Common health problems and the structure of morbidity in the country forced the country to focus on spa treatment of cardiovascular diseases in low-mountain climate station Kislovodsk having vysokokonditsionnymi carbonate waters – Narzanov. Soon after the organization of the institute in Kislovodsk spa was opened Heart Hospital of vi Lenin and began planning the study. In Kislovodsk in the years worked well-known balneology ai Nesterov, va Samgonov etc. They helped lay the basis of spa treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. At the V Congress of the health resort in 1925, ia Valedinsky gave a presentation on principles of spa treatment for heart disease and blood vessels and the effects of various baths on the blood circulation.

The following year came the publication of ai Aryev on the effects of carbon dioxide baths on the cardiovascular system and ai Nesterov about the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disorders in the resorts (Kislovodsk, Sochi). In subsequent years, was a systematic research on the impact of the various functions of the cardiovascular system main curative factors of Kislovodsk – carbon dioxide baths (seltzer), climatic and weather conditions and the dose of mountain climbing – terrenkur. Under the leadership of S. Polonsky, who led the cardiology clinic studied in detail variations in arterial and venous pressure, a single and minute blood volume changes in the number of circulating blood and deposited under the influence of carbon dioxide baths of different temperatures and different filling level. Select the most informative indicators, which have been developed methods of functional tests and load, allowing more objectively assess the state of the cardiovascular system.

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