"In the real process there? Not as a doctrine sector partner organizations existence, believing that is an artificial creation whose concept leads to the possibility that people with interests related to some of the acting parties and are entitled in respect of the legal relationship discussed are involved in the process to defend their own right. Our procedural system has not expressly covered this mode, but is an affinity to this is contained in art.98 of the current CPC on the so called litisconsorcial. "Introduction in proceedings pending between two or more parties, one who claims an inherent right in the process discussed and defended and in some places "43 The difference lies in that the Attorney General need that is not imposed by law, and those who are in a position of equal quality, not to de-send or be sued jointly by Thus, neither the nature of the legal relationship requires the subject associated with it, either assets or liabilities included in the process. 44 conclusions that the Attorney General that a simplified procedure for the dispute and ensure a uniform resolution. For Generally, most of the doctrine to agree on a single nail in defining, in its way, which is that the Attorney General as the institute proceedings. That same trial or process, the legal term part not only be structured by one subject, but by two or more people, pursuing a similar fate, why call it a community of interests helped by interest or convenience or the same purpose.
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