The reception of a hotel is very important, therefore it is the center, where if recepciona the guest/customer and of where this will have its first impression of the company. Sector where the guest will have more contact during all its lodging until its check-out. Therefore, it is very important that all the recepcionistas are lined up with the processes, procedures and politics of the company, since is of this attendance that depends the conquest and fidelizao on the guest. So that a hotel is recognized is necessary that it has a good attendance, beyond good installations and services. So that this occurs is necessary that its recepcionistas well are trained and cliente of which processes, politics and procedures they must follow.
This goes to help in the atendimentos and fidelizao of the guests, a time who will have standard and quality in the atendimentos, independent of who is. In the present time the more demanding people are each time making with that the companies have that if to strengthen and to search new alternatives and differentials to please them to search its allegiance. Knowing as the company it takes care of and which are its politics, the guests are more the will and tend to come back, therefore they know that there well they will be taken care of and they will be felt well. The reception transmits, or must transmit, the image of the company, therefore, the recepcionistas must be trained so that they know which procedures and processes must follow and as to make them, beyond being cliente of which the politics that the company follows and demands that they are followed for one better course of all. With this, it is possible to identify to imperfections and errors, as much in the processes saw system, as of position before the customer, thus being able to charge improvements or to present solutions for these problems. The proper recepcionistas can suggest improvements and alterations of processes and standards for one better attendance and development of the work, since they, beyond the guests, will be benefited with these attitudes. Having clear processes, procedure and politics in the reception it is possible to have a bigger control on motivated activities of the sector, recepcionistas more, therefore will know for what they will be being charged and evaluated, will have one better image of the hotel before the market, beyond captivated guests, taken care of well and satisfied with the services.