The Government of the Netherlands – Holland offers a number of incentive programs in various sectors to support companies and their activities. Foreign entrepreneurs who create their own companies in Netherlands – Holland and registering them in the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Holland, may also apply to participate in certain promotional programs. The most important body of subsidizing the Netherlands – Holland SenterNovern is housed in The Hague. This organization is responsible for the execution of most of the incentive programs that exist in the Netherlands – Holland. In addition, there are also regional and provincial subsidy schemes, as well as a number of international programs proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands – Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs Netherlands – Holland, Committee on Exporting Netherlands – Holland and Brussels. This chapter outlined a number of programs that are relevant today.

Obviously, this list is not complete, so for more information please refer back to Business Legal Consultancy. Subsidies on Innovation Netherlands – Holland HVAR HVAR – Law on Research and Development Netherlands. Novelties in the field of technology are extremely important. Competitors are not asleep. If you wish to upgrade technology processes or to develop new technologies and software, you can count on HVAR.

HVAR – a tax incentive scheme, which compensates for the costs of salaries of workers in scientific Research and Development. SPA SPA – subsidy scheme for the Prevention of restricted activities. Unfortunately, the "bad" jobs – it is still a reality: the reason can be as unsafe working conditions and labor risks, such as exercise, repetitive motion, contact with harmful substances and noise. SPA provides grants for product development, as well as for projects to use new technology to create working conditions. Subsidized project should lead to greater efficiency and improved working conditions. IP IP – Sponsorship Programme cooperation projects.

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