UNIVERSITY TIRADENTES CENTER OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND HEALTH BARBOSA. OF. S; RASP, L.B; CROSS, B.S; QUEIROZ. Swarmed by offers, Hyundai is currently assessing future choices. THE F & BRITO, P. The book ' ' Seven palmos of land and one caixo' ' in its first chapter (the Reinvidicao of Deceased) it tells as it was the life of Firmino Joo, who was living of the Galilia Device. It was responsible for the foundation of the first League of the Peasants, that had as objective the respect of the integrity of the deceased, this because it, next to its friends, questioned on the suffered life that they had in the device and that the least in the death the person had the right to have at least seven palmos of land and a coffin, therefore was there that he would go to pass its eternity from there and that they would go for the judgment end, since at that one time the people deceased were placed in embedded holes and. To lead this League they had called you devices, what much time did not last, therefore you of device capsize that it was not convenient to fight for the peasants and to be against the masters, therefore had started to help its employers to order all even so those that participated of these Leagues, leaving them without ceiling and food.

Had this problem, the peasants turn the necessity to look a lawyer, that at the time the law work was only very expensive, but they had discovered Francisco Julio, modest lawyer who started to help them in this mission. With this aid the information of the fights peasants had started if to spread, and had been forming several other nuclei of Leagues of the Peasants, giving each time more force the defended ideas. This ideology was spread by the country and was at this moment that the United States since then redescobriram the Northeast already forgotten, that of this time it was only seen as a revolutionary country, this because of a simple humanitarian fight for a land piece and a coffin.

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With its mritos and demerits, advantages and disadvantages, all this dynamism has to see with the type of thought developed in the Ocidente, that is, with the Philosophy. (…) the Philosophy it is to know of all the things, is to know critical. (…) The Philosophy is, exactly, the science with which is not possible to the world to remain such and qual.' ' (REZENDE, 1997:15 – 16) the image that normally arrives in them, since the remote times of the antiquity, on the physical aspect of the philosopher, is of a mature man, the way of the oldness and a semblante circunspecto, compenetrado, responsible. On the other hand, still today it is verified, in many Portuguese communities, the existence of ' ' advice of ancios' ' , constituted of people of advanced age, immense lived experiences and traditional knowledge, with a philosophical base very accented, called ' ' philosophy popular' ' , the good-sense. These ' ' advice of ancios' ' or of ' ' sbios' ' as in old Greece, they decide many communitarian problems, due to the experiences riqussimas that during its long lives they have interpreted.

By the way, Deleuze, confirms this exactly: ' ' Perhaps only late in the life if it can to put the question: What it is the Philosophy? When it arrives the oldness and the hour of speaking concretely. (…) It has cases where the oldness of, not a perpetual youth, but, for the opposite, a sovereign freedom, a pure necessity where if it enjoys a moment of favour between the life and the death and where all the parts of the machine if combines to launch in direco to the future a trace that crosses idades.' ' (DELEUZE & GUATTARI, 1992:9). Contemporarily, in the perspective of some authors, concretely Deleuze, that a time more convokes for a quarrel, is verified that it has one to recoup of vocbulo ' ' amigo' ' it stops from it if arriving at the philosopher concept, as what, classically, already it was come close defending: Friend of the Wisdom, evolving itself, then, for other terms such as loving, pretending and rival.

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Who am I? Who am I? Our life, we know that it has a process. We are born, we grow and we die. is dynamic invites in them to make a trip, an adventure inside of us exactly. This adventure in the sample roads, possibilities with which we come across in them with joy feelings, of sadness, distresses, unreliability, enthusiasm, force, courage. Everything makes with that we grow, ripens, creates our personality. In our first years of life we are dependents of our parents, we need them for everything. But we go growing if developing, and this, of the one illusion that we are dependents and self-sufficient who we do not need our parents more than, but know that when the things press we feel, how much we are dependents, we search the port safe, somebody that in the ones of security.

Soon, everything in us starts if to transform: our voice, our body, our thought. Ours! The spines start to sprout in our face, that torment. Our energies are the flower of the skin, as a volcano in eruption process. We start to be disjointed with this we are without skill. If we are different or abnormal they exclude in them or they call in them you annoyed.

Eih! If they touch! We are growing! We are ripening! Ours if we get passionate! It seems that we find a great love. With this we are in the world of the moon alone we think about the great love. There we know if that is love or passion! We know that it leaves us confused. Eita! we start to think about our dreams, our ideals, our future. We start to construct our identity, we start to assume our responsibilities. We cannot forget us them our friendships, which are important for the growth, thus person as in the social relations. I circulate in it of friends we partilhamos our life, our secrets, cry, we laugh, we are non-separable, we are you fulfilled. Opa now we are young, moment of I decided in them, to choose, firm our identity and personality. To search ways to carry through our dreams, ideals. More still passing for all this process for this trip inside of we ourselves, having the experiences of our feelings, but still we ask in them. Who am I? Only I know that still we are in this trip in our interior to each day we go discovering who we are. Each person, each attitude that we have, or the ones that, have with us, despertam in us, new revelations of our person.

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