The Planet Earth day to day suffers of hecatombs that originate their environment against, all this product of the interests of many companies, especially transnational that attempt against their environment to a social cost, often irreparable, more when the waters are contaminated, the atmosphere, is affected the climate, devastates lands, eliminates animal species. In all this there is a determining roll of the green trade or environmental trade, that cannot be neglected by anybody, more by the same governments, who must be the guarantors of the noncontamination of the country that is called on to them to govern. The World-wide Commission on Atmosphere and Viable Development (Brundtland Commission, 1897) has defined the viable consumption like ” the use of goods and services that respond to basic needs of the present and provide one better quality of life, at the same time, diminishes the use of natural resources, material toxics and emissions of wastes and polluting agents throughout the service life, in such a way that they are not put in risk the future needs of generaciones”. Badillo side, on the relevance, importance of this subject contributes to us, that the Green Marketing research is only one of the tools that can contribute to the sustainable development which still we are in time to obtain. It depends on us like consumers, and the companies like producers, to obtain that these initiatives are integrated successful to our daily life. By all means this is possible if we received information that educates to us about the benefits that we will obtain as society when having a sustainable progress and the consequences of not taking brings back to consciousness and to continue ignoring the urgency of solutions before this problem. The fact, that is added the society constantly evolves. The changes must, among others factors, to the fast growth of their population, the inevitable consequences of the globalisation, to the adoption of the technology like part of the daily life and to the appearance of new tendencies.. .

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It always chooses your weights knowing that the repetition number eleven is prohibited and that you are entering the land of the skinny ones. ' If you really wish to gain fast muscle pon your mind to work in way of heavy rise. In each and every one of the series and exercises. Mantn the heavy weights and never you do more than 10 repetitions. It realises each exercise knowing that you you are going to venture in new territory and undertaking a war against your skinny genetics. I recommend to you that you make these training with a companion so that you can eliminate any problem of security, you do not relax the rate and pressures your limits in each centimeter of the way. 2. It reduces Your Time of Training It works more in less time and thus you will increase your ability to work.

The work talks about the serial number, repetitions and weight in your training. Who has better physical training conditions? Somebody that can make 4 series of press of bank with 84 kilos with 30 seconds of rest or somebody that can make 4 series of press of bank with 84 kilos with 90 seconds of rest? The one that can make the same amount of work in less time. Fortune tellers who is most muscular? The one that has one more a greater capacity of work. The next time that you enter the gymnasium, tries to finish your present training in less time. Taking shorter rests. It happens more quickly of exercise to exercise. That it does not surprise to you to feel that you are outside form! This he is one of the easiest advice that you can take to increase your muscular densidad and to take your physical training conditions until a new level. Preprate for humillarte and to leave your zone of comfort.

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From the inspiration was born there to investigate and to write about the sofrito in the Latin American kitchen. We begin to know the meaning the sofrito word. According to the dictionary of the Real Academy, to sofrer is to fry foods and their condiments slightly. We call sofrito to sofremos oil condiments that, accompanied by diverse ingredients. The sofrito forms the fundamental base whereupon the majority of plates of the Spanish kitchen and the Latin American kitchen is elaborated. Each country has its traditional form to prepare its sofrito, better still each has its own secrets and customs in its elaboration.

We know that the basic sofrito is the elaborated one with onion finely cut, tomato concass (cubes), to which green peppers can be added to him or red or its flavor becomes rich adding different condiments, according to the type of preparation. In Latin America we taste a diversity of aromas and as a result of the different cooking traditions. The Dominican ones add to onion, tomato, pimentn, crushed garlic, oregano and pepper to him. They are going if it to use to stew meats, kidney beans, gandules or for the rice Moor add coriander to him. The Cubans liquefy garlic with the onion, green red pepper and the tomato soon to sofreir it in the oil. We Venezuelan them warmed up the oil soon to add garlic, crushed, the onion, the sweet red pepper and pimentn finely cut; if we are going to prepare a stew like the one of the Hallacas, we added tomato to him ground in the processor. The Argentineans add to him to the basic sofrito, red peppers.

laurel and color. The Mexicans gild the onion, soon press garlic, add to tomatos and the infaltable Chile. The Peruvians like the Salvadorans, sofren garlic, the onion, pimentn and the tomatos. As we see almost all the sofritos are elaborated with the same ingredients, but the variety of rich flavors that produce to us is incredible. Then we asked ourselves Where it is the difference. In our opinion, different cut, different flavor. Often we see chefs in its programs of TV, to use the method in the same way to cut vegetables and of the same size. The reason is that, at the time of cooking the sofrito, the ingredients absorb the condiments the same, apart from which they cook uniformly. Definitively it is the method that we recommended, since when we liquefied the ingredients of the sofrito, this it is with less flavor, because instead of sofreir itself, rather it is boiled. Finally we must add that the secret of a good sofrito is to cook it to untimed fire. While slower one cooks the sofrito greater flavor will have our final preparation. The prescription of the week is the Spirals of Grazes Spring of Rena Ware with their aroma and spectacular flavor is a good example than it constitutes a good sofrito. Until the next week. Notary publics to juliopena@dalilasgourmet. com or contctenos in our page Web:. dalilasgourmet. com Licensed in Fiscal Sciences, Professional in Cooking Arts, Professional in Pastry shop Francesa and Chef in Bakery the International, in addition with an ample experience in the Management to Small and Medians Companies, the food sector.

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