It is impossible to determine with what they want from life, attending interviews for which you wish to talk to the employer. The more you will have the interviews, the less you ‘ll understand – And what do you want to receive. The more scattered are your feelings, the worse will be the final decision.

It is important not the number of resumes sent out and passed the interviews. The challenge is to get invitation for the right job, not the maximum possible amount of work. . There is no more pathetic spectacle than the sight of fallen into depression, a person on the grounds that he was denied a job at a company where he did not going to get. No need to sell – buy! You can either buy yourself a job, or find themselves in the role of the purchased goods. If the new work will be for you a pacifier, “divorce” will be held for you much more painful than for the employer.

Therefore, we must approach the choice of “life companion” anxious than it does the employer. No need to sell – buy! Nothing is more impressive person conducting the interview as a candidate who knows exactly what she wants and why. No need to sell – buy! What exactly do you need to know about the work to be exactly sure of his happiness? Do not hesitate to ask questions. To make sure their thoughts, just check it out. No need to sell – buy! You’ll feel much more comfortable if you become respected people with whom to work: bosses, peers, subordinates and clients. You know who it is you love and respect? This is exactly the same people? No need to sell – buy! People do not care about your knowledge, as they do not know the extent of your worries. Enthusiasm and hard work, co sincere concern about his case, mean much more than the additional skills. Do not worry on the topic of whether you can handle their responsibilities: if a job you like, you’ll get along well with her. If zero interest in the work – or not deal with what conditions. No matter what you are strong, much more important – what you like. Do what you do not love – the most painful and senseless occupation. Especially if you have to do it every day for 8 hours. Any choice of work is associated with risk, so try to present their perceptions, if the choice turns out to be wrong. If you can say: “It’s okay in the end, the attempt – not torture,” settle for the job. If anything like that you can not say be able to – do not waste time in vain. Looking for something else. Remember, the main purpose of life – your own personal happiness and the happiness of your loved ones. No career or money will not give you that. All other goals (money, fame, status, achievement, responsibility) – only paths to happiness, and do not in themselves represent any value. Now, I’m sure with the attitude you have no problems. And the job of your dreams is not far off.

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