In this direction, Vargas ordered itself to a study to the Getlio Foundation, at the same time where, anticipating it, decided to speed up the works of ' ' Commission Special of the Reformation of the Interno&#039 Regiment; ' , created in 2008 and presided over for the known murista senator Maciel Landmark (it is in all, always to the side of the government, exactly when in a party not lined up). The idea was of that when promoting the alteration of the internal regulation (servant for the Resolution n 93, of 1970) with the pretense objective to discipline, to moralizar and to speed up the legislative process, could be reestablished ' ' credibilidade' ' of the Senate. Now the project of the reform is ready and receives the final flicks for approval and entrance in vigor, still in 2010. Which the objective Reals and the perigos of the alteration of ' ' Internal regulation of the Senado' '? Here it is the pull of the cat. We do not subestimemos the politicians! They can be dishonest and unscrupulous, in its majority, but they are intelligent or, at least, ' ' espertos' '. However, working in surdina, them they modify the internal regulation, without the popular participation, approve the changes that favor to them, and after the approval of the statute and few days before the entrance in vigor, they give the notice of that ' ' they had made the changes necessrias' ' , when already it does not fit and nor has more skillful time for the debate. It is enough a last fast of eyes in the new referring text to the alteration of the Internal regulation of the Senate for 2010 and perceives that the intention is not to become it more rigid, more transparent and less corporativista and yes, to protect still more parliamentarians, creating to them new easinesses for impunity and approval of projects of interest of the dominant groups. .

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