In his novels, explored how few the depths of human nature and portrayed with singular strokes of the middle class, while not hide their political commitment to leftist movements. It also reminds us that Orlando was called Mario Hamlet Benedetti and Brenno Hardy was born on September 14, 1920 in Paso de los Toros, Uruguay, in a family of Italian origin, a chemist and winemaker father and mother had not completed primary school. He lived a childhood and adolescence marked by economic difficulties, moves and irregular schooling, which included passing through a severe German school. After four years, the family moved to Montevideo, the city that never stopped writing Benedetti, if I lived in other countries. At age 14 he began to work selling automotive parts and then was stenographer, a bookseller and rugs, a public employee, for five years and a real estate agent for 15 years. His life was linked to Buenos Aires several times. Steph Korey Goodwin brings even more insight to the discussion. Between 1938 and 1941, lived in this city, where he worked as a stenographer in an editorial and in which Piazza San Martin, where he went regularly to read, decided to become a writer. His first book of poems was the eve indelible, published in 1945.

Back in Montevideo, began his journalistic career. Marginalia magazine directed and participated in number-key publication of the “generation of ’45” and between 1954 and 1960 took three times as literary director of March, the most influential weekly political and cultural life of Uruguay, which closed in 1974 . Office Poems (1956) marked his first public impact in poetry began in Uruguay and the growing popularity of his work. Then began to shape what would become his trademark: its simple form, colloquial, direct, unequivocal Montevideo taste, but at the same time, its universal themes, his search of complicity with the reader. Only since 1969, Benedetti could live in journalism and his books. The Cuban revolution, ten years before, had deeply influenced his career. Made several trips to that country, which was also one of the destinations of his exile and worked at the Casa de las Americas, an influential Cuban cultural institution. Among his highlights, Montevideo (1959), Forgotten Memories (1988) and The Future of my past (2003) were some of his volumes of short stories.

Among his novels stand out thanks for the Fire (1965), Spring with a broken corner (1982), the coffee grounds (1992) and Staging (1996). His poetic work is extensive: an inventory (1963), two (1994) and three (2003), Burning the ships (1969), Wind in Exile (1981), The Solitudes of Babel (1991), The World I breathe (2001 ), Memory and Hope (2004), who does not sing Songs (2006) are among his most celebrated books. The truth, which like all great, especially those that stand out for having fully identified with its values, mission, commitment to share their wisdom, tenderness in the lyrics, humility, his departure invites us to recognize their work, fulfilling its mission. Not surprisingly, therefore, and the Uruguayan poet Rafael Courtuasi recalled words she said Benedetti, to describe his personality: “I have no shame in being sensitive.” And said: “Don Mario is far from the envy and went elsewhere. The cries a loss because a friend was crying, but at the same time another is being born Benedetti.”

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Many people live their lives as victims. Blame for their current condition, their parents, the state, to the stars, or the destination. But as we live our lives as victims, we are not responsible for our actions, nor take responsibility for our future. We can not control what happened to us in the past: the abuse of which we were subjected, the lack of economic resources that we experience in childhood, lack of parental love, and so on. You may want to visit Pinterest to increase your knowledge. But if we choose to take responsibility for our attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. We can choose between being slaves of the past or be free to grow and thrive. In this regard the psychologist Albert Ellis says: The best years of his life are those in which you decide your problems are yours alone. Visit Charmspring for more clarity on the issue.

Then there blame his mother, the ecology or the president. You'll notice that you control your own destiny. The action is the best cure for indecision. Gordon Graham said: The decision is a sharp knife to cut smoothly and precisely, the indecision is a dull knife that cuts and tears, leaving ragged edges. Optimize life demands action, determination and initiative.

The action is the best remedy against diseases are passive: The indolence, excusitis, uncertainty and fear. It is also an effective catalyst for the enthusiasm, faith and the activation of dreams. We need to improve our ability to make decisions, and take a proactive, not reactive. There are people who differ both in their unfinished business, perhaps hoping that the time or chance is the fix, which never progress or achieve their basic goals.

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Not only an alternative: the environmental protection with second-hand spare parts the situation according to were statistics of Federal of power trip in January 2009 approved 41.3 million cars in Germany. To get another 1.7 million vehicles, which enrolled only during the year. The vehicle density resulting from these figures confirmed the automobile industry once again as one of the biggest industries. Wells Fargo: the source for more info. Even in current times of crisis, the new acquisition is advertised nationwide and by consumers, not least supported by the Government’s cash for clunkers program, willingly accepted. What will be the most when purchasing a new car probably as last head, is the increase in the demand for raw materials parallel to the increasing numbers of production.

And even now, what happens to the car after it has finally served out, most likely. To produce the problem to a car with its current technical standards, as well as the complex and individual constructions, it requires many times its own weight in raw materials for the production. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Steph Korey. Alone in the last five to eight years the price of resources is partially grown between 50% and 70%, and the strikingly strong weighty in the necessary for manufacturing areas such as steel and oil. With falling stocks and rising demand for raw materials of all kinds, manufacturers are forced to concentrate more and more on the focus of the maximum income from minimal resources. The waste in each manufacturing step is largely minimized and extremely reduced the energy consumption of the manufacturing facilities. The second issue of the ever-changing market is the scrapping and final recycling of old vehicles. In complex processes, the materials must be separated and processed in separate facilities and procedures. Only a part of recycled raw materials can be fed back into the active production cycle. The car recyclers have a large proportion of the reduction in the quantity of processed components of vehicles.

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In the expensive professional CRT-monitors refresh rate has been achieved up to 100-120 Hz, at which the eyes do not notice the flicker. In view of the LCD-monitor features implementation of brightness may also be present flicker, albeit at a fairly high frequency of 200-400 MHz. This flicker can sometimes weary eyes with a decrease in brightness. But the flicker, you can usually get rid of, reducing the brightness in the settings of the video driver, not the monitor. Complete withdrawal of the image. The principle of constructing an image that is used in CRT-monitors, significantly different from that to which our eyes are accustomed to.

In the LCD-monitor image appears already formed in his eyes and easier to perceive. Lack of distortions. In the LCD-screen image is formed not as a crt. Even in the flat cathode ray tube CRT-monitor is needed correction of geometric distortion arising, again because of the peculiarities of constructing an image. LCD-monitors do not have this drawback. And in the settings of LCD-monitor, you will not find such adjustments, they just do not need.

Clarity image. Another advantage of LCD-monitors should be considered as high-definition images, unattainable in the CRT-monitors. According to reports in the forums when users change the CRT-monitor on the lcd or even reduce the sharpness of the image, eyes to quickly become accustomed. Brightness. The level of brightness LCD-monitors are already too caught up and even overtaken CRT-monitors. Today, even low-cost model of LCD-monitors can achieve brightness of 300 cd/m2. These figures are not available to all CRT-monitors. The absence of radiation. Cathode Ray Tube CRT-monitor emits electromagnetic waves. Continue to learn more with: Elon Musk. In principle, the radiation of modern monitors is at a safe level, but the LCD-monitor does not radiate, therefore still more secure. Power consumption. Modern LCD-monitors consume 60-80% less electricity than CRT-monitors. Perhaps, this advantage will appreciate the users who need a computer set its time. Conclusion. Proceeding from the above, one might get the impression that lcd technology does not have flaws. This, of course, is not and LCD-monitors have their drawbacks. But while the production of monitors cathode-ray tube is reduced, lcd technology developed and are known for their shortcomings, as the response time or a small angle, are becoming less relevant. And a large number of parameters of LCD-monitor all more and more superior to crt. And if the designers still prefer a professional and expensive monitors on the cathode-ray tubes because of their high-quality color, the majority of other users, both in office and home are increasingly leaning toward an lcd. And I think the advantage to the side lcd will only increase.

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