On, omnibus Petersburg engineer Romanov wants to tell apart. Russian inventor acted on the principle: we must ensure that the design was light and compact. To this end, chassis and frame made from a steel pipes. Special material from the fabric, glue on thyrsus ample body. The front wheel – wheel drive, rear acted as guides. The first trial took leave in 1896, when the top of the car.

Machine Romanov raced at speeds of 35 km / h, one battery will last up to 40 kilometers. After that came some more interesting designs, even it was decided to open in St. Petersburg, ten passenger lines. And, like many other good intentions, electric ran into indifference and conservatism. A little more fortunate, "motor racing". By the time we tell about the competition, which took place in July 1894 near Paris. It was spectacular, crowded event.

Attracted the attention brightly painted an unusual shape of the object. They developed a fantastic time to speed – 30 km. per hour. A 1900 car Belgian K. Zhenattsy stokilometrovy moved abroad. It was a record of all records. In Russia, the "motor race" started in 1898. At the station Aleksandrovsk near Petersburg, was delivered a few cars. According to the correspondent of the magazine "Scooter", six motor tricycles, single and one four. It was a bitter cold, gusty wind blew. Defeated in this extraordinary competition Belyaev. Distance over 41 kilometers of it was 1 hour 33 minutes 36 seconds. Well, what about the fate of the authors has developed the first Russian car? Yakovlev was not destined to see their offspring in production. Two years later he died, he gave a hand plant another entrepreneur. Inventor's name disappeared from the newspapers and magazines. About Yakovlev long forgotten. Only in the middle of this century, when the lovers of old machinery began studying and collecting entrained antiques, naval officer, remembered and appreciated by-worthy. Peter Froese later renamed its coach-workshop in the vehicle-factory, which manufactured cars such as John. 1910 Frese sells his company rolling plant in Riga, and it becomes a subsidiary of the company. As you can see, all wheeled vehicles, although the period and inhibited, move forward. Enthusiasts of technological progress oriented social thought no on horse-drawn carriages, and ride-on. Together with the inspired work of inventors and popularizers automotive industry. 1898 in Russia was the first book printed by M. Pesotsky. And four in '28 St. Petersburg went out of print magazine "Motorist", edited by A. Nagel. Next, in 1903, was organized by the Russian Imperial Car Company. Car era has brought a whole galaxy of enthusiastic and popularizers of the new mode of transport, production organizers, tireless promoters of avtodela. Among them are "red director" factory AM ON, over time, the Minister of Road Transport of the USSR Igor Likhachev, founder academic theoretical developments Chudakov, one of the first Soviet car – Professional, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yu Dolmatovsky and many others. Thanks to their efforts in front of us visibly seen the evolution of wheel designs in general, and given an exhaustive answer to undeservedly forgotten once the question "Who invented the first car?"