The ITN GmbH held on June 6th and 21st 2013 seminars on the topic of ‘Public speaking sovereign communication for executives’. The home of IPS GmbH is the first of two events on the topic of public speaking sovereign communication for executives on 06th June 2013″instead. Maximum 15 participants during the four-hour pulse seminar under the guidance of media trainer Matthias Hill learn how you convincingly and clearly depict subjects in public appearances. Public appearances are practiced with examples and the skills of the participants increased through intensive video analysis and trainer feedback. In addition to presentation strategies and methods of visualization, the appropriate use of the media are also discussed and tested tips and tricks in dealing with stage fright. Matthias Hill then during an individual workout the professionalism of your presentations within 7 hours of training more intensively to improve the possibility of offers on June 21.

The number of participants is at This seminar is limited to a maximum of 4 persons. The officer Matthias Hill has politics in Bremen and London and studied economics, Chief of the service, and Editorial Director for RTL and SAT. 1 and speaker audiovisual communication for EADS. Currently advises Hill media companies and organizations in the areas of TV training, audiovisual communication and PR. Interested parties can contact by phone (0421) 5 36 88 23 or via E-mail to: log on. Both seminars is free of charge. The pulse seminar participants receive a discount on the price of individual training. A discounted participation rate will be also posting the second event until 7 June.

Learn more about public speaking sovereign communication for executives”are available at. Information about the speakers are available at. Author Press contact: Berenice Garcia ITN GmbH Otto-Lilienthal-str. 6 28199 Bremen Tel.: 0421-5368838

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