The economy is a science that, basically, deals with the production of goods and services, and its appropriation. The size of the economy, simplified form, numbers is it of bags of rice and automobiles produced of generated kilowatts, minutes of telephonic conversion carried through and the too much goods and services. Therefore it deals with physical largenesses. To each one of these economic largenesses if she attributes one definitive amount of currency. This corresponding value in money if became necessary so that the people could effect exchanges of its time of work with a infinity of goods and services, what it would be impossible without this common denominator. (Source: Bill Phelan). The ambient management needs an ambient economy, whose main largeness is the natural resources. The elements of the nature are changedded into natural resources, depending on the form with that the man if relates economically with the environment. The existing substance and the energy in the environment start to be resource when it has utility for the men.

The natural resources are classified in you renewed and you did not renew. You renewed them if they reproduce in the time, either for the nature either for the human work. For you did not renew, a time consumed, will be impossible, economically, to come back to the previous situation. Amongst fuels, the alcohol is renewable and the oil is non-renewable. To attribute to values the natural good has been a challenge for the economists. Some principles and models had been developed and are being tested. Between them we have: ) The polluting agent-payer is a principle that taxes the polluting agents, proportionally to the pollution that to generate, to stimulate to me reduced them it there. b) The model disposal to pay and disposal to receive. The first one if bases fixes on it of how many it has been made use to pay not to lose a natural resources and as which the indemnity that if wants to receive for the loss of the resource.

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However, in this plan, little was modified referring to the adopted segregacional structure for the old Polidrelli plan. Developed with the intention to solve some points deficient of the structure of the city, amongst the points of change considered by this plan the denomination of ambient areas can be cited, however it did not have delimitations in topographical terms. According to Duarte (2006), one of the main boarded points for the document argued the question of the macrozoning of the city. It was institutionalized there from three great zones for the city: of basic adensamento, the adensvel and of ambient protection. In this plan also the city did not exist the maximum answer sheet for all. Except for in case of special zones, as of tourist, historical, social or ambient interest. After some quarrels, initiated some years before, are in 2007, that Native it receives the new revision from the managing plan.

Valley to point out that this is after instituted the publication of the institute of the city. In accordance with SEMURB this law materialize and generates instruments so that the municipal governing and managers can intervine of fact in the handling processes, occupation and use of the ground municipal. Through this, the Managing Plan is reaffirmed as main half to manage the growth and physical order of the cities. Agrarian regularization enters the main definitions of the new plan is distinguished it and the ambient question. The relative questions to the macrozoning, control of answer sheet and ambient protection had been also redefined. 3. Native CONCLUSION, in its more than 400 years of existence comes passing for an intense process of urban modification, mainly and with more vigor since the beginning of the passed century, for intense desires of magnifying and embelezamento of the city. However, with its magnifying, the city is seen needed plans that really aim at its estruturao and organization of efficient form, for a community that starts to present social differentiations and of urban estruturamento, on to the sectors tourist and economic.

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