The city of Camaguey, founded according to tradition on February 2, 1514, is distinguished by the existence of beautiful colonial-style hotel facilities. In the commercial zone of the Central Republic street number 472 El Colon Hotel, refined newly remodeled installation excels among others. This architectural gem was built in 1926. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Jane Fraser. The interior has works superb in precious woods, especially at the bar. Also highlights its design and meticulous decoration supplemented with the inclusion of natural elements. Camaguey hotel Colon, located in the historic centre of the former village, is between greater preference of foreign tourist accommodations, not only for the site where it was erected but also by the exquisite good taste and its excellent international cuisine.

It has 48 rooms with air conditioning, private bathroom, radio and TV by satellite, restaurant, cafeteria, bar, mail service, store, safe and Tourism Bureau. Chris Rich Burkehill recognizes the significance of this. Very close to installing the visitors can access different tourist sites or historic interest in the well-known city of the Tinajones, among which are recognized Miseria (the closer of Cuba Street), alley cover, General Cemetery of Port au Prince (founded 1814) and several squares and churches. Through the Bureau of tourism of the Colon Hotel visitors can schedule tours by foot or pedicabs by the Camaguey, 550 kilometers east of Havana, because any automotive transport is not necessary to appreciate its charms, its winding streets and its centuries-old buildings. Camaguey was among the most important cities in the colonial period. To walk the streets of the old stately village churches can appreciate true architectural wonders of refined Baroque style, mainly.

Many more beautiful of Cuba, full of architectural treasures qualify it as one of the cities. A stay in the picturesque Plaza San Juan de Dios is comfortable with its cobbled streets surrounded by buildings of a plant painted vivid colors and a church magicos beside also restored building that was the headquarters of a former hospital. Worth a visit to the Museum Casa Natal of the Mayor, the Church of La Merced and its revered objects stored in the crypt, to the Plaza del Carmen, tinajones miniature, emblem of the region, can be purchased at the Ignacio Agramonte Park in various establishments in the city and even in the own Hotel Colon because the former villa was born out of the mudused in the manufacture of bricks that were erected the first homes and molded the tinajones, kind of Arabic jar of great size used to collect rain water, of which came into existence around 16 000 throughout the city in the early 20th century. The province (of greater extension of Cuba), also has its charms in its coasts, where the greater amount of cays and islets that make up the Cuban archipelago and more than 120 miles of beautiful beaches are located. Services and facilities the guest can receive in the Columbus hotel: air acondicionadoAlquiler’s Autosaparcamientobarburo of information Turisticaburo of taxisCalle very monedCocina historical internacionalEdificio restauradoFaxLobby barOficina of Correospeluqueria of Senorasrestaurantesala of Televisionse concurridCambio accept credit cards Visa and Mastercard (which are not issued by us banks) safety box at the medical Securitiesfolder in the hotel. On request 24 horasSeguridad 24 uniformed security staff Horastelefonia national and InternacionalTienda of souvenirs Ud can book at the Hotel Colon in original author and source of the article.

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He clarified that they are numbered only so that they are easily identifiable. It is not a question of hierarchies. 1) Mission impossible movie is great. The one. The two do not and the three nor the vi.2) provided that handle back to the future on TV, is deja.3) film Hulk, which is with Jenniffer Connelly, is boring. For more information see this site: PayNet. Didn’t see the other. Suna Said Maslin contributes greatly to this topic.

Like Jennifer Connelly is genial.4) English humor movies are sometimes very bien.5) Luna de Avellaneda is malisima.6) Gaston Pauls is re boludo.7) Charlize Theron is genial.8) Mark Whalberg is pedorro.9) gangs of New York is malisima.10) Leonardo Di Caprio did many malisimas movies (see point 9).11) never never okay a movie dubbed into the Spanish. Karate Kid and back to the future are the only ones that could break of this regla.12) the Simpsons already ten years than apestan.13) 10 seasons that there were Friends, 5 were a cagada.14) 9 seasons that there was Seinfeld, one was better than the other. The best series of all tiempos.15) Lost is brilliant despite being made a crap (it is complicated).16) Heroes is good, but Lost was mejor.17) Reaper is good. The kid that is gracioso.18) The Office is great. The USA, the original didn’t see it but say that it is mejor.19) married with children is impossible to mirar.20) Osvaldo Laport is very grasa.21) Malcolm in the Middle was genial.22) Family Guy is grosisimo, and does while breaking the Ortho to the Simpsons. Passes there is a nostalgic matter of trasfondo.23 with the Simpsons) Family Guy is better than American Dad.24) Roger from American Dad, is genial..

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I prefer, I wish, pray, hope and try (from my position of granite or droplet in the immensity), able to see it, enlarge it and leave it for the following generations of another totally differently to what we can see today; more affordable, sustainable, balanced and fair for all. Rather, I would like to see a large field of freed at peace and happy, hopeful, solidarizados, United and aware global. Do we really believe we really greener, more liberated and revolutionaries? Will not we be perhaps more denatured?How many men, women, children, villages and entire cultures, more fauna, flora and its corresponding complete ecosystems. How many more must continue paying and suffering a very high price for his boldness of wanting to live in peace and harmony with its people and environment?. Why continue supporting and helping that this despotic and self-destructive current system continue maintaining and expanding, by all corners of the planet, from the nearest city? large and modern to the small and ancient ricon of our world? why are still promoting and pushing this globlal martyrdom? Why many Governments are still erroneously determined that to be more authentic, rich, happy and developed have to continue building more walls and barriers?; whose basic function is to separate the universal links of nature and human solidarity, separating peoples and species, breaking and altering fast and constantly cycles and rhythms of life. We are turning (with the inextimable help of false beliefs and myths, industries and Sciences, institutions and Governments) a planet unique and special (for now) in a gigantic jumble withered and quasi inert, in a giant, sterile and desert wasteland; extinguisher from his species, desforestador, despoblador, deshumanizador and desnaturalizador, selective and progressively.

Do we don’t realize that we devastamos, desolamos, and destroy continuously and at times?. If just for that road, There will be many possibilities to make much of the planet in the great global refugee camp (the great field of human waste, animal, plant, both organic and inorganic); It would be the dream and the ideal of a minority, and misery, perdition and nightmare of the vast majority. Even have already made their calculations; since they estimate by 20 or 30 years more, they need about 500 million refugees on the planet (whether by scarcity, droughts, famines, wars, weather, etc.). You choose, you see it or not, you understand it or not, you want it or not, the final decision is always yours, it is simple, direct and possible, do want to be a slave, or want to be free?. Or is it that we want to continue holding, pushing and perpetuating the highest pace of life, exploitation and waste of a few, at the expense of the efforts and the lives of the rest.

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Jobs at home or House are a form of self-employment. It is a concept that is gaining more and more popularity and acceptance. Jeff Weiser brings even more insight to the discussion. The concept of a student work at home, rather than the University Library or in the supermarket is becoming increasingly popular. This is possible due to the growing development of the Internet. How to choose a job: the student devotes most of his time in his education. But he still has some time, from a few hours a day to a few hours a week during which could earn some money. The following factors should be examined when choosing work. Select a job, learn at least a little.

This will make the job easier. Here, Linkedin expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Select a job that resources available. And in this case, resources means education or skills that may be needed. You must have easy access to these resources. Student should not have to invest much money to gain access to resources. Choose a job that does not require too much of your time. To do this you must have of course, how long can invest. If the part-time work require much of your time, it may be counterproductive.

Search for a job that offers flexibility. Periods of exams and project delivery are for that, and it must not be neglected. Once this period has elapsed, you can return to resume their work. How to you work on the Internet? There are several ways, but I will list the most profitable and the ones that really work:-promoting products from other companies in exchange for a Commission. This is known as Affiliate Marketing. -Placing advertising on a website or blog. -Selling your own product. This type of work for students on the Internet has allowed thousands of students to have a steady source of income and growing using you are technical, and it is not so difficult. If you want to supplement his income while studying, is may be your solution.

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Today all want to know how to make money on the internet. For some this lifestyle is perceived unattainable. Does this describe you? If you’ve been banging your head against the wall trying to find methods and the fastest ways to earn money online, then these five tactics help you understand the ways that exist to make money on the Internet. Tactics #1 to earn money online: affiliate products affiliate products offer the owner of a small home-based business opportunity to make tons of money, while investing a minimum of overhead. Low overheads are the primary advantage of Affiliate Marketing. You don’t need your own merchant account.

You don’t need to pay a page designer or a programmer to create an online store for you. Will not have complaints, refunds or cash back to customers everything you have to do is refer the prospect to the site of the seller, and the seller does the rest. I think that the best affiliate products they are information products. Their commissions in information products tend to be higher simply because the author can boast an information product higher than the average that spends a buyer of a tangible product sold on the internet on a typical day. This is because the value of the information is ambiguous at best cases and subjective to consider the value of the prospectus. People are willing to spend much, to acquire the best solution to their problems.

#2 Tactics to earn money on the Internet: resell rights resale rights are the salvation of the lazy seller. You don’t have to create your own product. You don’t have to write a single word. Does not even have to lift a finger in the creation of one page sales when the resale product includes a copy of the sales page. All you have to do is pay the license fee to acquire the rights to resell the product, make a small correction to change the form of payment to make your own, upload the sales letter and product to your web server.

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A happy man is he who during the day, for his work, and at night, your tiredness, has no time to think in their things. r as a relevant resource throughout. Gary Cooper the reward for work well done is the opportunity to make management more well-done job Jonas Edward Salk General considerations at the present time, it must be more attentive in pro that its human resources duly distributed in all those functions which must play according to their specialties are satisfied in their work. Functions must be backed with a precise description of all what they demand in order to avoid conflicts, and give way to achievements that will ensure a good productivity, provided, you count with proper ergonomics, as well as a participatory management leadership to ensure the possibility of workers bring expertise without restrictions, motivated in such a way that to give passage to its creativity, innovation, potential which allows achievements that benefit all. Should management ensure, that the tasks carried out, reached that they lead to the achievement of the stated objectives, be them of the deserved recognition, taking into account performance, productivity. Realizing promotions based on results, not on the basis of friendship, sympathy.

In a forum on the subject conducted by the graduate program of the speciality of management of the quality and productivity of Faces of the University of Carabobo, participant Arianna Molina says, the job satisfaction can be determined by the type of activities carried out: (i.e., that the work is the opportunity to showcase the skills and to offer a certain degree of challenge for the existence of the interest). That employees are well rewarded through their wages and salaries commensurate with the expectations of each obviously. That the working conditions are suitable, non-hazardous or uncomfortable which makes better their performance. In addition employees seek within the work that his immediate boss is friendly and understandable and to hear them when necessary.

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Holders of labour of Spain and Romania meet to study how to implement the plan. Nor will affect workers on their own or to those who are already in Spain. The work permit requirement to Romanians who want to come to Spain will not affect self-employed workers, or those who are already in the country, nor to those who are unemployed and earn the unemployment subsidy. Leaders from both countries have met on Thursday to study how to implement the Spanish decision to revive the moratorium on Romanian workers that was lifted in January 2009 to allow the free movement of workers. Thus, the Spanish Minister Valeriano Gomez has arisen that the evolution of the Spanish economy and the strong growth of the Romanian community established in Spain – that has happened in five years from 200,000 to 860,000 people–has made it necessary to try to regulate the volume and intensity of the entry of Romanians. 30% Of Romanians in Spain are unemployed According to Gomez, 30 percent of Romanian workers being held in Spain are in a situation of unemployment and the arrival of more people looking for work would only worsen the situation.

Both Gomez and his counterpart Sebastian Lazaroiu have repeatedly stressed the fact that Romanians who currently are paid unemployment in Spain have collaborated for years with his work to Social Security. Even in these times of crisis, there are nearly 300,000 Romanians who traded every month, every day, and we are grateful and we recognize that function, has highlighted the Spanish Minister, who pointed out that the Romanians are the first group of foreigners by number of contributors to Social Security. Gomez has also calculated that the requirement of work permit for Romanian workers self-employed will remain a few years, although it has insured that the decision will be reviewed annually in the light of the evolution of the Spanish labour market and waiting for employment to take new impulse in Spain. In addition, he has stressed that for work permit to a Romanian who has an employment contract in Spain will be granted regardless of the national employment situation.


The 21st

Predominates the friendship, commitment to family and other compromises to ensure that some authorities have followers that keep them in power, no matter the academic consequences, more when appoint people that no proposed transformations, solutions which do not guarantee anything with its academicism. It is unheard of in the 21st century, where the characteristics of the scenarios in terms of academic educational excellence presents new paradigms, which favour the training of professionals, consistent demand for the country’s needs, to which globalization has generated, will still maintain power groups impeding it. Today requires a new leadership that conducive to the basic educational management for the challenges, generating changes that give passage to a new more committed University, that endorsement in the training of professionals required all necessary requiring passage to such education that identifies with the demands that the scenarios, both the national and world to be effective. Is it could not remain anchored in the past and under the control of the power groups, which has given rise to so much damage and still causing him to universities national., fact which gives very significantly at the same University where I work. Required a new style of educational management, authorities, more proactive, visionary, creative, innovative teachers, strategists, capable of bringing about the changes that allow rescue academic excellence, otherwise, Venezuela will remain stagnant and his come will be very questionable as far as education is concerned. You must give more democracy in universities, promote transformations with new characters, professionals more open, able to perform transformations that involve to get out of the shadows to universities where are today and with new leaders turned on the flame that let the light of academic excellence are alum and a reality. Cannot universities remain plots, where power groups they consider to be their property. Opportunities should give those teachers, professionals, which with its academicism, ideas and projects are able to bring about the change that the higher education of Venezuela urgently needs. So why be original author and source of the article.

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With only three years of life, twitter has managed the not inconsiderable figure of 10 million publications. In Spain, the Cool Insights Agency has made the first study of impact of Twitter on innovation to Madrid Network. The objective of this study is to try to explain how and why twitter has become a benchmark for the generation and diffusion of innovation. The conclusions that have been drawn from this study reflect: in terms of the profile of the user: the percentage of males in Twitter users, duplicates to the women’s. However, you are starting to notice a change in trend.

In little more than one year, the average age has increased in 5 years (28 in 2008 vs. 33 in 2009) 42% of users is concentrated in the Strip that goes from 26 to 35 years. Madrid and Catalonia are the autonomous communities with the highest number of Twitter users. The busy represent 73% of users. The proportion of self-employed workers on these (31%) is significantly above that observed in the population General (17% EPA).

The information and communications is, with big difference compared to the rest, the sector that most users of Twitter deals (36%). The vast majority of users is related to new technologies; even those who have adopted the use of twitter in recent months. In terms of the motivations of use: most often is that Twitter is used both by personal interests as professionals. They weigh the uses related to the dissemination, Exchange and communication. Also, is considered a good tool for professional development. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Mark Frissora. Characterization of use: users spend an average of 69 minutes a day using twitter. The average time spent by women is significantly higher than among boys. The intensity of use is less as age increases. Once past the first few months, the majority of user uses twitter from desktop applications. The weight of access from mobile phone is very relevant, especially among more experienced users. The hybrid nature of this social network (personal-profesional) realizes the high incidence of access often from both home and work. Network of contacts each Twitter user follows on average 222 accounts at the time which is followed by 389. Unlike what happens perhaps in other social networks, the profile of contacts on twitter is very heterogeneous. The majority of users uses their contacts network to configure itself. Degree of satisfaction and expectations: the degree of satisfaction of users with twitter is very high. a> for a more varied view. Similarly, virtually all users who use twitter for professional purposes, they say have come to benefit from the high level of satisfaction finds its correlate in the high predisposition to recommend it. Other networks and blogs most users belong to any other social network, which somehow confirms own Twitter space. Nearly three of every four users (74%) have blog.

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I was reading a very good book by Dale Carnegie and I ask why not share some of my learnings with you. These habits are very useful to avoid fatigue and concern when it comes to work. Habit No. 1: Clear your desk of all paper that does not relate to the immediate problem that has in hand the good management of our stuff is the first step towards efficiency. As it says in the library of Congress in Washington, D.C., are five words written by the poet Pope: Order is Heavens first law (the order is the first law of the sky) the order should be the first law of business, but is it? DO NOT. The Executive working table is full of papers that have not thrown from weeks ago. I once looking for an agenda of mine on the desktop of my father, after 10 minutes stirring between her roles found mia a calculator that had been thought lost for months.

The mere spectacle of a crowded table of unanswered correspondence, reports and various writings is enough to provoke tension, confusion and concerns. Not only this, but something much worse may be caused by the constant remembrance of a million things to do and the lack of time to make them, such as high blood pressure, cardiac disorders and ulcers of stomach. Habit No. 2: Get things according to their order of importance is important to know what one is going to do on the day (have a plan) and establish the order of importance to accomplish these tasks. Get a list of the things you have to do for tomorrow and set your priorities. I always do this when I have many things to do, since but I leave it more important then and always is passed me flying time. For example, when I have to go to the Bank to make any type of transaction is that I have to do this first thing in the day because after some time the Bank is full and I can stand to lose all morning.

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