Therefore, of now in ahead, to quandofalarmos of a cultural condition disenchanted 2, we will be speaking of modernity. Modernity is the period where all osprocessos of the world leave on the basis of of being observed a relation significativade causalidade, or on the basis of an ethical relation of causalidade, and passes to aapresentar itself as the result of a natural process that follows of a cause aum and so on effect: the movement of a canoe in a river leaves of serexplicado as the result of a process in which the act to row constitutes umritual through which if it compels (it is convinced, it negotiated) a god to move it, epassa to be explained as a natural process that can be described for the leida action and reaction; the universe, the life, as much how much the destination that is, according to ‘ ‘ felt ocidental’ ‘ , that until then he firmly seemed given erevelador, supplied to the theoretical plan and speculative an empirical element queno could be rejected: the difference of the directions. If each culture correspondiaa a way to interpret the life, the death, the suffering, the time would quepoderia, it to be said History> Universal? It made some direction later that ocontato with the other of diverse cultures showed that these innumerable questions essenciaispermitiram ' ' respostas' ' distinct, what she latently evidenced aimpossibilidade of a reply and one ' ' sentido' ' essential for such questions? Yes, ' ' descoberta' ' modern of the other cultures, felt and meanings for eager, was unfolded in such a way in a precocious conclusion how much terrifying: the life, the universe and also the existence human being are dismissed of direction. Other leaders such as Andi Potamkin offer similar insights. The echoes of ' ' death of Deus' ' if they had made to hear for all the spheres of the culture touched pelamodernidade: the tradition, to the few and each time more, were stained and subtradade its statute of validity, because nothing more death of &#039 could be valid depoisda absolutely; ' great Pan' ' , later that the humanity saw itself same fragmented emhumanidades, by which at least could take conscience and understands them porinteiro.

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These deaths had also happened of porqueexistia massive form a population amount if with Jacques Ruffie in it I break up ‘ ‘ Nessegrupo I only infect, it can become if the concentration human being is sufficiently dense, isto, sufficient so that the probability of ticket of the infectado individual parao virgin and receptive individual is grande’ ‘. 9 Economic Consequence of the Epidemics for the Europeans With the uncontrolled death of the aboriginal peoples in America, becomes if each more difficult time to explore the new territory, therefore as aquantidade of colonists was low and the few that came to venture in the Amricadividiam if in some kingdoms, vice kingdoms, econdados hereditary captainships, then, the objective biggest guided by the mercantilism or qualqueroutra form to enrich bringing the sovereignty for the secomplicadas monarchy became to establish secom aboriginal, however, with low demographic caused for epidemiasdevastadoras in this peoples autctones, are each time more difficult estabeleceruma demand of production satisfactory, because the indians are being scarce eos few that if find die easily, even for simples’ ‘ resfriados’ ‘ that for the Europeans they would be banal. These deaths already can be evidenced in a period of menosde 100 years, in which without a doubt, they clearly bring a consequence for the produoeuropia, as much in the one in the optics to facilitate to the process of domination how much for aquantidade of extracted metals and diverse substances cousins produced as acana – of sugar and the calls drugs of the 10 hinterland. Such idea talks with otrecho: ‘ ‘ it had three million souls more than, that is, adcima part of before conquista.' '. 11 In this we trechopercebemos that since the first contacts with Cristovo Columbus in 1492 at1568 hears an aboriginal demographic reduction of easy perception, that is, em76 years had died an amount of indians for epidemics that had influenced naquantidade of extracted or produced wealth in the new world.

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This idea quickly was spread for the four cantos of the world. The idea of each country to identify itself with proper symbols that differentiate them of its neighbors or enemies is something that, currently, seems normal and natural. However, this idea is historically a typical movement of modernity. The work of the modern States throughout century XIX and beginning of century XX was to create, to recriar or to invent traditions and symbols to identify and to mark each country and nationality. As already we said, the proposals conservatives of century XIX had been brought up to date to form the ideological and philosophical base of regimes European fascists. Thus, of century XX, still astonished in face of the horrors of the World War I and the serious economic crisis generated in the period postwar period, detached parcels of the population had at the beginning found in this iderio> conservative the alternative explanations and ways to the serious social crisis and politics. Another factor that placed in alert the forces politics conservatives was the growth of international the communist movement, over all, from the Russian Revolution.

The distrust of a World-wide Revolution was another important factor wide used by the parties of the radical right to angariar support of the religious sectors entrepreneurs and for the cause conservative. The ghosts of 1789 and 1917 if had added to build new representatives of the eminent danger of the proletarian revolution. Another important event that would leave deep marks in the European picture of that moment was the Crisis of 1929. The Great allied Economic Depression to the reaction conservative, the new nationalisms and the anti-communist propaganda propitiated the ideal scene for the sprouting of the known parties as fascists, who had as base a strong contrary feeling to the ideas and Liberal and Communist proposals. In some countries, especially in the Europe, the notion appeared of that only regimes that they privileged a system based on military reinforcement and in the centralization of the State and that they were directed by a charismatic leader they would be capable to solve the problems economic and to bar the ascension of the communist propaganda. The iderio conservative arrived its apogee when countries as Germany, Italy, Portugal, Crocia, Hungria and Spain had finished adhering to these proposals.

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The collective memory supplies given the constitution of the individual memories. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ben Silbermann. Being thus, the memory would be contained in the society that (reverse speed) constructs. For these memories, facts that of some form if relate with the gift, in the measure are clipped of the past where others as much can literally be forgotten. The existence of diverse collective memories is undeniable, for arguable that it can be, either regarding life ideals, nationalistic or religious values. When pointing the collective memory as next to ' ' soma' ' of the memories individual, it is clearly that Halbwachs does not ignore the existence of a memory that belongs to the individual.

However this memory alone is possible, according to Halbwachs, on account of the integration of this individual in its social group, that by means of its collective memory supplies the data so that this if integrates to the way, can act, and form its individual memory, being that the collective memory would be ' ' fato' ' more influential 3. The collective memory is pautada in the continuity and always must be seen in the plural one (collective memories), exactly because the memory of an individual or a country is in the base of the formularization of an identity, that the continuity is seen as characteristic marcante. The individual memory is not isolated. It associates the perceptions to it produced for the collective memory. The conviviality in some groups during the life is the base of the autobiogrfica, personal memory. Apia it in a lived past that allows to construct a narrative on the past of individual of natural form. Also important in this process they are the perceptions added for the historical memory. The collective aspects of the memory are not summarized in dates, names, formulas, them they represent experience and thought chains that had influenced the past of a general form.

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Rio De Janeiro, September 2010. ' ' V' ' Dinda, You and all mine know that I am not very adept with the words, perhaps therefore I have trod my way in music. However, at this moment, some things need to be said with words or, at least at this moment of pain, writings. Not I know the day nor, the hour, only understand that already he is next its final flight, in which will findar the terreal life and it will see &#039 to you; ' Country Beyond the Rio' ' , that one of the hymn. (Today it arrived.) Today already I touched this music, but as this was not enough to give alento to my heart, decided to write for a very special person. To start for its name, Esmeraldina is not for me an analogous term, means: esverdeada precious rock. At least compatible name with its beautiful eyes. I believe Mrs., I know that she was young the prettiest one of beaches of the Region of the Lakes. The theologians forgive who me, but had not been few the times, in these mine 33 years of life, that I already thought: – the prophet Isaiah wrote this Biblical text thinking about my grandmother: ' ' But the ones that wait in you will renew the forces, will go up with wing as eagles; they will run, and they will not be gotten tired; they will walk, and not if fatigaro.' ' (Isaiah 40:31) As good eagle, amongst its exuberant flights, it constructed its nest in a well high place, had seven children, of these still lost the third baby. She was widower still very young without pension, but God wise person whom of low of its strong wing and in its heart seven children fit, thus delivered plus a boy you to love, taking care of, at last, to create.

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Some times these teachings pass to be written. The proper Bible is an example of this practical. Historians who work with verbal history must a bigger attention to the question of the implicit subjectivity in the speech, that in the case of the orality is very bigger that in the registered sources originally. The data bases also can be a source of registered memory. Literature, even so is not a science and yes one of the artistic categories, also is taken in consideration in the confection of a historical work.

It is important to have in mind that in literature is implicit the aspects of the society of the time where it was conceived or of the time which the author if dedicates to describe. The social advent of half modern of communication and changes including space urban had brought important changes in the society and the perception of the individual and its world. In the transistion of the Medieval Age for the Modern Age, the society that if based on the verbal transmission of its knowledge and to know necessary to its necessities? that generally summarized its local work? it was seen in new occupations, such as the commerce and the life in the cities. This simple fact demanded registers of operations, transistions, etc. that a development of artifices each time elaborated provoked more to keep and to spread the memory in texts and in images. In certain way, the memory of the daily one became a little more concrete and needs. This process culminates, in a relatively recent reality, with the computer, capable to keep ample amounts of information and to enclose all the invented ways previously to register and to store the memory. The development of the memory in century XX, according to Jacques Le Goff, ' ' it constitutes a true revolution of memria' ' 1, being the electronic memory the element most spectacular.

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Showroom in Kuala Lumpur is one of the largest and most prestigious gunmakers congresses organized by the Asian continent and the Pacific Rim. The exhibition under the patronage of the Ministry of Defence of Malaysia held every two years. In April, more than 20 000 square meters of exhibition space have placed their exposure of about 500 companies from 40 countries worldwide. According to Defense Minister Najib Tun Malaysia Mr Razak, opening the DSA, number of participants compared to the previous event has more than 1.5 times. The interest that arms manufacturers to show the Asia Pacific region (APR) is associated primarily with the return of many South-East Asia to implement the major defense programs, paused in the midst of a regional financial and economic crisis in the early 90s. the last century.

In this regard, the main theme was the cabin upgrade (upgrade) existing models of weapons. Russia – a traditional participant of exhibitions in Kuala Lumpur. At DSA demonstrated the possibility of domestic defense industry in the context of military-technical cooperation with countries in Southeast Asia. Under the auspices of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosoboronexport", an organizer of Russian expositions at DSA was attended by 16 leading defense companies Russia. They are presented in the form of natural samples, models, promotional material about 150 types of weapons and military equipment for land forces, air force, air defense and naval forces. Armament and arms showed growth in the market-Pacific, which is associated with a visit to our country, the prime minister and defense minister of Malaysia.

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