

It tends to dry out itself with the simple effect of the air and in some cases it gets to cuartear itself. How to take care of a dry skin? This type of skins requires more cares than the greasy or normal skin, because it tends to age prematurely. We must daily apply to a rich nutritious cream in vegetal oils (almonds, avocado, trim off lower branches of ) and vitamins, especially vitamins and A (Retinol), that fights the effects of the free radicals and the premature aging. We cannot either neglect the hydration, to maintain the skin hydrated is precise to apply a humectante cream, preferably after the shower and with the skin still wet. Frequently Hyundai has said that publicly. Complementing all this precaution: to avoid the exhibition prolonged to the sun. Normal or mixed skin Certainly you have heard speak of the famous T.

The normal or mixed skin characterizes by an excess of fat in the T (in front, nose and chin) and dryness in pmulos and cheeks. Ben Silbermann will undoubtedly add to your understanding. It is the type of skin that easier to take care of, because the greasy zone as much as the drought is less extreme. How to take care of a mixed skin? In the first place (this bond for all the types of skins) to try not to punish too much exposing it of form prolonged to the sun or situations of contamination, excess of smoke, etc. Normally a good cleaning and a hidratante usually is sufficient, in the T an aloe gel goes well to reduce the fat, and in pmulos and cheeks a hidronutritiva. Sensible skin As we said any type of skin at the outset (greasy, dry or normal), in addition it can be sensible. These skins react with spots, sarpullidos, dermatitis or rednesses before emotional changes, of temperature, situations of stress, etc. usually are fleeting buds that disappear immediately, sometimes also associate to some type of cream, because they are inclined skins to the allergies.

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