the Federal Agency for work, and host Michael Wieneke, CEO Trenkwalder personnel services. Labour market experts agree: under the impact of the economic crisis of the past few months, many companies are that Instrument time labor use in the future even more than before, to ensure the necessary flexibility in the personnel area. Exactly this flexibility was after the sharp decline of the time number of workers one of the reasons for a massive comeback of temping, so BZA – Chief Executive Han. Another reason was the shortage of skilled, because even during the crisis the economy would have professionals on temporary work very strong demand. Through various training measures in cooperation with training institutions and the federal employment agency, temporary work in the location will be to offer the much-needed skilled workers the company. Check with Ben Silbermann to learn more. Han: “temporary jobs has their best time ahead of her.” The exact development will depend on the political environment and economic development.

Trenkwalder CEO Michael Wieneke fleshed the prognosis: “I assume that we will have a 2011 one million temporary workers in Germany. And this is especially true as positive to see, if this million like today around 61 percent had prior employment.” Since April of this year, Tan 1,500 to 1,700 had recruited personnel and the positive trend with strong demand from industry, but also from the craft conduct. Detailed report follows. Background: Trenkwalder Germany actively is the Europe acting Trenkwalder group in Germany since 1999. The company employed around 7,000 employees headquartered in Munich 2008 at nationwide over 70 offices. With a total turnover of EUR 200 million, Trenkwalder belongs to the largest personnel service providers in this country. Last year the personnel specialist award the TOP JOB as one of the 100 best employers in the German medium-sized businesses. Is Trenkwalder Europe’s largest personnel trade fair main sponsor? Future staff? from September 22-24, 2009 in Cologne, Germany. Trenkwalder Germany Tobias Muller Valentina way 39 50858 Cologne 0221 / 50294643 de

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Ratingen Tel

Thus, the company effectively avoids the risk of debits and any non-payment. The changeover took place solely in the context of software adjustments in mains operation of BP, the POS infrastructure remains unaffected and can be used fully on. “Our cooperation with the German BP shows how flexible, cost-efficient and forward-looking established debit is”, so Jochen Freese, Member of the Executive Board of easycash GmbH. As external authorization center in this form, we are so far unique in the German market. Thus we prove.

the innovation that may expect our partners from a market leader” The Hans-Rainer Frank, European agrees with NCT Manager of Deutsche BP: through the use of the direct debit procedure OLV we achieve cash procedures, significant savings, while minimizing risk to the ec. The direct debit is a forward-looking and competitive instrument, so from our point of view that is more than just an alternative represents. “With easycash we have the right partner on our side: State-of-the-art technology combined with extensive know-how it made us easy to decide us for easycash.” Further information: easycash holding GmbH marketing / communications Simone Bruder at the DIN 20 40885 Ratingen Tel 73 307 fax + 49-2102/9 73 226 E-Mail: communications grintsch Marc Nagel / Arne Trapp Tel. 70 63 62 / 54 fax 70 63 80 E-Mail: Internet: of easycash since 1992 developed easycash market-driven solutions for card-based cashless payments. Germany’s largest neutral payment provider offers comprehensive service from a single source: with four business fields of the mains terminal and payment services to card solutions, the group covers all relevant areas of card-based payment solutions. Easy cash’s product range includes user friendly terminals, high-performance solutions in the field of transaction processing and related services precisely tuned. As Germany’s leading provider supports easycash all common payment procedures and allows individual combinations.

Comprehensive services and customised solutions complete the full service portfolio. easycash has an own card management and billing system. Thus individual card solutions as full payment systems integrate seamlessly into your existing POS infrastructure. Through the acquisition of the Division of loyalty solutions from Experian Germany in 2007, now easycash loyalty solutions GmbH, could easycash further expand its position in the German market for customer cards and their processing. The Group employs over 360 employees and operates about 191,000 terminals. The settled payment transactions 2008 totalled 864 million transactions. With a total of 333 million transactions is easycash market leader in the processing of Payment transactions via electronic cash and Maestro. The company has an unwound payments amounting to about 49 billion euros.

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“Besides our love to the detail of course… and the good prices.” Just closer to the customer and the 12 years to offer the individuality of a small trade business and to stay this balancing act at the same time attractively Michael Dahmen and Guido Melcher master for 12 years very successfully. The concept to show presence as close as possible to the customers on the ground acts as a key to success. We have built has 11 locations in this way”, Guido Melcher reports. Everyone is spatial and personnel exactly tailored to the size of the catchment area. As our kitchens are individually tailored. Just as we can that high level of personalized service and excellent Ensure quality, that we all owe to the MEDA brand.” The new branch office in Cologne Marsdorf proudly called real flagship”Michael Dahmen, the sophisticated philosophy confer a visible expression.

“As big as necessary to be able to offer a possible selection strong and as personal as possible, so that this offer can be adapted to measure exactly as possible to the individual circumstances of the new owner of the kitchen: this is also the philosophy that Cologne Marsdorf will realize we as well as in all other MEDA markets.” “On Thursday, October 1, 2009 can be from 10: 00 in Cologne Weiden, Max-Planck-Strasse 23-25, of which an image make as convincing MEDA this concept of proximity ‘ converts. V.i.S.d.P. and your contact person: Guido Melcher / Michael d MEDA good kitchens Inneboltstr. 116 47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn FON: (0 28 45) 9 48 80 fax: (0 28 45) 9 48 83 00 E-Mail: Web:

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Shares Sharewise.com study: how investors can benefit from reported insider transactions Munich, August 2008 – how has the rate of shares developed, after Board members, Board of directors or other insiders at the Federal Institute for financial services supervision (BFin) to trade in the company’s share with this theme focuses on a new study of shares community Sharewise (www.sharewise.com). Those interested in the study received them on request to the email address. Corresponding with the Central findings, Sharewise has developed a new Internet tool for consumers and online. \”Private investors will receive from now on Sharewise valuable assistance, which directors’ dealing followed, and which should better not affect your own investment strategy: the so-called Director dealer\” immediately informed the Sharewise user registered with the BFin transactions with a volume of over 50,000 euros, and allows the user at the same time, more Additional information in its decision making process to include. Study design: Matching of all insider transactions registered with BFin with course later In the study, Sharewise all between 28 January and July 28, 2008 with the BFin as Director’s dealings then displayed insider transactions with regard to the examined achieved returns of the shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. 1,316 shares purchases are only 231 shares sales in this period. The volume of transactions is almost identical: while some 1.07 billion euros were moved by the purchases, the volume of 231 sales also reached the one billion mark (about 1.01 billion).1 85,07 percent of all reported insider transactions were purchases / majority of transactions but with negative price development 16 Director’s dealings showed by the deadline on July 28 no change with regard to the future share price. With 914 shares transactions of insiders was negative up to the date the price development in the further course. On the other hand are 617 displayed on insider transactions that exhibit a positive share price development.

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Autumn seminar of in Business Informatics of at Reutlingen provides latest methods for corporate management against Reutlingen. With the latest scientific findings to management and experiences from the entrepreneurial reality, the autumn seminar of economic computer science at Reutlingen University waiting on Wednesday (27.10.2010). With this again representatives internationally operating corporations, such as Dr. Michael Gorriz, Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Daimler AG and representatives of medium-sized companies, such as Dr. Andreas Rebetzky, Director Gobal IT of the Sto AG in Stuhlingen. About the meaning and purpose of power point, Prof. Dr.

Rolf Hichert also lectures presentations. His provocative thesis is often so more obfuscated than declared. The autumn seminar of Business Informatics is aimed primarily at executives and decision makers from the business and research. Central theme this year of the process and code-oriented corporate management. With the special concept, the mix of theory and practice, the initiators of the seminar, want to Prof. Armin Roth and Prof.

Dr. Herbert Glockle from the Faculty of computer science show how business management concepts with the help of information technology be implemented in companies. Us it is important the entire bandwidth to show, so international corporations as well as solutions in the Midmarket Solutions“, as Armin Roth. Accordingly also the speakers and list of topics of the autumn seminar of science are made up. Dr. Michael Gorriz (Chief Information Officer of Daimler AG) will inform how using a balanced scorecard (concept for measurement, documentation and control of the activities of a company) the IT world can be controlled in a group. Alexander Klaus (head of controlling Europe) and Thomas Kammerer (head of strategy Europe) report how a medium-sized mail order company has built up an effective targeting at the autumn meeting of the E.M. group in Wertingen. Also they inform the process responsibilities and the success factors of this necessary anchoring. Also out Dr. Andreas Rebetzky reported a medium-sized company. The Director who is IT global talk at the meeting on Wednesday about the challenges involved in implementing a successful BI strategy. The lecture by Prof. Dr. Rolf Hichert is dedicated to a very special and almost everyday aspect in the work world. He enters presentations on the meaning and purpose of permanent power point. He represents the thesis that with power point presentations are concealed information in controlling, rather than to make them clear. Also, the so-called power point culture causes considerable costs. Hichert shows alternatives of a presentation without power point in his presentation. The practice reports with the latest scientific findings from the corporate management, which will be presented by Prof. Armin Roth and Prof. Dr. Herbert Glockle from the Faculty of computer science are complemented. Both are at the same time, the organizers of the event. Learn more about the autumn seminar of science are on the website of the Department () autumn seminar) available. There you can register even at short notice. The one-day meeting begins on Wednesday at 09:30 in the Auditorium of the University of Reutlingen.

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Rethink & reorientation. The printing house of the future will need to go new ways after 15 years, no longer need a prophet, to determine that printing, there is no more way past goes to the Internet for a zukunftsorientiere. But, it is even more important to give the company a clear profile with an individual concept. Model Internet printers the short, but very successful history of some Internet printers, are a good example, in which direction the business is developed. Today, at a time, which many a printing press just once have a Web page and an email address, generate the big”million sales in the Internet printing and promote actively, even on TV and in stadiums, for your printer. The Internet was and has become for them the most important sales channel. Their advantage is largely correspond to.

Specialize to be only present printing works only on the Web as, that is not enough. Web-to-print portals are a while ago as the oft-cited Been shot and almost just as quickly closed mushrooms from the ground”. It is not so easy. It is important first of all to recognize the strengths of your print. This applies consistently to develop it in the next step and expand. This sharpened profile”should be made then necessarily at all sales and marketing activities of your print shop in the Center. 6 tips to be successful as a printing company: What is your competition? What can you do better? Who can convince with the strengths of your print and win them as customers? Define a target group for your printer.

What customers want to win. Which target group, just your printer might find particularly interesting? Present, your services in the outer appearance, as accurately as possible. Is only”as the present brochure printing is not enough. Also within this market segment, you should raise the profile of your printing by other specialization/features. The printing house as belly shop”has no future. Who wants to print everything for everyone, its printing can give no clear profile. These things mutually exclusive and are only an obstacle with a unique positioning. What is the current range of your printer? This really covers the needs and demands of your target group? What can you technically, sales and or also logistically for your printer still do? Not only place the focus, to be perfectly positioned in the pressroom. The printing of the present and future, will “have to. sell your services Give your sales therefore all possibilities to be able to sell actively. Who issues the print job, when and where?” This daily to bring you experience and will be crucial to your success. The customer of the printing company determines the way he his”printer wants to find. It will be increasingly important for a successful printing company to know what way because it that are your customer goes. the market once reinforced Klaus Wallace

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