
The Customer

One of my worst nightmares is the search engine for a site that allows me to enter my request, but then it tells me No results found. Please try again with other terms of Search. How is supposed that makes me feel? What was wrong with my keywords or my parameters if the search page allowed me to select them? Am I silly?, or really won’t ever help me? Your visitors certainly are looking for something and has taken a step forward to connecting with you. Then, what WINS with a results page that tells you that you can not answer your questions immediately, but gives you a link that goes to your contact form so that you can send a question or some tips or suggestions on how to find more information.? The ultimate in service to the customer is the opportunity to interact with a live Assistant. If your site offers this service, the search results page is the perfect place to maximize your visibility.

So what so connected emotionally is your Web site? I hope that you have awakened your curiosity enough so that you give a fresh look to your web site. Think specifically of the reason by which your visitors go to your site, what they may be thinking and review your content and navigation based on that. Think in new and old customers, employees, media, or all those who might have a reason to visit you. Are you doing everything possible to create an experience connected emotionally for all? The right mix will make you earn significantly more time spent on your site, more calls previously qualified prospects, more signed contracts, happier legacy clients, care of new markets, offers of strategic alliances and collaborations, as well as perspectives to create successful new products and services.

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