
Big Mac

Does not perceive how certain the likely to be affected by the consequences of this type of diets and therefore do not desist from his experiment. There is a low susceptibility and low gravity of contracting any of the diseases mentioned before, the protagonist need a key for the intense action to stop be behaviors. The most important event that may trigger this action is warning doctors about the consequences as well as the perception that, as the days go by, health indices which obtains in the controls are getting worse. This may be done to trigger the process of appropriate health behavior at a given time. On the other hand, in this risky behavior, we can clearly see how the conduct of Morgan is under volitional control (theory of reasoned action, with personal and social factors influence). The protagonist acts on its intention to carry out the experiment and not on the basis of the consequences of their conduct, despite all informational stimuli and warning that receives.

In Morgan the perceptions of the risk of the possible consequences of their conduct, influence, therefore, to the realization of the conduct, willingness to perform this behavior, the expectations of results and the perceived self-efficacy. Another case, similar to the Morgan but that this is not an experiment, but a conduct the case of Don Gorske, which usually eat an average of 2/3 is usual, Big Mac (a type of hamburgers offered by Mc Donald s) a day, which makes 90% of its solid diet is based on this type of food. It is a clear case of conduct of risk to their health. 2. To continue with the experiment despite being sick from day 18 of the experiment, Morgan begins to feel increasingly worse. In control of that week, doctor Dary M. Isaacs makes the usual controls and the results are not good.

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