In the GSM-phone difference between the initial and maximum power level of about a hundred times. CDMA-phones emit less, but regulate the output power the same way. Remember the simple rules when call in areas with poor coverage:-Do not cover the antenna arm. Unplug the unit-cell wherever connection is lost: the subway, bus, train, shopping malls. Call-standing at the window. 2.Do not hold the handset to your ear until you start conversation. At the time of connection emits more than conversation.
Incidentally, this is the reason next to the telephone begin momentarily wheeze headphones and speakers. 3.Derzhite phone away or put on the table in while using the mobile Internet. Phone emits more when using GPRS / EDGE or 3G. 4.Pravilno use accessories. -Do not carry the phone in the pouch on his belt. Some studies have shown that due to worn on phone belt for men is reduced semen quality. -Use the stereo headphones, wired or wireless, and speakerphone. Radiation from Bluetooth should not be afraid, it is a fraction of the radiation device.
-If you are paranoid, you can wear phone pouch on the leg. Appear to be extravagant, but you will be assured of their safety. 5.Ekonomte money and health – send messages (SMS, ICQ, Twitter), but do not call. For these purposes it is better suited phones QWERTY-keyboard. Now many of these models – not only in the segment of hi-end, but the low-end. 6.Kupite phone with low SAR. Some information is on sayteEWG, FCCiFreesheild. Also, the data in terms of SAR can be found on mobile phone manufacturers. For reference. The radiation level Apple iPhone 3G is almost 1.5 higher than that of the first iPhone. The most secure phone in the U.S., according to EWG, Samsung Impression (operator AT & T), and Motorola Moto VU204 (Verizon) and the google phone HTC myTouch3G (T-Mobile) – one of the most dangerous. 7.Pomestite phone in a special case. The fact that the antenna cell phone radiates in all directions. A company has created a Pong Research holster, allegedly outlet radiation antenna away from the user's face. Case, according to the company, reduces SAR by 60%. Interestingly, the FCC approved the invention. This fun for the iPhone 3G/3GS will cost $ 60.