
Tiles Laid

Proceed directly to the installation. During installation it is recommended to take the tiles from different boxes especially if you use a series of granite or ceramic tiles with a degree of saturation tones and chromatic color mixing above V2 (see specifications tiles in a directory of collections). Products with veins and natural stone should be laid so that the streaks on the plates created the desired aesthetic and chromatic effect. Please note on the back of each tile should be applied stamp mill or an arrow. It is necessary for the correct determination of positioning the tiles during laying.

For example, if there is an arrow then the tile should be laid, that would have looked arrows in one direction, just need to do if the inside of the stamp mill. In the future this will save you from curvature or slip joints. Selection tile adhesive. Before buying glue should consult with the seller tiles. He tells you what glue is best suited for your selected granite or tile.

Need to know that tile and porcelain are to be placed on special high-performance adhesives. Influence the choice of tile adhesive can be many factors, such as the material itself, the foundation on which to lay the tiles are going to be under the tile warm floor or not, fits the material in a private room or it will be a public or commercial premises, etc. But the abundance of the most significant factors for selection of tile adhesives, are as follows: – Material you'll be laid – The size of this material – a base on which you put a tile or porcelain.

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– At each balance sheet section of the border facing the interests of two sides – the heating system and its users, one of which interested in the implementation of metering and the other, on the contrary, it does not want it. One of them takes what position depends on various local conditions: the state of heating and attached objects, acting regulations and tariffs for thermal energy, etc. The winner of this debate who has more powerful administrative levers. No wonder that in such situations energy conservation concern to the parties the least. " If talk about the industrial sector, used by many domestic energy firms tariff policy encourages users not to save, but rather to an overestimation of consumption. This is explained by the fact that price of fuel (gas), the lower the greater the volume of consumption, and for arrears specified in the contract amount the consumer must pay a fine. And the size of a similar penalty for exceeding the limit is usually much lower. It turns out that commercial companies have no incentive to implement energy-efficient equipment, the more so because its prices are quite high.

In such circumstances, much more profitable to burn cheaper fuel than to invest funds in energy efficient technologies. Even despite the fact that the modernization of industrial enterprises will not only reduce production costs, but in the long run to obtain substantial gains from trade quotas on greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. However, sharply release energy prices are also impossible.

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