The previous sentence, I really hope that people take it in mind to ask for the intercession of the Virgin of Juquila at all times in which feel they need help. Thereafter be submitted a bit of information about the Virgin of Juquila. HISTORY brief history of Santa Catarina Juquila community, was founded in the year 1272. more.

According to ancient texts, the first inhabitants came from the region of the mixteca, who settled on the banks of a river which gave them appropriate conditions for a good development beginning to populate what today is Juquila. In 1725 by your tourist religious importance was given the category of municipality and political district. According to anecdotes of grandparents and several histories Juquila was a jurisdiction of vassalage of Tututepec, in 1526. With the arrival of Fray Jordan de Santa Catalina, even village name Amialtepec, who occupied the services of a humble peasant, whom he educated religiously during your stay. When it was time for that Fray Jordan return to their place of origin and had to pay him gifted to the humble peasant in reward an image of the Immaculate Conception (which was carved in Spain), warning him that I had to venerate it as he had been taught, the image was placed in the hut of the humble peasant, they say that one day the hut caught fire and reduced to ashespresenting the image only slight Burns subsequently happened various miracles of whom learned the surrounding peoples and it was as inhabitants of Juquila were organized to transfer the image to your community.

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Very interesting the data that to us the indicated source of intelligence, when provides it indicates, that In the area of the great economic beneficiaries of the multimillionaire dance of the World-wide one, the companies are written down sponsoring, transnational companies like Adidas, Nike and Puma, that use to the event like display cabinet and tool of invoicing and positioning in the market. Adidas ” auspicia” to 12 selections, mainly European. Equipment like Spain, Germany, France, Denmark is part of the supported selections. Between the Latin American supported ones they stand out Argentina, Paraguay and Mexico. To sponsor the Argentineans has for the transnational company a value approximated of 4,3 million Euros to the year, whereas the Mexican Federation of Soccer signed a contract from 2007 to 2014 for 51 million Euros. Nike, the historical rival of Adidas, supports to Brazil, one of the favorites to raise itself with the world-wide trophy. Also the sponsorship to Portugal and Holland stands out, whose contracts oscillate between the 50 and 80 million Euros.

Puma, German transnational company that it sponsored to Italy in the world-wide past, operates in the African continent where it sponsors to Ghana, the Ivory Coast and Cameroun. The contracts of Puma do not surpass the 2 million Euros but their mark this in frank ascent of face to the dispute of the World-wide one of South Africa. According to the American consultant Grant Thornton, one of most prestigious in South Africa, the 480,000 tourists, about 100,000 will disembark in the country without entrances. This alert data on always active black market: reventa of tickets. The considered hearing of Mundial de Ftbol will be of 30 billion of people distributed in the average news like television, newspapers and Internet, of which the 70 percent will consume something during the games, according to the organizers. Companies of services as the one of television by DirecTv subscription it offers a promotional package to subscribe before the World-wide one of Soccer, del that will transmit the 64 live parties and in high resolution. And it gives three months of programming free. And the travel agencies do not remain back.

Some offer the South Africa destiny with route by Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Sun City, the Cataracts Victory, among others cities, from US$2.344. The company/signature Belgian Hoists Watch elaborated the collection Hoists World Team, a line of clocks of design with the colors of the flags of the 32 participant countries. ” The Colombians we are privileged because since we did not go to the World-wide one, we are going to have a collection designed exclusively for Colombia” , according to John Gaviria, distributor of the mark. This is the reality of a round business based on a sport that lasts as soon as a month and a half in action but whatever generates. That is our world, where everything is possible.