This idea quickly was spread for the four cantos of the world. The idea of each country to identify itself with proper symbols that differentiate them of its neighbors or enemies is something that, currently, seems normal and natural. However, this idea is historically a typical movement of modernity. The work of the modern States throughout century XIX and beginning of century XX was to create, to recriar or to invent traditions and symbols to identify and to mark each country and nationality. As already we said, the proposals conservatives of century XIX had been brought up to date to form the ideological and philosophical base of regimes European fascists. Thus, of century XX, still astonished in face of the horrors of the World War I and the serious economic crisis generated in the period postwar period, detached parcels of the population had at the beginning found in this iderio> conservative the alternative explanations and ways to the serious social crisis and politics. Another factor that placed in alert the forces politics conservatives was the growth of international the communist movement, over all, from the Russian Revolution.
The distrust of a World-wide Revolution was another important factor wide used by the parties of the radical right to angariar support of the religious sectors entrepreneurs and for the cause conservative. The ghosts of 1789 and 1917 if had added to build new representatives of the eminent danger of the proletarian revolution. Another important event that would leave deep marks in the European picture of that moment was the Crisis of 1929. The Great allied Economic Depression to the reaction conservative, the new nationalisms and the anti-communist propaganda propitiated the ideal scene for the sprouting of the known parties as fascists, who had as base a strong contrary feeling to the ideas and Liberal and Communist proposals. In some countries, especially in the Europe, the notion appeared of that only regimes that they privileged a system based on military reinforcement and in the centralization of the State and that they were directed by a charismatic leader they would be capable to solve the problems economic and to bar the ascension of the communist propaganda. The iderio conservative arrived its apogee when countries as Germany, Italy, Portugal, Crocia, Hungria and Spain had finished adhering to these proposals.