A funny jump into a pile of hay. The song – a summer title. Straightforward and easy. Leave the worries behind you, just jump, nix it can happen to you. The Hay, it catches you, it tickles you to the soles of the feet and summer fragrance spreads in your nose.
Break. This is the song on the album, which best describes the urgent desire for well-being. The song speaks, no sings us from the soul. May the world turn but finally slow down. Slow down! Now! Right away! Z “back in the 80’s year. Yes, there were for the upper SEER Fred Jaklitsch a life before the SEERn.
The 80s years and his Band of Joy. Dance-pop, and hits. Both brought an exciting time the man around the world and him. How long has it been? 20, 25, or soon 28 years? Children, as time passes. And who listen closely: …das song is from all of us. It is as a glance in the rearview mirror. We were young, naive and courageous. Now we’re older, experienced and sometimes we make the eyes and believe everything happened just yesterday. The 1980s was the old Millennium years, and today they are a treasure chest with memories. Rock the chamois. What a title. The SEER first instrumentally and with Jurgen on the harmonica, as you never heard it on a CD. This song makes you want more and it is that no text here for the first time (you have dared not to write it). It is a break from the, as you previously knew the SEER and there is a trend towards new shores. Maybe it’s Yes the primer and eventually created an entire album? Voices, songs without text in vibrant harmony with the instruments. At the end of the day and so far so good so glad. The penultimate and the last song on the CD.?At the end of the day”feels already like a closing song.