To write artculos and to send them to directories are one tctica tried like one of the strategies that better work to promote themselves and to have visits in your own Web in Internet. Although it does not have to be the unica strategy to promote itself in the businesses online. Nevertheless, it is an excellent step to obtain many visits that become potential clients. Adems exists a good probability that your competition this not using this strategy, for which podras to use it to remove advantage. Writing your own artculos requires of time and effort and is exactly by that raz n that great mayora does not use it, but really you want to remove to benefit from this strategy debers to frequently use it until obtaining posicionarte in first pgina of the finders to obtain ms visits. With the following 6 reasons verclear s by que is very recommendable to use the marketing of artculos: 1. Expert in your field: You do the presale. People enchant to him to buy and mainly to buy to him to the best ones.
The writing and comercializaci effective n of your artculos you ayudarn to posicionarte like the expert in your field. 2. Money does not cost: To publish artculo is free, although it is necessary to spend to time and effort. 3. Trfico of multiples sources: If your artculos are good, immediately, others webmasters querrn to make informaci extensive n that you offer.
Numerous webmaster they look for content good to publish it in its own Webs, being maintain communications of your own artculo. That generates ms visits to your Web. 4. It improves the positioning: The motors of busqueda live on the quality content. For that reason, he is interesting to write new and interesting content. 5. It prevents with informaci n: The user looks for informaci n before making the purchase of any thing. For that reason the artculos with good informaci n can serve like source so that others make decisions to give to a passage towards some acci n. For example, the purchase or contrataci n of algun service or product. 6. Confidence and Credibility: Dndote to know like an expert in your field by means of artculos that reveal your knowledge in the subject you generate vnculo with your readers which positions to you and are taking confidence on your advice. The experts of Marketing use these tecnicas because the marketing of artculos, simply works. Vivimos in a epoca where informaci n is the power. All we know something in which others estaran interested in knowing. It shares your knowledge using the directories of articles and attracts visits your Web. Now touches to you.