It would be half the most efficient one of seexplorar poor, without it was necessary to participate of the dirty work. the execution of the system plantation, by the way, if perfazia with ' ' good jeitinho' ' of our people. svezes is of if questioning as a country so developed as the States Unidosda America, the great world-wide power, are felt threatened by a criseeconmica of some banks and investors. A country with sufficient ways of controls its economy, due to the great purchasing power of its population, has recursossuficientes to inject currency in the market, stabilizing the prices of imveise renegotiating the real estate debts. If it cannot understand ' ' porqu' ' detanta delay in controlling its economy. Agrande power, is presumed, would have money enough to cover supostascrises of the banks and international investors, with sufficient previsibility, without it had necessity to ask for helps to France or England.

Front the estaspercepes, reveals that the great white elephant is sufficiently weak they esem control of its movements. Asguerras of the Afeganisto and Iraq had sunk the American State, however, the great warlike entrepreneurs had enriched. Coming back the question of Iraq, estefoi invaded with the intention of that its reserves of oil became dosEstados Joined one of the biggest contoladores of the mineral in the world, not having assimque if to worry about the expenses of the wars. Return question, as a powerful country so great does not have control of its acts, desua economy, of its expenses, its politics and its security (aoatentado comment of 11 of September of 2000)? It is arrived hour of ' ' pax romana' ' , they momentoem that it does not have more control of its action, and the only exit is to say to the world quese lives in a peace For everything this, questions-semuito the poderil American north, until where it is really? It is arrived, even though, to acolocar itself in ' ' Xeque' ' the great doubt that if hangs in air: It will be that the north really americanospisaram in the moon? It will be that a preventive national defense exists? Serque the economy of this country is so solid thus? They are questionings as essesque rightens the world-wide investors, and, indirectly, they weaken aseconomias of the third world.

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But to leave GM to go the puncture, and to save banks and financiers, who had profited horrors and now they would have to assume appositive made a mistake that had made, it has cabimento? An enormous ostentation is being made with the crisis of some few bilionrios millionaire and trilionrias companies United States, and world-wide. So efficient ostentation that the entire world agreed to saving them. With money of the people it is clearly. As if the crisis was a problem of all, and therefore all must be pledged to decide it. Trillions are being given for the banks and financiers. To decide the crisis of the rich ones certainly goes to decide the problem of the rich ones.

Without guaranteeing, that for excessively the things they do not go to get worse the same of skill. Nobody guarantees that this does not go to happen. By the way, giving money for the rich ones, it is certain that the things will be worse for excessively. They will be with less, evidently. when everything to blow up goes to have that I lock to support it. The rich ones will not be affected, will continue being rich, had been safe for them. The threat, the specter that haunts the planet currently, is that the things go to get worse very and, if the world not to help the rich ones.

goes exactly, to get worse sufficiently, with or without this aid. They tremble the ones that still have values and properties. But for who already it is the zero, in the deep one of the well, this does not make much difference. The well is gigantic. It always fits plus one. 2.2. Beginning of World-wide the Economic Crisis the American real estate market passed for a phase of expansion sped up soon after the crisis of the companies ' ' pontocom' ' , in 2001.

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According to it, the laws that conducted the distribution were the main problem to be explained by the Economy Politics. The parcel of the social product attributed to the wages represented a remuneration to the workers for its man power; the attributed parcel the agrarian income remunerates the land used during the productive process; finally, the parcel of the social product that is attributed to the profits remunerates the capital invested in production process. This age the natural ordinance of the distribution of the wealth in the capitalist society for David Ricardo and according to it is that the productive process in a capitalist economy was regulated all. The author published a workmanship that dealt with this distribution in 1817, intitled ' ' Principles of Economy Poltica and Tributao' '. As it is possible to perceive the distribution of the wealth between the social classrooms if constituted in one of the subjects most boarded of the fisiocratas, Smith and Ricardo. Bill Phelan has much to offer in this field. The theory was being improved with passing of the times and in accordance with reached in David Ricardo its bigger degree of explanation the capitalist society of the time.

6. Theory of the Profit For Smith the profit consisted of the remuneration of the capital used in the production of merchandises, being thus was total justified. It would be a compensation I donate to it of the capital for the risks that it assumes when applying its money. As the Smiths the profits were floating and she was not possible to determine them with precision. The form most easy of to determine them was through the interests. Already for Ricardo the evolution of the profit tax if finds the determination of the agrarian income on. It considers that the general tax of profit that prevails in the economy depends directly on the profit taxes of agriculture, and this in turn, depends on the agrarian income.

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In terms of politics of short term does not have alternative investment in conditions to concur with an adversary of the transport of the government, affirms Marcelo Rabbat, of the Risk Office, classificadora agency of risk. It believes that the foundations must be intent in this type of applications until having a change of route of the monetary politics. This does not want to say, however, that if it does not have to be intent to the sprouting of chances of profit with investments of medium or long stated period unleashed by the Selic. Inside of this profile, a modality that has obtained to earn space in the market is the Investment funds in Credit Rights (FIDCs), deep of recebveis, composites for originated articles of the securitizao of a credit wallet. For being an option of capitalizaton of the companies of lesser cost and the emission of debentures,> Clearly that she is necessary to consider the degree of credit risk, among others, but the yield is very attractive. It is difficult to foresee as the politics of interests for the next periods will behave, but consensus exists of that the taxes need to fall.

If this to occur, the deep ones of recebveis certainly must have a bigger search. Marcelo Rabbat, for its side, detaches that the profile of the recebveis sufficiently changed of one year and way for here, with ingression of varied segments of the economy in this alternative of financial, commercial, industrial, real estate, mortgage loan, such as, leasing, rendering of services and education. They enter in this profile since rent of shoppings, sales of ingressions, agronegcios and others. . Business of futuroOs Deep of Recebveis had gained impulse in January of the year passed with the beginning of the negotiations of quotas of the So Paulo Stock Exchange, that allowed the development of a secondary market, essential factor of generation of liquidity for the investments.

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