Also additional information or company news can be communicated about the colorful wage bill as with a staff newspaper staff. The idea of colorful appearances of wage rises the online community of online service, which allows a fast and cost-efficient processing of pay slips. Under the heading of ideas ( idea) Sage seeks proposals and solutions from the community, which facilitate your daily work. Then you can evaluate the proposal and comment. Matthias Tandler, head of Division einfachLohn of Sage Software GmbH: the colorful time ticket is also a good addition to the ordinary payroll certainly, as he explains the workers in clear and understandable form, about his social security contributions are how high or how is the level of his sickness and holidays. He however isn’t a replacement for the monthly control of the payroll. Download Press release see: press download of images under: image archive visit you our social media newsroom under: socialmedia you are entrepreneurial and have questions about our products.

We will gladly advise you by telephone: Tel.: 069 / 50007 6006. press contact Mr Viktor Deleski Schwartz Public Relations Sendlinger Strasse 42A 80331 Munich / Germany EMail: Web site: phone: 089 211 871 43 fax: 089 211 871 50 the Sage Software GmbH is a company of the British Sage Group. This is the third largest provider of business software and services with approximately 13,400 employees and 6.1 million customers worldwide. The Sage Group revenues of 1,640 billion in the fiscal year 2008/2009. With over 25 years of experience, 250,000 customers, and more than 1,000 dealers is Sage of a market leader for business software and services in the German medium-sized businesses.

In the 2008/2009 financial year, Sage in Germany generated revenues of approximately 89.3 Millions of euro. The company employs in this country about 650 people. Sage solutions are specifically designed for the needs of local markets. They help small business as well as the upscale middle class here, to run their business more successfully. The comprehensive portfolio includes solutions for the areas of inventory management and production, financial accounting, business analysis, human resources and customer relationship management to special and industry solutions. An excellent service completes the offer. More information under: or Tel.: 069 / 50007 6006. Mr press spokesman Jorg Wassink Sage Software GmbH Emil by Behring Strasse 8-14 60439 Frankfurt am Main Germany EMail: Web site: telephone: 069-5 00 07 30 fax: 069-5 00 07-71 30

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With transparency to more liquidity – financing tips for medium-sized businesses such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the crisis can secure their liquidity, the central theme of the annual meeting of the RKW was 2010 in Langen. Openness and realism recommend the speakers as central strategies. Long, June 16, 2010 – Langen Mayor Frieder Gebhardt was delighted to be able to welcome some 200 participants and participants in the rebuilt City Hall. “We are well positioned for the future in long”, he was proud of the excellent infrastructure of the city. “Also the Hessian middle class handled the crisis all in all well”, Thomas Payer, Member of the Board of the RKW Hessen is convinced. “However, it is still liquidity shortages and difficulties in the financing of innovative projects”, says the Managing Director of Wagner & co.

Solartechnik GmbH in Colbe to kick off the meeting. Professor Frank Wallau stressed the causes of this situation from the Institute of Mittelstand research in Bonn. 2009 was shrunk the Hessian economy grew 4.3 percent, a number lie but still below the national average. Of them, especially the SMEs are affected. “You use over 70 per cent of all employees in Germany, but only a share of 47 percent of value added,” said the lecturer at the University of applied sciences of economy in Paderborn. Up to three years it will take probably, according to the expert, these companies again have reached same, at which they were before the crisis. There, you almost inevitably encounter temporary liquidity problems.

In time to counteract that, Martin Detzner recommended to make regular forecasts on the own annual accounts expected by FutureValue Group AG from Leinfelden – Echterdingen. So you get information at an early stage if the company’s credit ranking result was deteriorating. “Who knows these numbers, can act in time and get the necessary capital before its creditworthiness in question”, the forecasting specialist is recommended.

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