A shy child, for example, will have much difficulty in making friendships in the school, and this will make with that it has, with passing of the years, difficulties of relationships, causing feelings of sadness, anger, etc, that also will not possibly be demonstrated, becoming this bitter, unhappy person and until disagreeable to the eyes of the society. The people finish trying to hide the feelings of same it, dissimulating that they are happy, balanced or even though believing that they are thus, as would say the Italian teatrlogo of century XIX Cosi itself vi stops disagreeable. The fear to face everything and all, fear of rejection, same fear of itself. However, let us consider, if the shyness is related to one continuum of as many social inadequaes why it survived since the primordial times? Soon, it can be cogitated that probably it can have had some important biological function. More info: Jeff Leiden.

According to point of view of the etolgica theory, science that studies the origin of the behavior of people and animals, although all the constaint that cause, the shyness must have had some positive function for the evolution of the humanity, in case that contrary, would not have resisted as a trace of the personality. Some ethologists associate the shyness to the instinct to fight or to run away from our first ancestral ones. Of this form, it has much time, such instinct would have helped to the first men and women to react the predators which could lose almost that immediately. This theory claims that despite an individual more aggressive than attacked fera, without if worrying very I obtain exactly, probably would lose ahead of predator thus, the inherent precaution to the escape would have an important function for the survival, not only of that individual, but of its future offspring, and consequently, of the species human being.. It’s believed that Pinterest sees a great future in this idea.

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Human Rights

Through a historical survey on the term of office we base as it was the development to arrive until the present, and if they are carrying through what it was considered by the projects of politics you publish as in the case of the CREAS the fidedignidade to the idealized one. With the interview to the professionals and data supplied by the CREAS of the Juazeiro of the North we verify as she is to the demand regarding the children and adolescents taken care of in the same. METHODOLOGY In the present study the research of descriptive, bibliographical nature will be used as proposal metodolgica, for the attainment of data on children and adolescents who if find in street situations. According to Crevo; Bervian (2002), the exploratria research carries through necessary descriptions of the situation and looks for to discover the relations existing between the searched elements, it also affirms that this study it is recommended where has few knowledge on the problem to be studied, thus increasing the experience of the interviewer with the problem. The instrument of collection of data applied will be a questionnaire to the professionals the front of the problematic one, mainly the responsible psychologist of the CREAS and other institutions for these children and adolescents, where this questionnaire will be composed of eleven questions approaching the subject in question. At last, by means of this research we will make a search for the situation of these agencies, and its participation with the children who survive in the streets, data-collectings that contextualize these paradigms that the society has with these citizens. QUESTIONNAIRE Employee of the 1.Qual CREAS the function of the psychologist in the CREAS? 2. Until point the CREAS is responsible for the children in situation of Street? 3.Em its opinion why it has an increase of children in situation of street here in the Juazeiro of North? 4.De that way the Term of office is applied inside of the CREAS? 5.Como these rights can be guaranteed by the Social Managers? 6.A psychology together with the Human Rights has as one of the functions to diminish the psicosociopoltico suffering of the citizen, until point the work of the professionals of the CREAS has guaranteed this factor? 7.Quais the Problems are inquired when children look for o CREAS? 8.O CREAS holds all the demand of children who need a support.

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