The maken a mistake actions, the increase of the unreliability and violent crime, the high index of police corruption are uncosteded test of that the way that comes being traced to deal with the problematic one of the public unreliability if proves inefficacious. Thus, the inefficacy if of because the actions developed in security are assaz moved away from the concrete, of the complexity of the Real. In this manner, it is not treated to substitute the cartesian knowledge for the knowledge of the complex, but to construct composition to it of this new knowledge with what we saw learning throughout the time in different cultures. In security, especially, as well as in other activities human beings, this description-cultural process of change will have to be produced through our proper actions and responsibility. It is for the knowledge and the use that of it to make that we will decide what reveals insoluble: the public unreliability in its outcome for the barbarity. Word-key: Complexity; public security; disgnostic questions; professional intelligence; ability; integration; institucional evaluation. 1 INTRODUO the public security if presents as a problematic one of characteristic complexity, that according to some authors has caused a movement in the perception of the importance of the corporative culture, moving away the fragmented and simplificadora vision from the police organization, inasmuch as this vision has not reached the objective to coherently explain the reality that demonstrates to complexity and increasing uncertainties. The current police organizations, while agencies of public security feel the necessity of to improve and to perfect the services and the human component, meaning the search for the quality in the relationship with the society..