

Nadine Ressing: ‘I want to develop more!’ Contrary to their initial intention to complete an apprenticeship as the fitness clerk, after graduating, Nadine Ressing decided to study. She was convinced by her later training company, which they called attention to the dual education system of the BSA private vocational Academy, the predecessor of the German University of prevention and health management. in 2002, she began her studies to the fitness of the economics\”, which combines a correspondence course with compact attendance phases and operational training, then hung it nor a second degree to Bachelor’s degree in health management\”. Meanwhile, Nadine Ressing works as Assistant to Managing Director in the fitness Forum Saia\”in Saarwellingen. For their future, she plans to study may also be a third time and to make their master’s degree. As Nadine Ressing would always continue to evolve and are definitely not on the spot. With the help of the conclusion of the master is to promote and work may later as a lecturer.

Study or training? Both the best! Nadine Ressing wanted to begin 2002 actually training fitness clerk after graduating. The operation, in which she wanted to complete their training, drew them on the study on the BSA private vocational Academy, the predecessor of the German University of prevention and health management. Because she had interests has always been for the medical and health field and saw their future in this area, she decided to prefer to start a dual course of study instead of their purely commercial training. One reason for their decision was the fact that this study on the BSA private vocational Academy combines academic curriculum and occupational training. Sport was always a big hobby of mine. Professionally I wanted to get my bearings but rather in the direction of business administration. So I thought about it, first to complete an apprenticeship as the fitness clerk.

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